» Romance » What If You Knew?, Nerdy_ Unicorn [reading eggs books txt] 📗

Book online «What If You Knew?, Nerdy_ Unicorn [reading eggs books txt] 📗». Author Nerdy_ Unicorn

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The Girl on the Bench


She sat on a wooden bench, her guitar in hand and a pencil in her mouth. Tuning the guitar she played a couple of notes and wrote something down in the notebook. She wore a simple white dress that complimented her skin tone very well, almost made it look like she was glowing.

I stood a few feet away from her, I always do. The anger inside me, melted a little as her hair whipped around from the light breeze that was blowing. She was a fantastic woman.

If I was walking down the street, I wouldn't have given her a second glance. But watching her, I noticed the little things that could cause my heart to beat rapidly.

Like the way she crossed her legs and rested her guitar on her lap. How her dress rose a little, showing off some skin that she barly ever shows. Or the way she bites her bottom lip when ever she is trying to think of a new tune to come up with.

All these qualitlies stopped me from what I was actually planning to do with her. I was prepared to kill her.


Today I could see the clouds in the distance, a storm was going to roll in. No one was in the park, but her. She always came at the same time everyday, rain or shine. I always wanted to bring her a jacket or something else to do then play her guitar, but my internal self alway held me back.

But today the bells in my head rung off as I watched her. I could feel the wind on my back, pushing me towards her. Giving in, I took my steps towards her carefully. I need something smart and witty to say to her. So many things that bounced around my head, that it was difficult to make sense of anything.

"Hi," I stood in front of her, my shadow casting down on her. Up close I could see the slight bruising on her cheek. But I also noticed that she was even more beautiful up close No, more like stunning. She had dark brown eyes, like melted chocolate. Her hair was a lighter tone of brown, with slight highlights.

"Hello," she looked up a smile graced her red lips, the color of rose petals.

"Do you usually play the guitar in a storm," I sat down next to her. I could feel the body heat that radiated off of her. I consumed me and caused the butterflies in my stomach to launched off and bounced against the walls. She smelt of the forst and vanilla.

She laughed and looked down at her guitar, "actually yes. You would be surprised, I don't get sick that offen."

"Aren't you afraid?"

A sad look crossed her face and unlike most people, it stayed there. "No, I am not afraid of a little rain." She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "Why are you out here?"

"For you."

She laughed again," No really."

"I like to come out here and people watch. But today there was no one, but you so I decided 'why not'?" I could feel her stare on the side of my head, but it didn't bother me. Instead it intrugied me. Did she like what she saw or was she just being nice to the man who likes to talk? "Can you play a song?"

"No, I am more into my own music. Custom you could say."

"Will you play me a song?" For the rest of the day, I listened to the girl with the magical voice and the fingers like lightning. Her songs were all sad and depressing, but very orginal and good. After talking for a hour, a light sprinkle fell apon us.

"It was nice meeting you."

"You too." I turned around, not really wanting to walk away from her. But grabbed her by the arms and pull her into me. I wanted to feel my fingers through her hair and kiss the lips that looked like petals but, "Do you wnat to meet here again? Tommorrow?"

"I would love too," I turned around and called to her. I walked backwards, and watched her receding back. I could stand seeing her tomorrow also. Facing forward I sighed and stuffed my hands into my pockets.

The girl is the one I was meant to be with. I would be hers and she will be mine, but unforiately I have to make a descion. Do I want to live or sacrfice myself for her? It is hard to know how you will die, when, and where. I will die a firey death, one that I saved a life. If I choose that of course.

Because if I don't die then, I will never die until I am given another chance. Because I am a Savior. I was put on this Earth to sacrfice my life for the life of a mere human. And that human is the girl on the bench. With the sad tunes and the brain that could surprise the normal human.

Given Names


I felt this strange connection to the girl on the bench. I don't know her name, but we talked like we were old friends, we laughed like we never laughed before, and the smiles on our face felt like it would split our skin if they grew any wider.

Maybe it was in my blood, the need to protect her, because that is my job. But I felt the need to talk to her before I knew she was my next assignment. I probably would have talked to her sooner, if the higher up angels didn't tell me why my skin tingled near her. Why I could sense some of her emotions, or why I was pulled towards her. I thought it was love at first sight, at first.

"Your sitting here alone?" The girl from the park stood above me, her brown hair flying behind her. Today she was in dark blue skinny jeans with a red t-shirt and brown boots. A casual look, but it was like it was made for her. You know? Like even if she wore the most expensive clothing in the world, the shinniest diamonds, or the highest heels, it still wouldn't look as great on her as what she wore now.

"I'm a loner," I shrugged.

"Well I am too, we could be loners together."

"Then we wouldn't be loners," I pointed to her, a sly grin crossing my face. She wasn't even that beautiful, why are all these butterfliesbouncing around in my stomach like I am about to puke?

"A little change from time to time is good for your health."

I chuckled and nodded my head, an approval that she could take the seat across from me. The waitress came and looked between me and her before resting her eyes on me. Her eyes lightened up and her unusual colored lips formed a pout. "What would you like?"

Her question was directed at me, but I glanced towards... I really need to figure out her name. "A coffee, black is fine."

"I'll have the same." I turned my head to the bench girl, pressing my lips together. "Not many people take their coffee black."

"Not many people sit in storms either, but hey," she pointed to herself. "I am just that freaking unique."

"Mentioning unique, what is your name?"

"How is my name and unique connected?"

"Because it is unique that I haven't gotten a name from you yet."

"I don't think I should give you my name."

"Why not?"

"I know you can feel this thing between us. It is almost special and wonderful. We shouldn't ruin that."

"And how is knowing eachother's name going to skrew that up?"

"Because the magic could die. Just call me... Ella. And I will call you Jack."

The waitress came back with both of our coffees. This time she didn't try she off her pouty lips, or drawl attention to herself as for she found a new prey and knew their was no chance coming from me.

While Ella was testing her coffee, I studied her. She was definitly unique; I have never heard anything as absurd as giving eachother nicknames to keep the magic. But on the other hand, I understood where she ws coming from. There was spark that only ingnited around her, but if we did know eachother's name, would the spark grow or die?

"So what are you hobbies, Jack?"

"Well, umm. I guess you could say that helping people would be a hobby."

"Like what?" Her lips pushed together, forming a small 'o' with her lips and she blew on the coffee. Small puffs of smoke lifted off the rim of the mug and drifted into the sky. It was one of the most intriging things I have seen, it made me loss all train of thought.

"Well, like... Um."


"Sorry," I looked down and shook my head, reversing my train of thought and getting it back on the better and more appropiate thoughts. "Well if any of my neighbors need help, they come find me, or sometimes I volunteer at a dog shelter," I shrugged. "I like construction alot."

"How so?"

"I have always been able to build things out of wood. It is like breathing for me; it just... comes to me."

"That is excaltly how I feel about music. I have always had this connection with music and when I hear some, I can't help but tap my foot or get up and sing. I would give up anything besides my guitar," she looked at me, a deep blush taking over the tan skin that use to be there, "you must thing I am a pysho."

"Not really, your passionate. It is a good quality to have," I gave her a reasurring smile. Her chocolate colored eyes started to churn and mix with a deep burn that seared me. It felt good, too good. I could feel my block of ice as a heart slowly melt. "I need to get home."

"Oh, yeah. I need to get to work."

We stood from our chairs, neither one of us wanted to take the first step away from eachother. "Can I have your number?"

She held out her hand. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and placed it in her hands. In matter of seconds she typed in her phone number and called it. "There, I even put my name in it for you." She handed me back my phone and started to walk away backwards. "I will be expecting a call from you."

"And you will get it. Another time, Ella."

"Bye Jack." She waved her hand and looked bothways before crossing the busy street. I watched her until she red shirt was to far away to see and started my way to my house.

I can't start having feeling for this girl. I needed to kill her, before I do something stupid like jump in front of a bullet for her. Or push her out of the way from a train and get hit instead. But I knew already that even if she came back  and walked under a falling piano, I would kill myself for her. I would cover my body with hers from flying bullets, an explosion,

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