» Romance » love at first howl, Lillian Richardson [animal farm read TXT] 📗

Book online «love at first howl, Lillian Richardson [animal farm read TXT] 📗». Author Lillian Richardson

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New girl



My name is Rebekah Mikaelson I have icy blonde hair and blue eyes and full lips, also I'm a werewolf a rouge I lost my father my father to a hunter and my mother killed her self 3 months after that . I was adopted by a human family Tammy and Todd. Tammy cant have kids I was 8 when they adopted me. They still dont know I'm a werewolf .


He stood there with his friends the most popular boy in school Logan Mitchell he is so gorgeous jet black hair and leafy green eyes and an 8 pack. And there she goes the school slut also known as Logan's girlfriend Elena Gilbert she has chocolate brown hair and eyes she reallypretty but tries way to hard to be hot.

"Hey Bekah ." Said my best friend Jada Greer.

"Hey Jada what's up?" I asked hugging her "How's things with you and Cameron ."

"Things are perfect ." She saidwith the biggest smile on her face"But Rebekah I think someone is staring at you." 

"Who." I turned to see looking at me with lust in his eyes."Lets get to class we dont want to be late."

I dragged her to class as she continued to laugh about Logan. We walked into class 1 minute before the bell rang. Then Logan walked in a sat right next to me . I turned away pretending not to notice him then he tapped my shoulder.

"Rebekah?" He asked.

"Yes Logan "

"Walk with me."

The kiss



"Logan class is starting ." I said turning to look at him.

"My dad owns this school we can do what ever we want." He said standing up and grabbing my hand. He pulled me up and dragged me out the class.

"Logan we are we going?" I asked trying to keep up.

We finally stop on the roof top garden . He pulled me close to him and his lips crashed onto mine . He tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gave it to him, As he kissed me sparks shot up through my body. And I knew it I've found my mate. His hands slid down my body to my butt he lifted me up and I wrapped my les around him.

"I love you Rebekah ." He whispered against my lip.

"Wait.....wait you have a girlfriend ," I said between breaths.

"Elena isn't my girlfriend ." He says against my neck."Well..not anymore ."

"Wait...wait wait since when."

"Are we really talking about this now."

"Logan.. stop...put me" He put me down with a sigh.

"When...when did you break up with he because I dont want to be a instant rebound."

"Thursday I never reall had feelings for her she was just a power and money hungry thot that will sleep witg anybody with money."


Take her take her now what the hell is wrong with you she's right there the girl you've wanted the girl we've wanted so either you do it or do I have to take control . My wolf growled

Shut the hell up we have to gain her trust first. I replied 

"Rebekah do you love me back?" I asked staring into her icy blue eyes.

"Yes, yes I do." she smiled that 1 word made me so happy.

"Then will you be my girlfriend ?"

"Yes I dont see why not."

I was so happy I picked her up and wirled her around. I put her down and kissed her again.

"Lets head back to class." She said.

"We're already late we might as well stay up here,"

"Good point but I have something to tell you and you have to promise never to tell anyone ."

"I promise love."

"I'm a werewolf ." 

"I know."

"How do you know?"

"Because I would be impossible for my mate to be human."

"How long have you know?"

"Sit and we can finish." I said pointing towards the bench.  She took the seat and i sat down next to her."I've known since the day you came to school but not only am i a werewolf I'm a alpha all my friends are apart of my pack."

"What's it like in a pack i never really had one."

"Its amazing its like you have an extended family that is always there for you. Rebekah since you dont have a pack would you like to join mine and be my Luna?"

"Umm... Sure I would love to."

"So when shall we get your things, so you can move into the pack house."

"Wait Logan I cant move in with you well not untill I'm 18 Tammy and Todd dont know i'm a werewolf. "

"Wait you never told them?"

"No they are human they would freak." She said, then the bell rang." Lets talk about this later." She stood up and headed for the door.

"Hey Rebekah sit with me at lunch." I calle



"Maybe we'll see catch you later."

I met up with my pack by my locker.

"Logan baby." Said Elena latching onto me.

"Get off me Elena we are done het that through your head." Isaid pprying her arms off me.

"We are not over till i say we're over."

"Leave me the hell alone I've found someon else so please leave."

"You jerk." She cried and ran away.

"Logan you've found your mate who is she." Asked my best friend James Cooper.

"The new girl Rebekah Mikaelson, she a rouge that lost both of her parents she bow lives with humans so i invited her to join my pack." I explained

"Wow we finally get a new Luna." Said James twin Jacob.

"Yeah but she will not be staying with us she will live with her adoptive parents until she 18."

We should just kidnap her. My wolf said.

We dont want are mate to hate us. I replied

"Logan let's go I'm hungry." Said my little brother Seth.

"Lets go." I said taking him under my arm.

At lunch Rebekah sat with her friend Jada and Caroline, so me and my pack decided to join her i took the seat tp her left and Seth took the seat on her right.

I heard Caroline's heart speed up this beinf the first time she sat with the popular boys. I took Rebekah's hand and ran my thumb over her knuckles,  she smiled and me and that made my wolf very happy.



Are you f**king kidding me.

"So this is what you left me for a bunch of losers." Yelled Elena.


"So this is what you lefy me for a bunch of losers." Elena yelled behind me.

"Go away Elena , leave Rebekah alone." Said Logan standing in front of Elena who is red with anger.

"Bitch who the fuck is you calling a loser slut." Said Jada standing up.

"Calm down Ja Bae." I said.

"No this is bull shit."

"Sit down little girl." Said Elena rolling her eyes 

"This little girl is a bout to whoop your ass."

"Jada calm down I'll handle this, walk away before you get hurt. "I said

"Bitch please." She said then she grabbed my hair 

"Bitch." I said i stood up and punched her in the face. She fell to the floor her nose bleeding. Then i sat back down.

"Karate? Asked Caroline.

"No i grew up in a pretty bad neighborhood 

"Hood." Said Seth


I got a text from my ex-boyfriend

Michael:Hey Bae

Me:II'm not yo bae

Micheal:Wateva bae

Me:I have a new boyfriend Michael leave me alone.

Alyssa:Hey baby

Me:Hey sistaa.


Me:Haning with the new Bae.

Alyssa:Is he hot


Alyssa:Turn up.

"So Bekah and Logan are you two like dating."

Logan pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it.And i smiled.


I tried to convince Rebekah to stay late till after football practice but her father had a dinner meeting at home so her driver took her.

Back at the pack house things are out of wack.

"Alpha Logan there was a rouge on our territory they are in the basement." Said a guard.

"Thank you Jake." I followed him to tge basement and there was a man with pale skin and purple eyes."What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a girl with icy blonde hair and eyes her name is Rebekah Mikaelson." He explained 

"Why are you looking for her?" I asked

"Because shes my sister. " 


The Brother

"What do you mean she's your sister Rebekah is an only child." I said defensive over my mate.

"How do you know her?" He asked getting anxious 

"She my mate."

"She's here can i see her."

"Wait i dont even know your name."

"Kol. Kol Mikaelson."

"Rebekah is not here but explain to me everything that's the only way you could see Rebekah." I said.

"At birth i was a runt, so my parents believed i would die, so they put me up for adoption because they didnt want to watch me die, when they learned i was still alive Rebekah was 2 and they started telling me about her and they sent me pictures but it all stopped 8 years ago." He said on the verge of crying.

"I'll see what i can do but it's up to Rebekah if she wants to see you." I said standing up,"You are staying down here for the time being."


The dinner meeting was nothing but Todd talking to a man named Jacob Frost, and his son Jack flirting with me, Jack is pretty cute with snow white hair and icy blue eyes. After the dinner i went to my room.

My room was pink, blue, white, and grey, a ceiling high window that takes up 1 wall the other 3 walls are pink, white, and grey, and a 4 poster bed pink, white, and grey duvet, a swing chair with blue, white, and grey pillows, white carpet, a flat screen TV on one wall and a white love seat, and 4 circpe rugs that was pink,white,grey, and blue. 

I laid down across my bed and called Logan,

"Hey baby." Said Logan

"What you doing."

"Thinkin about you. My beautiful girlfriend. "

"That's sweet."

"You miss me?"


"How would you feel about

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