» Romance » Once Upon A Memory, Kateri Ash [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗

Book online «Once Upon A Memory, Kateri Ash [best books to read for knowledge TXT] 📗». Author Kateri Ash

The Song

Wandering aimlessly through the large mansion that was her uncles home, Lulu hummed along to Parachute, considering what to have for dinner. She had been living with her uncle for almost a month now and had created a system. She stayed in the background and was left to do as she pleased, so long as she didn't do anything that would reflect badly on him.
Sighing she ran a hand through her waist length thick black hair, straight and soft. People who saw her for the first time were never very sure what her heritage was, but it was simple. She was half Comanchee and half Pale face, which combined created a distinctly exotic look when you added the irish in her mothers british heritage. Pale violet eyes milky white skin and jet black hair reflected in the hall mirror, her petite size inherited from her mother. Black jeans and sneakers covered long athletic legs and a black tank top and hoodie covered a slim waist and curvy body.
Turning her back on the image in the mirror she glared at the floor as she considered how differently she would be living if her parents were still alive. She would be having dinner with them, listening to her father go on and on about tribal pride and her mother roll her eyes laugh then cut him off with a teasing comment about how three people hardly made a whole tribe. They had told her stories of how they had traveled through time together, how one day they would teach her how to work the time deminsions. They never lived long enough. Killed the day after Lulu's sixteenth birthday, murdered.
Shuddering once as she felt the farmiliar chill that meant her uncle had returned she calmly turned and went to her room, closing and locking the door. She didn't trust him. He'd never loved her mother, his own sister, had hated her. Hated Lulu now with a passion that terrified her. Walking to her bed she picked up her black acoustic guitar and began to play softly, closing her sad eyes and pretending for a moment that her family was whole again.

"Darkness falls as I
close my eyes,
A month ago we
said our goodbyes

So tonight I sing
a lonely lullaby
Without your love
I'm losing my mind

Missing you
walking these halls
Thinking of you
climbing the walls
You laughed with me
Once upon a memory"

When a noise outside caught her ear Lulu sat her guitar aside and looked out the window to see a tall guy around her own age, his white blonde hair gleaming in the night as he jumped the fence that quartered their property, dissapearing into the night in all black.
Moments later se heard a lone howl up at the sky, and her eyes closed as she frowned. She hadn't know The Fergusons, her Uncle's neighbors, had a son. From their attitudes toward her she'd thought they'd already have grand children her age but they had told her that their only daughter had never had children. The curiousity that gripped her began to ease away as her eyelids drooped.
Climbing into bed and closing her eyes after kicking off her shoes and jeans and hoodie she fell into a dead sleep, one thought drifting through her mind.

He looks so farmiliar, but why...?

Midnight Comes

Lulu's pale eyes were trained on the plate of eggs bacon and sausage before her as a maid stood behind her, arms crossed and her warm chocolate brown eyes full of concern as she watched the young teen barely touch her food.
"Lulu, Darlin', you have to eat somthing!" Mattie Jane said in her motherly tone, laying a warm chubby hand on her shoulder. "If you keep starvin' yourself there won't be enough of you left for huggin' on your birthday!"
"My birthday is almost a year away, Mattie J., and I'm just not hungry." Lulu answered, standing and turning, walking toward the back door.
"If the child wishes to starve, so be it." A cold voice said from the door way. A large man stood there, his cold grey eyes watching Lulu's retreating back with a distaste you wouldn't expect form an uncle.
Quintus Mane was a tall wide shouldered man with midnight black hair streaked with grey and eyes the color of an unforgiving stone. His skin was pale and cool to the touch, The man had pure evil in his blood and it chilled Mattie Jane to the bone.
"Mattie Jane, is my breakfast prepared?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow, his look similar to an attorneys with his charcoal grey suit and menacing size. His dirty secret hit Mattie Jane head on in the gut everytime she had to prepare a meal for him,
Turning and heading down to the basement with her meat cleaver in one hand and tears streaming down her face she entered the room and locked the door.

Without bothering to look back Lulu raced through the house and out the back door then up a lander on the houses wall, her body shooting up the ladder and standing on the roof moments later.
The wind that blew in her hair that fell down her back was strong and gentle at the same time, blowing about leaves but not with earnest. This was the weather she enjoyed and would stay in until it was over.
Preparing for a long wait until her Uncle left for the day she layed back and closed her eyes, thinking. The image of the boy from last night flashed through her mind and she wondered what had happened with him. Maybe later she would go for a walk in the woods and figure out where he went. But for now, she would wait for Quintus to leave.


Editing: Fireflies Fireflies, glow with all your might, close my eyes and wait for your night, while crickets sing and the wind has a breeze, I'll pray for this moment, and wish it would freeze.
Publication Date: 07-09-2012

All Rights Reserved

MariaSpears of The Hinges, an amazing band!

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