» Romance » I'm In Love, Deal With It!, Kylie Golden [well read books TXT] 📗

Book online «I'm In Love, Deal With It!, Kylie Golden [well read books TXT] 📗». Author Kylie Golden


i shook his hand, and millions of emotions flashed through me. Pain, love, relief, love. LOVE?! i felt an urge to kiss him and show everyone he was mine. a possesive urge.then i knew. He was my mate.God help us both.

Main Characters (description)

Anna- long legs, long brownish reddish hair,nice curves, hourglass figure. she is loud,crazy and out of this world, but she can also be shy and quiet. she is a werewolf.17 years old.Mr.Wtason is her mate.

Mr.Watson- Pretty tall,black hair, green eyes, handsome, he is 22 years of age. he is divorced, and has no kids. he is usually quiet, but can also be loud and funny,a lot like anna. he is a werewolf.anna is his mate.

Kylie (Anna's bff) - long legs, dark brown hair with red highlights.nice curves,hourglass eyes,tan skin. she is loud all the time. she is in love with Kyle.she is a vamire.

Kyle (Anna's brother)- muscular, black hair. blue eyes. hes loud, and a lot like Anna. Kylie is his mate. he is a werewolf.

Love At First Sight, is Only in the Movies. Or is it?

"Kylie, do you ever shut up?" i asked laughing, grabbing my tray in the cafateria. She pretended to think about it before saying, "Nope", popping the P. "gosh your a pain. I said laughing. I sat down at the table, and Anna sat down beside me. pretty soon, Kyle sat down with us. Kylie quickly looked down at her plate. i knew why. she was in love with Kyle. but she didn't know, she was actually his mate. once they both get over that tiny bit of shyness they both have, i hoped they ended up together. i on the other hand had yet to find my mate.
"So, have either of you met the new English teacher, Mr.Watson?" Kyle's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
" No we have him for next period." I said and Kylie nodded. " Do ya'll have like the same scedule?" i could see Kylie getting over her shyness that she usually has when he first comes around us. "yes!!" she yelled and then reached over to his tray and snatched his cookie. "hey!" he protested snatching it back. I could almost see the wheels turning in Kylie's brain as she put up her acting tricks. she had no idea with how much her little tricks affected Kyle since she was his mate. "Please?" she asked pouting.
He tried to stay firm. "No Kylie i like my cookie." so she started the alligator tears. "please Kyle I'm hungry..not for blood but for a cookie!" she said a tear sliding down her cheek."Fine" he said, meaning for it to be harsh,but coming out sweet. "YAY! thank you Kyle!" she yelled snatching the cookie from him and pecking his cheek. he turned a deep red. she popped the cookie in her mouth and turned around to see everyone staring at her, and me laughing my bootay off. "What are ya'll staring at?!" she demanded through a mouthfull of cookie. I glared at them too for good measure. They quickly looked back down at their plates, not wanting to mess with us. "yes!" we yelled. "The Kyanna team strike again!" thats what we called ourselves. well off to english i thought.


I walked in the classroom, and the new teacher was standing at the front of the class, shaking everyone's hands and getting their names. as my turn came up I said "My name is Anna" and shook his hand.
i shook his hand, and millions of emotions flashed through me. Pain, love, relief, love. LOVE?! i felt an urge to kiss him and show everyone he was mine. a possessive urge. Then I knew. He was my mate. God help us both.
His eyes widened as im sure he felt the same thing as me. oh my god this cannot be happening. He cleared his throat and said "I'm Mr.Watson." His voice was deep and sexy. I nodded and let go of his hand, heading to my seat. I just met my mate. i guess there is love at first sight.


I spent the whole class period just staring at him. His perfectly tanned skin, his rock hard abbs. everytime he spoke in that deep sexy voice i shivered in my skin. class ended, and the bell rang, and i bolted out of my seat, eager to get away from him. "Ms. Young, may i have a word with you?"
I murmured a curse under my breath and yelled to Kylie, who was leaving, to busy to notice me staying,because she was chatting with my brother.ugh. "hey 'Kay' wait for me!" kylie had been telling everyone to call her kay lately,some phase she was going through,but i refused. i only said it to get her attention.
she shot me a look, forcing throughts in my head.
'anna do i have to?'

her whiney voice.
'Yes!' i thought back before turning back to Mr.Watson.
"So, it seems your my mate Anna" he said awkwardly.
"Yes apprently i am" I said evenly. "Oh and by the way, I deny you as my mate"
The moment the words left my mouth, spasms of pain rippled through me, and my inner wolf yelled at me.
'why would you do that?!'

I blocked her out.
"Anna.." He groaned, feeling his own wolf yell.
"I'm sorry Mr.Watson, but your my teacher. its not right."
I started to walk out.
"call me Eric" was the last thing i heard before Kylie started jabbering away, and i wiped at the tears running down my cheeks.


Publication Date: 12-22-2011

All Rights Reserved

dedicated to all the girls who fell for her teacher:)

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