» Romance » Trails of Renesmee, Talullah [best non fiction books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Trails of Renesmee, Talullah [best non fiction books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Talullah

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I woke up and touched his beautiful face. Sometimes I couldn’t believe his beauty, his dark russet skin was flawless, and his shaggy black hair glistened in the morning sun light. As soon as my hand made contact with his warm, soft cheek he smiled and opened his eyes. I picked one of my favourite memories of me and him together. Our wedding day! It was ten years to the day I had said “I do” to Jacob, and I had become Renesmee Black. I could never get used to how good that sounded in my head. The image I was now showing him was me walking down the aisle. I remembered it so clearly, the butterflies as I gripped my father’s arm far too tightly (not that that would have hurt him.) I was never one for being the centre of attention. I guess I got that off my mother, but as soon as I saw him the butterflies flew away. Jacob and I were meant for one another, more than that in fact. We were Imprints of each other. Every part of us just fits together perfectly. He is my ying, I am his yang. We got to the front of the aisle and my father kissed me softly on the cheek.

“I love you Nessie.” He whispered. “You look beautiful.” I didn’t have to reply, he knew
exactly what I was thinking.

‘I should look beautiful with the amount of time Aunty Alice has spent on me.’ I thought. Alice
had insisted on being my wedding planner. My mum had previously warned me it would be
much worse to turn her down and to just go along with it. I didn’t mind, I was marrying Jacob,
what else mattered?

My dad chuckled and muttered something like “Just like your mother.” But I wasn’t listening
anymore. Jacob was within my reach and I needed to be near him, to touch him again. Dad
took his place by Jacob’s side, the best man and the father of the bride. Not that he looked
like my father. My dad was frozen at the lovely age of 17, My mother at the age of 18 and I,
well we aren’t sure, but just so I am closer to the age of Jacob, we say I am 16, although it
is more along the lines of 31. I’m not a vampire like my parents, nor am I human. So we are
unsure whether or not I will ever look older than this. My creation is something that is rarely
heard of, even in the world of vampires and shape shifters. So far I have been frozen to look
like this for the past 21 years.

Jacob took my hands and nothing else mattered anymore, I was now complete. He was
staring deep into my eyes. I loved this stare; it made me feel like he felt just as strongly about me as I did about him, quite impossible to believe however.
“Breath, Jake.” I giggled.

He shook his head, remembering the processes involved in inhaling oxygen. “Wow Ness, you’re so beautiful.” He reached out for my hand which I took without hesitation.

I beamed at him and noticed my mother in the corner of my eye. She truly is beautiful. Her
Long dark hair flowed elegantly down her back that complimented her pale smooth skin
beautifully, she was wearing a silk fitted lilac dress, something I know she would have no
enjoyment of wearing. I looked into her eyes, the same eyes I had inherited off her and smiled, she smiled back and I knew that if it were possible for her to cry she would have been. The priest began to say our vows.

“Happy anniversary Ness!” He smiled and rolled so that he was on top of me. The heat that
emitted from him made my skin tingle instantly. It was like my body yearned and ached for this heat, I would never tire of it.

“Happy anniversary Jakey!” I replied, just in time before his mouth was crushing down on mine. I was gentle at first. My tongue curious to touch his, after a few seconds however, it began to grow impatient. My hands helped me by grabbing his neck and pushing him down,closer to me. It seemed like I couldn’t have him close enough. My hands traced up and down his muscular smooth back. I was burning up, like a fever, a fever that was so delicious, so more-ish, I never wanted to recover. He pulled away, too soon for my liking, and stared at me. I couldn’t help but pull a sulking face, He smiled.

“I got you something.” He beamed.

“I’ve got all I need right here in this bed, thank you very much.” I whispered, slightly out of

“Oh is that so?” I nodded. My back arched up enabling me to kiss him again. This time it was
soft, sweet, but oh so tempting.

I gasped for air, “Yes I think you’ll do just fine actually.” It wasn’t that I had anything against
presents, I loved them in fact, I just loved kissing him more.

“Well I know you’re gonna love this.” He unlocked my arms from around his neck, kissed my
head, and then jumped up out of the bed. “I’ll be back in a second.” He strode across to the
door in just three strides, something that would usually take me about eight.

“Your times up.” I teased; he winked at me and left the room. I looked around our bedroom;
it was our own little paradise. My parents had brought us the house as a wedding present;
one of the advantages of my dad being able to be in our heads was that he knew exactly
what we wanted. The room had dark pine walls and floor, with a gigantic, luxurious cream
rug in the middle. Opposite our bed was a huge fire and mantle place, full of photos of our
family. And next to the bed is a huge bay window that looks out onto a small tranquil lake.
Something that Jake loves when he has changed into his wolf self.

He was back before I knew it, holding one hand behind his back. I sat up and pushed my curly hair out of my eyes. He bent down next to me. “Close your eyes.” He whispered, his
voice tingling straight through my skin, into my bones. I could never resist this voice. I closed
my eyes without hesitation. He picked up one of my ands and dropped something light
into my palm. “Okay, you can open them now.” Once again I did what he had said. I looked down at the gift he had given me; it was an antique looking bronze ring. At first that’s all I noticed about it, but as I glanced closer I noticed an inscription which Jake said aloud as I read it, “My love is forever yours.” I reached out to him and touched his cheek once more. Ihave always found this a much better way to express myself. To be able to touch someoneand show them exactly how I am feeling or what I am thinking at that exact moment.

“It’s beautiful Jake, it’s absolutely perfect.” And it was, I was a complete sucker for
old meaningful antiques, something with character behind it. He knew me so well.

Jake’s eyes lit up. “I knew you would like it.”

“Like it? I love it! Now where were we?” I was hungry again, not for food, for him! “I want
to give you your present.” I moved in to kiss him, he shifted away again. This time I didn’t
understand. “What’s the matter?”

Jacob stared out the window, alert, someone was out there. “I don’t think now is a good idea
Ness, Bell’s and Edward are on their way.” I groaned at my parents “perfect timing” and slid
out of bed.
I had become rather good at controlling my thoughts around my father. The cons of his gift meant that he heard all the things I thought when I looked at Jacob – not good for me, and definitely not good for him. Counting back from a hundred in Spanish usually did the trick, but I think after a while he may of caught on as to why I was doing this ridiculous procedure. But today was going to be harder. My heart was still beating just slightly too fast, my breathing just a bit too raspy and the hairs on my arms were stuck up right like id had an electric shock. I grabbed the first thing I found in the wardrobe and went to the bathroom to wash my face, maybe that would calm me down. I patted my face dry and walked into the living room. Jake had already let Edward and Bella in as I entered.

“Hiya Ness.” Bella beamed.

“Hey Mom, hey dad.” Cien, Noventa y nueve, noventa y ocho...

As I went over my stupid ritual Bella had glided across the room and was holding me in a tight embrace. I’d forgotten just how much I had missed her. It had been a couple of weeks since I’d last been to visit. I placed my hand on her cheek and “showed” her just how much I’d missed her. She hugged me tighter, and I didn’t need to read her thoughts to know she was thinking she would never leave it this long again.

“Happy anniversary.” Edward announced. “Your Mom and I thought we would make you something.” From behind his back he pulled out a little white box.

“CAKE!” Jake shouted instantly. It reminded me of a little kid on Christmas morning. He strode over to Edward removed the box from his grasp and opened it in no more than a second. I couldn’t help but giggle at Edward’s slightly annoyed face, and neither could Bella. “Come look at this Ness its great! Thanks guys.”

I went over to see the object that had made Jake so happy, and I could see why. There in the box sat a rather large circular cake covered in Ivory icing. On top were 10 red roses – one for each year of our marriage – that were also made out of icing. If it hadn’t of been for my supernatural eyesight I would have sworn the flowers were real. And round the sides of the cake were chocolate swirls. The cake was beautiful. “Wow” I gasped “You made this?”Astonished I Went over to Edward – there was no need to touch his face – and hugged him tightly. He softly kissed my hair. “You’re welcome.” He whispered.

“Ness, you really gotta try some of this cake. It’s amazing!” I giggled again at Jacob’s complete desire for food. With how perfect the cake was I couldn’t possibly imagine destroying something so perfect by eating it, I would have mounted it on a display it looked so good. But there he was, box in one hand, huge chunk of cake in the other. One moment I was there innocently thinking about Jake eating the cake, next thing I knew my mind began exploring ways in which the cake could be put to better use . . .

“Damn it” Cien, Noventa y nueve

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I had no intention whatsoever of turning to face my dad.


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