» Romance » The Pain Of Roses, Moonberry Angel [10 best books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «The Pain Of Roses, Moonberry Angel [10 best books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Moonberry Angel

Chapter 1

It was this day that changed my life, forever. It happened like this, I was just getting out of school wondering where I would lay my head at because I had just lost my home. It would've been a little wise to ask one of my friends but then again they all had boyfriends and I didn't want to interfere with that situation. It was starting to get dark and I was on duty to clean the whole school so I decided to handle cleaning the school then figuring out where I would lay my head at. I started my cleaning at 4:00 pm and ended at 9:00 pm. I had no windows open and I didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to get them open so I went to the school roof and got some cool fresh air. After I got cold and chilly and I went back into the school, when I hit the 14th step I bumped into someone somehow. Wait a minute nobody is supposed to still be at this school at this time how could I have bumped into someone! I was sure it was someone because I'm short yes it's true and it sucks to be short........on certain occasions of course. I whimpered little cries of pain while rubbing my head, whoever I bumped into definitely had some guts to make my head hurt or my scull was just extreme soft. I heard someone come up the stairs whoever it was must've been coming back up the stairs so they could see who bumped into them, wait I never said sorry to that person I bumped into just great. "Hey you sitting over in that corner slumped over like a D.U.M.M.Y dummy" I jumped up and whirled around so fast I thought I would tumble over that was a nerve that he ticked and now I was ready to knock his head off. “Excuse me mister you have no right to call me a dummy you don't know me from a can of paint you have a lot to say about me I'm about ready to chop your head off if you dear talk to me like that you will pay a pretty good old price you may not know me but to tell you, you ticked a pretty bad nerve and you don't wanna mess with me when you've ticked my nerves I can tear your head off if you ticked my nerves good enough got it". And just to add I asked after saying all that "what's you name if you don't mind me asking" He flinched was he afraid of me did he now feel like he should back off he smiled "you ca surely talk the hind legs off a donkey or maybe even a horse or elephant and my names S.E.N.S.E.T.O Senseto" "Okay Senseto my name is Senia nice to......" I never finished because he grabbed my arm in a flash. "What" I asked all anger removing itself "don't draw stuff like this on your arm you may accidentally get hurt" he said "excuse me that's a birth mark if you didn't realize" I said while snatching my arm back I was angry once again I never realized how much I was a hot head which means quick to lose one's temper in the dictionary I think. "Mmhmm" he said staring at it his eyes changed to a weird cold breezy attitude "do you like roses"? Whoa he threw completely of track were in the world did he get this question from was he under some spell. "Yes" I said very sternly "have you ever tried to get one but the thorns kept you away, suck beauty hard to get" "well no" I said embarrassedly for what reason I don't know and I mean the being embarrassed part to tell you the truth. And in a flash just like magic he had a bouquet of roses in his hand I flinched looking at this situation that I was possibly messing with a wizard who could possibly kill me if I got on his bad side. He closed his eye's touched the roses carefully and let himself go yay time for escape plan CRUNCH or not. He had let himself go and then slammed the roses on the ground and crunched them to itty bitty pieces with his foot. “Follow me please if you listen I won’t have to be forceful with it" he said "excuse I don't think so Mr." I replied, he grabbed my arm right were my mark was located and touched it carefully. I felt great pain and started to scream screaming was not helping at all it just made it worst "let go, let go of my arm you're hurting me" I said "I know I'm hurting you that’s the whole point" big tear balls that I was trying to hold back behind my eye's just spurted out I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M CRYING IN FRONT OF THIS GUY! I yank my hand away once he has loosened up his grip he looked at the passage way down the steps and out came big fat green thorny vines out of the school walls! They covered the way down the steps and the way to even make it to the steps. I made a run for the school roof door I opened it and ran with my eye's closed imagining I was running extreme fast, B.A.D BAD idea I stopped tripped opened my eyes which was also bad and started falling wasn't that mean boy going to have the heart to at least save me? This building is 12 stories high and I believe this is the end I feel my flesh evaporating tearing to were you could see the blood. I never got to live my life to the fullest I was one who died young and yet tomorrow was my birthday, I was dying before my birthday never getting to be the age of 17 it would have been nice to eat something sweet before my day of death. WAIT! I don't feel anything tearing my skin anymore have I just hit the botttom of the surface I open my eye's whos is this boy with white silver glossy hair he cuaght me and he's floating in thin air what is going on! My heart beats a little slower I feel more safer kind of I ask "what's going on" "he says it will be explained when you are healed go to sleep my dear" he sprinkled dust on my face and my eye's started to droop. I tried to fight back the sleep but in the end I was asleep after theat I have no clue what happened.

Chapter 2

 I woke up in a room with manila colored walls, pink curtains, and grey colored carpet I had no clue where I was at. My head hurted a little but I managed to stand up I looked around where was I someone had just knocked on the door. "Who is it" I asked "you wouldn't know my name if I told you but you may regonize my face if you allow me  to come in". "Okay" I said and guess who the person was that came in the person who had tried to make my arm bleed. "What do you want you cold blooded person" I asked with a cold stern voice I didn't want anything to do with him for sure! Next thing I would knowis that he would have knocked my head of my neck I didn't feel no were near safe around whoever this guy was. "I wanted to apologize for my doings and how I hurt you I was just pretty angry at you I guess from you bumping into me, I'm short tempered so I can get angry at the smallest things" it made perfect sense but still I wanted to stay on my guard just in case this was a trap.


Publication Date: 12-17-2014

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