» Romance » Can I Keep You?, Shelby B. [top 100 books of all time checklist TXT] 📗

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My name is Kristen Jennings I'm sixteen, I live in Colorado, and I go to Belmont High. I dont have many friends because my best friend Stacey Hendricks moved to Florida. I get decent grades A's,B's, and sometimes a C or two. My parents have a plan for me to go to college but who knows? I might have a plan of my own. I have always been a romance freak.I love everything about it I love romance books,movies,and even play's. I have always dreamed that someday my prince charming would ride in on his brilliant white horse to find me, Belmont High loser, Kristen Jennings. People have never thought of me as beautiful, pretty maybe. But I guess I am kinda beautiful in my own way. I have had dreams about some of the boys at Belmont, but they never really took any interest in me, and that didnt realy bother me because I didnt feel like any of them would be the right one for me anyway... that is until I met Ryan.

Chapter 1
Talking With Mom.
It was Monday. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I got some pants,a tanktop,some Nikes, and a jacket on and went downstairs. I heard my mother in the kitchen opening the fridge door then shutting it.
"Oh great, moms up." Im mumbled under my breath.
I walked into the kitchen as she cracked an egg onto the pan.
"Do you want some breakfast honey?",she said smiling.
"Thanks but no thanks mom."
"You need your breakfast to get a good education and with a good education you can get into some of the best college's."
"Mom?",I said with a frown on my face.
"Yes?",She said smiling once again.
"Can you ask me about what I might want for a change instead of what you and dad want?"
"Well, sweetie-"
And with that I grabbed my car keys off of the kitchen counter and walked out the door to our three-car garage. I have a little red cavalier. Nothing to brag about. Sure my parents were wealthy, but they would rather spend money on me to get into a good college instead of a nice car. I got in the car and backed out of the driveway.

Chapter 2
School Just Got Better.
On my way to school I must have got stopped at at least ten red lights! I was in such a bad mood. And to top it off, this jerk cut into my lane then honked at me like it was my fault! Why did my day have to start off so horrible?
When I finally got to school all of the good parking spaces were taken, so I had to take a space in the back.
"That's just great.",I mumbled to myself as I parked in one of the empty spaces.
I turned my key off and started to get out as another car pulled into the space beside mine.
It was the boy that had cut me off.
I was going to tell him off but I decided it would be better if I just kept my mouth shut.
But he could have killed us both and maybe others by making such an obsurd move.
I got out of the car fast and started making my way through the crowd of people. Then I saw him. The boy that had cut me off. He was following me. I was paying so much attention to the boy that I tripped and everything fell out of my bag.
"Great.",I said.
Everyone started laughing and pointing and I tried to pick up my books as fast as I could.
The boy saw what had happened and he hurried over to help me pick up everything that had came out of my bag.
"Thanks but you didn't have to help me."
"Your welcome, I wanted to.",He smiled and I grinned stupidly.
Real nice Kristen.
"I'm Ryan.",He held out his hand.
"Kristen." I said taking his hand, "I haven't seen you around... are you new at Belmont?"
"Yeah I just moved here from Virginia.",He said smiling.
Kristen was dumbfounded by his feature's.
He had Wavy blonde hair with dark brown eyes, he had a full set of lips which of course, Kristen could not keep her eye's off of.
She could not imagine anything more beautiful or unique.
She noticed that he was staring at her too and imediately looked away blushing.
She noticed he was staring at her too.
Ryan was the first to speak.
"Well I better be getting to First period. I'll see you later?",he asked Kristen.
"Sure.",Kristen said with a smile.

Chapter 3
Home Economics.
Home Economics was my first period class and usually my easiest class. I sat down and got out my book. Soon after Ryan walked in.
"Is this Home Ec?",he asked with a smile.
"Well yes it is.",said Mrs.Freeman.
Please, please let him sit next to me,I screamed inside my head.
"We have a seat open for you right here young man.",She said gesturing to the seat next to mine.
"YES!" I practically screamed.
Everyone stared at me for awhile and finally Mrs.Freeman asked me if I was alright.
"Yes ma'am.",I said with a smile.
"Okay then, lets get started."
He sat down next to me and smiled at me.
I smiled back, blushing.
Could he tell?
I tried to focus on Mrs.Freeman, but the chairs were only centimeters apart and I could feel the warmth of his leg touching mine.
I could feel him looking at me and I could feel my face getting hot.
We had to write a journal entry on the steps of sewing a T-shirt.
I had to help Ryan because he was new at this.
He kept giving me compliments like,"You'r very smart.", and,"Your hair is beautiful."
He was very charming and I could hardly think clearly. Finally the bell rang and it was time for second hour. He wasn't in my art class. Thanks good because I was a horrible drawer.

Chapter 4
Mrs. Reynold's was in the process of telling us to paint the apple's in the bowl on the table. I saw these two girl's looking at me and giggling. I wondered what they had found so humorous. I looked at Mrs. Reynold's and continued to hear them laugh.
"What is your problem?"I mumbled under my breath.
Mrs. Reynold's finally told us to start painting. I walked over to my easel, dipped my brush in some blue paint and started stroking the paper. Suddenly one of the girl's started walking towards me. She stoped at my easel.
"So, I saw you talking to the new boy today."
"He was just helping me pick up my thing's."
"That's not what it looked like to me."
"Well, what did it look like to you then?"
"It looked like flirting."
"Well it wasn't."
"It would probably be best if you stayed away from him. I mean, he's not your type at all, and your definatley not his type."She said with an evil laugh.
"I don't think that's any of your business."
"Look, just stay away from him before you get yourself into trouble. Okay?"
"Why are you afraid you might have some challenge?" And with that she picked up a brush, dipped it into some paint, and before I knew it, I was covered in paint. Everyone started laughing and the girl smiled obviously proud of what she had accomplished. Mrs. Reynold's sent m eto the nurse's office and I sweared under my breath.

Chapter 5
Lunch With Him.
As I was coming out of the nurse's office I ran into Mr. Allerton.
"I'm so sorry."
"No need to appologize Kristen. Your just the one I wanted to see."
"Yes, now I have a favor to ask of you Kristen."
"Okay, what is it Mr. Allerton?"
"Well, we have a new boy joining our class today and I need someone to tutor him on what we have learned this year and you have the best grades in the class. Would you be willing to tutor him?"
"Sure." I said enthusiastically and smiling.
"Great! I will let him know as soon as possible. Thank you so much Kristen, you are a life saver!"
"Your welcome." And with that he dissapeered down the hall. Just then the bell rang and I walked to lunch.
I got to lunch and bought a gatorade,turkey sub sandwich, and a bag of chips. I alway sat by myself at a table in the back of the cafeteria. I unscrewed the cap to my gatorade and took a drink. I nearly spit it out when I saw Ryan walking towards my table, smiling. Was he accually coming to my table?
"Hello.",he said,"Can I sit with you?"
"Sure." I said smiling.
"Thanks. How was second hour?" He said smiling.
"Okay.",I lied,"How about you?"
"Good except,"
"Except what?" He smiled at me.
"Except you werent there.." He sat there, motionless waiting for my response. I didn't have a response though. I was expressionless and I couldn't breath. Finally I looked away, embarrased for such a long pause. It wasn't just the embarrasment though, I felt all of the heat in my body go to my face.
"Are you okay?" He said with a really worried look on his face.
"Yes." I said smiling.
"Did I weird you out or something?"
"No,no not at all." I said, still smiling.
"Good." He said returning the smile. The bell rang and we walked, silently, to next hour together.

Chapter 6
Finding Out.
Last hour bell rang and everyone hurried out the double doors at the end of the hallway.

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