» Romance » Girl In A Boy's School, Jade Blue [best summer reads .TXT] 📗

Book online «Girl In A Boy's School, Jade Blue [best summer reads .TXT] 📗». Author Jade Blue

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CHAPTER 1: CeCE Spells Trouble.

I took all the nails and screws off his chairs.

 'Have you done it? The teacher's nearly coming!'

My friends shouted from the door. This will show him if he ever messes with me again. The bell rang and we all ran to our seats while people poured in. I couldn't help but smile.

Yes, this is a big risk but what do you do when Mr Herns tries to touch you. That's right. Teach him a lesson. 'Hello Class.' Mr Herns came in with the pedo smile of his. I couldn't help but smile back.

This was going to be legendary.  He came in and looked at everyone. I was sitting at the back, ready to laugh my head off when he sits on that chair.  

'Celia Celhart, come and sit at the front so I could see you.' He said. Why doesn't anyone understand how disgusting he is. I couldn't tell anyone and I just told my friends that its just a prank. He quickly added, 'I mean, so that I could see your not messing about.

' 'Gladly sir.' I said smiling.

I took my bag and myself to the front of the class and sat on the seat closest to him. What a great seat to see the idiot getting hurt.  'Right class, open up your books to page 25.' He said. While everyone was doing that, he smiled at me. I smiled back. I'm so going to enjoy this. He moved around the class. I was growing impatient.  'Sir, Are you not going to do the register?' I said. He always sits down to do the register. 'Oh, that's right. I'll do it now.' He walked to the front of the class. I bit my lip, trying not to burst out laughing before he even sits on the chair. He gets his glasses and sits on the chair. I frowned. How come I didn't he fall down? I looked back and my friends were thinking the same thing. I took all of them out.

 'Right, Megan Fox.' 'Here.' 'Tom Hilary.' 'Here sir.' 'Sam Ri-'

And with that the chair went to pieces. He fell on the floor. 'What the hell!' He shouted. Everyone laughed. He got up holding his arm. His face was so red. 'Who did this?' He shouted loudly. He looked so shocked. I laughed with the class.

'I said who did this!' Everyone went quiet when they saw blood on the teacher's arm. But I couldn't stop laughing. Everyone looked at me and then I found out that I was the only one laughing. 

I zipped my mouth and just looked shocked like the other students.

I'm CECE, short for Celia and theres one thing I surely know. I'm in big trouble. 


We were at home in the living room after coming back from the principal. Mr Herns is fine. The blood was from a splinter. When the class was asked who did this, first no one said anything. And then they chickened out when the principal said the whole class would be suspended for a month. Bunch of idiots they were anyways. I sat on the sofa quietly, playing with my thumbs.
'How can you do such a thing CeCe?' My mum barked at me for the 6th time. I rolled my eyes. I never meant harm. Actually I did. He was pedophile and what I did was not what he deserved. He deserved worser. Much worser.
'But Mum-' I was inturrupted by her other lectures about how it was hard to get this school from my record of excluded schools in the past few years. Okay, I guess ive been kicked out of 6 schools, actually, 7 schools now. But what can I do? I just don't fit in. And its not like I could tell my mum about my problems, she won't listen.
I don't hate my mum but shes the worst mum a teenager can have. She doesn't understand anything. I tried to explain but she just gives me an explaination about what things are right and what things are wrong.
'And this is your 7th school! CeCe, you've hit people, done graffiti, made rumours and also nearly burned down a school. You might not know this but your bringing shame to your family!' She screamed.
'Family?' I said. I was angry now. 'You call this a family? Its just you and me, mum. And we never work out. I don't understand you and you don't understand me? If its anything that driving me to do do all this madness, its you okay? And you know why? All you think about is what your friends will think about you. And you know what? They already think bad about you and thats not my fault. You care and only about you fuking self.' I screamed. She came infront of me and put her hand out ready to slap me. I closed my eyes, tears falling down. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes to see my mum looking at her hand which she was about to slap me with. She looked shocked.
'Look, what you were going to make me do.' My Mum whispered. I wanted to say something. Anything to make her not cry but what can I say. I just stood there and watched her sit on the sofa and put her hands to her head.
I went to my room quietly. I looked at myself in the mirror. My blond hair was now everywhere. And my green eyes were filled with tears. I never cry but seeing my mum like this, I had no choice but to let it out. I banged my head on the mirror. 'Why am I such an idiot?' I said to myself. Why am I?
I never seen my mum like this. Normally, she tries everything to get her point across. She shouts and shouts till she loses her voice. And then after a while, she makes a joke. But this time she didn't. And I knew why. She was tired. She was tired of the burden she was carrying. And it was my fault. In a way, me and Mum were close. When I wasn't naughty, we used to have a lot of fun. But that was before dad left. After that, we were not a daughter and a mother living in an apartment. We were just two girls living in an apartment. . And that sucked.
I went to sleep. There was no school tomorrow so I took my time going to sleep. Normally, I would be happy but this time, I just felt a hole in my heart. That wouldn't go.


I woke up at 12 in the morning. I yawned. Remembering what happened before, I tried to go back to sleep. After a while, I gave up and got ready for absolutely nothing.
I went to the kitchen to see my mum eating breakfast. She looked at me and smiled. But she wasn't happy at all. Her eyes were tired. And her hair was messy.
'Morning.' I said happily, trying my best to cheer up the gloomy atmosphere.
'Morning, Ce.' She said, trying her best too.
'So Mum, you going work today?' I said making cereal for myself.
'Not really, There something I need to tell you.' She said.
I frowned. Whats going to happen? Will she make me get a job or something? Wait, I can't. My grades are lower than the happiness level here.
'Whats up?' I said, sitting down with her at the table.
'About yesterday-'
'Listen Mum, Ive learned my lesson. I'm going to change. I did a lot of thinking last night and I made a decision too.'
'She was shocked by my reaction. 'But Darling-'
'I'm not lying Mum. When I say I'm going to do something, I will do it.' I said happily. 'I'm going to look for a school that will help me. And any school will do, I just want to get high grades and make you happy.'
She sighed. 'Darling, thats not possible.' She said tiredly.
'Why not?' I said confused. 'I understand that I have a massive history but Its not impossible, is it Mum? And you've always told me that anything is possible if I try and I will. Promise..'
Her face didn't change. It stayed the same. She looked down like she couldn't meet my eye. My smile went upside down. Something is wrong and shes not telling me.
'What is it, Mum?'
'Darling, Ive found you a school.' She said.
I smiled. 'Thats great!' But from her face, it seemed that it wasn't great at all.
'What is it?' I said.
'CeCe, remember I told you that you dad is a headmaster,' She said. I nodded.
'Well, I told your dad about what happened and he got you a place in his school.' She said.
'What?' I said, shocked. 'But dad lives in scotland.'
'I know.' She said. 'Look, schools these days will not let you in with even a bit of an history. To be honest, no school school will let you.'
'So, your saying, that I should got to Scotland.' I said slowly.
'Yes! And its only for a few months, till you get your grades up.'
I can't believe this. I am going to Scotland. To be with my dad. MY DAD? The guy who I haven't met for years. The guy who left my mum and started to see his career as his only importance. The guy who promised to come at christmas but never came.
'No.' I said angrily.
'What?' My mum said. She was actually shocked. SHOCKED! She didn't even like my dad so why is she acting like I said I hated chocolate.
'Mum, what the hell? Your telling me to spend a few freaking months with a guy who doesn't even care to meet his only daughter.'
'Darling, hes changed.'
'And how do you know that? He might just want me because he feels sorry for me.'
'Look, when he was with us. He used to be in all kinds of mess. Drugs, gambling and his emotions were messed up. He did the right thing to leave because he was messed up and he didn't want to hurt us.'
'And your not mad at him?'
'Mad at him? He did us all a favour. If he was here, you would be twice as naughty as you already are.' She said. Her eyes were nearly in tears.

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