» Romance » Blind Love, Bianca Gray [top 10 best books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Blind Love, Bianca Gray [top 10 best books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Bianca Gray

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"Hey man! You're leaving?" asked Josh as I slapped his hand and then gripped it into a handshake.
"Yeah. My girl and I are going," I replied pointing a thumb behind at me at my girlfriend Annie Hastings, the most beautiful girl in the school. With her long legs and equally long golden hair, she was the dream girl of all the guys at Asheville High. Josh raised his eyebrows and gave me a goofy smile.
"Kay then. You two have fun," he said hitting my arm. I rolled eyes.
"It's not like that. I'm just taking her home," I said. He just nodded his head.
"Uh huh. No worries, man," he said. I waved bye and then walked out the door in the cool fall air.
"Ready?" smiled Annie wrapping her arms around herself. I smiled back as I offered my coat. I proceeded to open the door for her and then I walked around to the other side of the car and sat down in the driver's seat. We backed out of Josh's driveway and headed to Annie's house. She was animatedly talking about how she and her group of friends humiliated a girl in class the other day. I glanced at her and gave her a small smile as she recounted what she did to the poor girl. I didn't like what she did to others, but she was hot, and all the other guys were envious of me because of her. So, I stuck myself with her.
"That's cool, Annie," I said. She flipped her blonde hair and looked at me with dull blue eyes.
"Isn't it?" she smiled. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking. Suddenly, two headlights were heading towards us.
"AIDEEEENNN!!!" screeched Annie. I froze. I didn't know what to do.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AIDEN??!!" screamed Annie. She grabbed the steering wheel, but it was too late. I suddenly felt excruciating pain and I couldn't see anything. I heard people calling my name, faintly. But my eyes hurt so much. It was dark and all I could see were those two headlights coming towards me, over and over again.


Everyone was talking about the accident that happened last weekend. I rolled my eyes over in Annie's direction.
"Ugh. I'm so sick of hearing Annie's version of 'almost dying'. Neither she nor her boyfriend died in the accident. And she left the scene without a single scratch on her," I said. Lyn smiled.
"Yeah. Though, her boyfriend still hasn't came to school yet," Lyn said, her face scrunching up with concern. I stared at Annie.
"Poor Aiden. I don't think she even cares what happens to him..." I murmured. Lyn tied up her brown hair into a bun.
"Who knows. C'mon, lets go," she said shrugging and then dragging me to class. During class, I couldn't help but think of Aiden. He was smart, funny, and most definitely good looking. But, why was he dating an idiot like Annie? Sure, she was pretty. But she was heartless, dumb, and there was nothing special about her. And yet, it seemed like everyone either wanted to date her or be her. I wondered why Aiden was still in the hospital. Annie didn't talk about what was wrong with him. Actually, no one would. Absentmindedly, I drew him instead of taking notes. When I realized what I did, I blushed and closed my notebook really quickly. And just as quickly school was out. Everyone was still talking about the accident as I walked out of the school. I saw Lyn making out with her not-so-great boyfriend in the hallway. I walked up and tapped her. They both looked at me annoyed.
"Uh, are you taking me home today?" I asked. She just looked at me like I was crazy.
"You know what, nevermind. I'll just walk," I said.
"Text me," she called before she went back to sucking off her boyfriend's face. I tried to keep my stomach from jumping out of my throat. I walked home slowly in the cool fall air. As I did, I walked past Aiden's house. He was there, sitting on the porch, just staring. He looked like he was either about to cry or kill someone. I stopped, but he didn't seem to see me. He just kept looking straight ahead. His bright green eyes just stared, unmoving, as I stared back at him.
"Aiden?" I asked meekly. His head turned to face my direction.
"Who's there? Go away!" he said. I walked closer to him. And then I sat down next to him.
"Aiden... You don't know me, but, I'm sorry for whatever happened to you," I said slowly.


I felt someone next to me. Her voice sounded like a girl's, but I couldn't see her.
"Go away," I said again, but softly. I heard her sigh.
"What happened?" she asked just as softly.
"Who are you?" I asked angrily. How dare she come to my house and pity me!
"I'm Rose. Rose Thorn," she said slowly. The name rang a bell. And then I remembered that she was the girl that Annie was talking about that night. I couldn't put a face to the name.
"Yes, I know you," I said slowly. I heard her stop breathing for so long. I flashed a smile.
"Hey, you still alive?" I asked teasingly. I heard her breathe out slowly.
"Yeah, 'course," she said nervously laughing. I frowned.
"What do you look like?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"Can't you see....? Oh," she said realizing her mistake.
I didn't say anything. I was slowly getting angrier at the world.
"Well, I have blue eyes and light brown hair. It's a caramel color. And it's wavy and goes past my shoulders. Uh... I have freckles...?" she said slowly.
"You sound pretty," I stated. I heard her breath quicken. Gosh, I really did make an impression on this girl. I've never noticed that you could tell how a person felt just by hearing them breathe...

He stared at me in my general direction. His bright green eyes twinkled. I felt my heart beating. I was sitting next to Aiden Matthews. I was talking to him like a regular person. It was what I wanted to do all my life, but I just couldn’t.
“You sound pretty,” he said. I think I started to hyperventilate. He smirked at me. And then I realized he could probably hear me breathing.
“Thanks,” I murmured shyly after I tried to control my overflowing emotions. He smiled. And then slowly his smile began to fade.
“Why are you here anyway? To pity me?” he asked.
“What? No! Of course not! My friend, Lyn, she was going to drive me home but she was busy with her boyfriend so, I decided to walk home instead of waiting for her. I walk home sometimes, and when I do, I pass this house. You sit here, actually, on this porch. Usually you’re reading. I sort of just stare at- wait! No, not stare! I glance at you and you never notice me. Not that I ever wanted you to notice me. And today, you sort of looked upset and you looked lost in your own world… Not that I usually stare at you to see how you’re feeling! Haha! That’s weird…” I said flustered. I put my head in my hands and inwardly groaned.
He smiled.
“Hmm, Lyn Saber? The girl who’s dating John Smith?” he asked.
“Yup,” I replied.
“I used to see them make out in the hallway all the time,” he said.
“Yeah, they’re always majorly sucking face,” I said without thinking. He laughed.
“Haha! They do don’t they?” he smirked cocking his head. My heart stopped breathing.
“Yeah, well, she’s my best friend. Actually she’s my only friend,” I said. Then I clapped my hand over my mouth. IDIOT. I didn’t want him to think I was a freak! Or a loner! Or a… loser…
“Why’s that?” he asked, slightly confused from the clapping sound.
“Uh… People don’t really talk to me. I don’t really… Fit in,” I said slowly.
“Haha! Does anybody really?” he asked his green eyes twinkling. I smiled back, even though he couldn’t see me.
“Are you going to be blind forever?” I blurted. I closed my eyes and mentally hit myself. His face, hardened.
“The doctors say maybe,” he said. He got up and turned towards his door.
“Here,” I said leading his hand towards his doorknob.
“I don’t need your help,” he snapped, his eyes flashing with anger. I let go quickly, as if I was being scalded. I backed into his porch railing as he opened the door and then slammed it. I realized there was tears streaking down my face. They blurred my vision as I found my way to the sidewalk. I wiped my eyes and then ran all the way home.
“Rose? Is that you?” called my mother from the kitchen as I walked into the house. I tried to control my voice before I answered.
“Yeah,” I said starting to trek up the stairs.
“Why are you so late? Dinner’s almost ready,” called my mother, unmoving from the kitchen.
“Uh, Lyn drove me home. But she wanted to stop by McDonald’s. Sorry,” I called from the upstairs.
“Tell her to bring you home earlier. You have to study,” she said.
“Okay,” I said. I walked into my room, dropped my bag, and flopped down on my bed.
I stared at the ceiling thinking of how much of an idiot I am. Then my phone started to buzz. I looked at my phone and it was Lyn. I groaned. Then I answered.
“Heyyy! I’m so sorry for not being able to drive you today…” Lyn apologized. Then she giggled. Ugh. John was there.
“No, it’s fine,” I said.
“Okay. Good. So, we’re cool?” she asked.
“Yeah. Hey, actually, I need to tell you something.”
“Okay what?” she inquired.
“Um, something that John would have to leave the room for…”
“Ugh. Fine. Hey John. Rose here has to tell me something. So you gotta go for a little while,” Lyn told John.
“Whatever,” I heard him say. Then I heard them kissing.
“Ahem,” I said. I heard a large smacking sound as Lyn came back to earth.
“Okay, he’s gone. What is it?” she asked.
“Okay, so you know Aiden?” I asked.
“Yeah. The stuck up guy that was recently in a car accident. Don’t ask me dumb questions.”
“He’s not stuck u-ugh. Whatever. He lost his eyesight in the accident,” I said.
“WHAT??!” she screamed.
“Oh, poor guy! How do you know this?”
“He told me.” There was silence.
“Hello?” I asked.
“…YOU, Rose Thorn, TALKED to HIM, Aiden Matthews??”
“It’s not THAT hard to believe,” I mumbled.
”Does he know it was you that he was talking to?”
“Well, he knows it wasn’t a talking cactus,” I said rolling my eyes.
“Rose, seriously. Does he know it was you?”
“Well, I told him my name. He asked me what I looked like so obviously he didn’t KNOW know me,” I said slowly.
“Oh my God! Rose talked to Aiden!” screeched Lyn.
“Don’t tell anybody,” I said.
“That you talked to Aiden? Or that Aiden’s blind?” asked Lyn.
“That Aiden’s blind!”
“…Oh… Whoops! Haha! John

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