» Romance » Entranced By You, Radiant Light [novels for beginners .txt] 📗

Book online «Entranced By You, Radiant Light [novels for beginners .txt] 📗». Author Radiant Light

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Chapter 1

Skye Boudreaux watched his cousin dance with his wife of nearly seven years. They looked like they had the first time they'd danced as man and wife. Liam, his cousin, had married Megara in Vegas and then again that summer in a 'royal ceremony' like they were supposed to from the beginning. Megara had bitched and moaned the whole time but finally had given up. Now seven years later she was still the most beautiful woman in the room even seven months pregnant with their second kid. Their first kid, Mac short for Mackenzie, was running around the room going from circle of adults mingling to another group going back and forth talking to everyone, her little crown slipping slightly on her head as she came to a stumbling halt in front of him, "Uncle Skye." She exclaimed and launched herself into his arms.

"Hey Mac." He said as he settled her on his hip and walked towards the terrace so they could see all the beautiful flowers Megara had had planted over the years. Looking over the grounds he was glad to be back home.

"Uncle Skye, you should see the library mama and daddy are putting in." Mac said with a huge smile on her small pixie face.

Skye chuckled, "I will." He said before she started squirming in his arms. Setting her on her feet she ran off back into the party.

"Look what the wolves dragged in." Megara said with a wicked smile on her lips as she sauntered over to him.

Skye looked over at her and smiled, "Megara, when are you going to leave that loser cousin of mine?"

"Only back for ten minutes and you're already hitting on my wife." Liam said walking over and pulling his cousin into a hug before Megara pushed him out of the way and planted a kiss on his lips.

"We missed you." She said softly nuzzling his neck with her nose, a form of comfort for wolves.

"I'm sorry I was gone so long." Skye said feeling bad at hurting Megara.

"You needed it," She whispered before pulling back, "But since you're here I need you to run into town tomorrow. Apparently there's a new book store and you must've heard from Mac about the new library," She waited until he nodded before continuing, "Can you bring back the owner, I want to talk to her."

Skye looked at Megara through narrowed eyes, "Sure." He said, what could be the harm in going into town to pick up an old lady and bring her back? He didn't notice the knowing smile on Megara and Liam's face as he turned around to look at the flowers.

The next morning Skye got up, went to the bathroom and went through his regular routine before going downstairs into the kitchen for breakfast where Megara was standing in front of the stove cooking breakfast for Mac and Liam, "Skye breakfast is almost ready. When you're done you can go into town. The owner of the store is named Dawn Hamilton...I think." Megara said tapping a fingernail to her chin as Mac giggled at nothing in particular. Skye nodded not really paying much attention.

When breakfast was finished Skye stood, grabbed the keys that Megara held out to him before walking out into the morning. Getting in the car he drove the half hour into town and started looking for the book store when he spotted the hottest woman he had ever seen, besides Megara, walking down the sidewalk. He watched her until she unlocked a door and that's when he read the sign The Harlequin. Nice name for a bookstore, he thought before parking and walking over to the store.


Dawn Hamilton had woken that morning in a complete haze. For some reason she couldn't help the feeling that she had forgotten something, somewhere. Ten minutes after waking up she had figured out what that was. Her cell. Probably still underneath the counter at the store. Shrugging it off she decided to walk down there and grab it before heading to the beach for the day. Two seconds after she had walked in to the store the little bell over the door went off signaling that someone had walked in, "I'm sorry but we're closed." She said still rummaging underneath the counter.

"Oh, sorry. I'm here on a request from my cousins wife." A mans voice said and it was so sexy it made her look up and into the bluest eyes she had ever seen anyone posses besides Skye, her high school crush. He had golden brown hair and even in the early morning light she could see that he was sinfully gorgeous.

"Well what's the request?" She asked looking away from him and continued searching for her phone as she mentally chastised herself. 'Get a grip Dawn, like he would really look at you as anything more than the ugly chick that runs the bookstore.'

"She's having a library built in and she would like to speak with you." Skye said staring at the top of her head. She had only looked at him for a few seconds but it had been long enough for him to be taken aback by her beauty. She had the greenest eyes he had ever seen, her dark hair cascaded around her and she seemed to hide behind it. Her face was flawless, she had the pointed cheekbones and naturally arched eyebrows and her lips. God what he would like to do to those lips.

"If she's not busy, I can speak to her now." Dawn said as she finally found her cell phone. She didn't dare look up though and rummaged through the drawer before putting a pen and paper on the counter, "You can write down her address, you're probably busy." She said and inwardly winced. That had come out so wrong.

"Actually, she asked if I could personally bring you." Skye said and smiled at her when she finally looked up at him again, "Is that okay with you?" He asked her and watched in surprise as her eyes frosted a bit before she nodded.

"That's fine." Dawn said a bit more coldly than she meant to say and waited until he started walking back out the door. She was only a couple of steps behind him. He waited until she locked the door again before heading towards his car across the street.

"It's not far." He said and opened the passenger door for her.

She looked warily at him before getting in. Skye was surprised she hadn't tried to brush up against him or make a move at all. Most women couldn't help themselves. It made him frown for a second. Closing the door behind her he rounded the hood and got in the car.

When they turned into the large driveway Dawn frowned, she had driven by the gates many times. She had no idea that there was so much behind the large stone wall but there was. A huge stone castle with parapets and towers rose out of the mist. Skye stopped the car in the oval drive in front of the door and Megara opened the door.

"Thank god." Megara said when Dawn stepped out of the car, "I need help." She said and grabbed Dawns hand before pulling her inside.

"Goodness Megara. You could have just called. I didn't know you lived here." Dawn said as she embraced her best friend since their third year in high school, "You've gotten bigger since I last saw you."

Skye stared at Dawn and Megara. They knew each other? How and why the fuck did Megara act like they hadn't known each other? Megara looked over Dawn's shoulder and saw Skye's confused face and stuck her tongue out at him. She had gotten him back for hurting her and being gone so long. Dawn looked over at him but her eyes weren't really looking at him they were somewhere over his shoulder making him frown. Why wouldn't she look at him?

"Skye thanks for bringing Dawn." Megara said with a smile before hooking her arm through Dawn's and leading her up the stairs to the doors that led to the large ballroom were the thrones were kept. With a frown Skye followed them and when Megara opened the doors he saw that it was no longer a ballroom but a large library. The stairs were still there. Walking down them he saw that there was walkways next to the double doors leading almost all the way around. The wall of glass wall still there with the large terrace doors that led to the balcony, but there were shelves all around and the thrones were no longer there.

"Megara what is it exactly that you want?" Dawn asked as she stood at the top of the stairs with a look of wonder in her eyes as she looked around. On the ceiling there were little flowers and vines drawn and etched into it. In the middle of the ceiling was a large crystal chandelier that glittered in the daylight.

"I want you to fill my library." Megara said with a smile before pulling Dawn deeper into the room until she stood next to Skye before she let go and turned in a half circle, "I want these shelves here to have just romance novels. Every single type." She added before Dawn could ask.

"Oh okay." She whispered, standing next to Skye it was hard to breath. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes. Megara had known about her crush in high school but of course he'd never paid any attention to Megara's little 'friend.' What nobody in high school knew was that Dawn had met Megara when she had been thinking about jumping off of a cliff and ending it all.

Megara smiled before saying, "The rest you can fill it with whatever you want and if you need any help I'm sure Skye will be more than helpful." She looked at Skye before bumping into him by accident making him bump into Dawn for a brief second but long enough to have Dawn stiffening.

Dawn took a step away from him not looking at him at all before turning and walking out onto the balcony, "What's wrong with her?" He asked Megara who had a sad sort of smile on her face.

"They broke her." She whispered on a sob before turning and running out of the library with tears running down her face.

Dawn had never felt like that when somebody touched her, even for such a brief second, "Who are you kidding Dawn, you probably made Megara cry." She said to herself not knowing that Skye had walked out and was standing behind her.

"Yes you did." He said and she jerked around with a surprised gasp, "You should apologize." Skye said before walking over to the railing and looking out to the cliffs.

"I will." Dawn said with a sigh without turning to look at him.

"Why won't you look at me?" He asked her suddenly making her close her eyes.

"What are you talking about I have looked at you." She said softly letting the wind carry her words away.

"Once maybe twice and both times you looked away." He said with a frown on his face as he turned to look over at her and saw that she had her back to him, "Even now you

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