» Romance » Seducing the Shy Guy, Trina T [learn to read books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Seducing the Shy Guy, Trina T [learn to read books .TXT] 📗». Author Trina T

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Chapter One


Lunch for my two best friends and I was always a looked forward to part of the day. What normal teenager didn’t look forward to lunch? I was sitting across from Celeste and Zoe while we picked at our lunches.

“This salad is so gross.” Celeste complained. “This diet is so annoying!”

“Celeste you don’t need to go on a diet.” Zoe and I said at the same time.

It always annoyed me when Celeste got in her diet moods. The girl was drop dead gorgeous, she had a body I would kill for in a heartbeat. But she was always complaining about her weight. It drove me nuts.

“We’re not arguing about this again.” Celeste pouted.

“You were the one that brought it up!” Zoe pointed out and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Whatever. Let’s play our game!”

‘Our game’ wasn’t really anything special. We had made it up our freshman year when we were about to die of boredom in our Spanish class and hadn’t stopped playing sense. How it worked was one of us would ask a question and then all three of had to answer it, no matter what. And then the next person would ask a question. We could play for hours and we have.

“Fine, you go first then.” I told Celeste.

Celeste took another bite of her salad as she thought of a good question. Sometimes the questions were simple and general. But other times they got personal. “Ok!” Celeste said with a smile. “I have one. How many different people have you had sex with?”

All three of us started laughing. “Way to go for a personal question first!” Zoe laughed.

“Hey, it’s all I could think of!” We all started laughing again. “So what are the numbers?”

“I’ll answer first…” Zoe said. “…6….”

“Should we times that by three to get your real number?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. Zoe cut her eyes at me. “No! That’s my real number!”

“Mines 9.” Celeste said.

“I got 3.”

“Only 3?”

“What’s wrong with that?” I asked Zoe.

“Nothing, just surprised is all…”

I rolled my eyes. Zoe and Celeste were both gorgeous. Celeste really worked for it but Zoe was naturally pretty. They got whatever guy they wanted. I was usually just looked at as just the cute best friend.

“Zoe, you ask the next question.” Celeste commanded.

“Oh and I have the most perfect one too!” Zoe gave us a wide bright smile. “Who is your secret crush? Mine is Ryan on the football team.”

“Zoe, you said secret, even Ryan knows you like him.” I told her. Zoe flipped her short blonde hair over her shoulder. “Fine. Let me think of another question.”

We waited for about five minutes. I was starting to get impatient when she finally spoke up again. “Who is a guy that you think is totally hot but you would never go for him?”

“Mike in the drama club. He’s completely hot but all he ever talks about is plays.” Celeste pouted again. “Such a waste.”

“I’ll have to say, I think it would be Kayden. That really shy kid. But I would so go for him.” I told them. I really did have a crush on Kayden, the only problem was he so painfully shy.

“Really? You think he’s hot?”

“You don’t?” I asked Zoe.

“Well, maybe if I ever heard his voice…”

”Yea. I think Kayden would be a great boyfriend to have. He’s sexy, seems smart and all but he just doesn’t talk!” I laughed out.

“You think Kayden is hot?” I heard a voice behind me ask. Celeste and Zoe popped their heads up and their eyes widened. Shit, I thought. I slowly turned around and looked up. To my horror Kayden’s best friend, Roman, was standing there looking down at me with a smirk on his face.

“N-no…” I stuttered.

“I just heard your guy’s conversation…” Roman said in a duh voice.

“Uhh-hh well….” I was trying to think of something to say as a cover but before words came to my head the bell rang, signally us to go to class. “Bye!” I said and rushed off not even bothering to wait for Celeste and Zoe.



“Kayden, man, I have some news for you!” Roman said as he sat down next to me at my locker.


“Someone likes you!” He teased. I knitted my eyebrows together.


Roman started to chuckle. “Man, I mean, she has a crush on you!”

“Ok…” What was I supposed to do with that information? I really don’t have a social life all too much. Roman is my best friend but that’s all. I don’t really do well with people.

“Ok? That’s all you have to say? Don’t you even want to know who it is?” Roman always enjoyed my weird social life. He thought it was entertaining. Roman, himself had many friends and girls flocked to him and well me too. But Roman liked the attention he got from people. I didn’t, I rather be left to observe people. I had never had a girlfriend nor did I try. It wasn’t like I didn’t like girls, because I did. It was just that I didn’t know how to act around them or around anyone in general, except Roman.

“Well, I guess.”

“You guess? Man, you’re so strange! I’d be chomping at the pits to know! Especially with who likes you, I mean I would kill!”

My interest was peaking. Roman was making me curious. “Ok…tell me.”

“You sure you wanna know? I mean, It’s not a big deal or anything.”

“Roman!” I said forcefully.

Roman cracked a smile. “I thought so. You know Celeste, right?” Of course I know who Celeste was. She was one of those girls that everyone knows. She is on the cheerleading team and does student council. “Yea, what about her?” I knew she couldn’t like me.

“You know her best friend, Hazel?” I nodded my head.

“Well, it’s her!”

“You’re lying.” There was no way Hazel could like me.

“Hate to break it you, man. But I heard her tell her friends she thought you were hot. Maybe you should ask her out?”


“Why not? She likes you! You need to at least have one girlfriend before we graduate. It’s my goal!”

“I can’t ask her out!”

“Why not?”

I just shrugged my shoulders. How could Hazel like me? She was beautiful and had a ton of friends. Guys were always around her and her two friends. This must be a joke or something.

“I don’t even know her.”

“So you’re interested in her though?” I glared at Roman. “ Of course, every guy with eyes would be interested in her…but I don’t think I’m her type.”

“But she says she likes you so you must be her type.”

“You might have misunderstood their conversation.”

“No, I know for a fact I didn’t. Know stop being a baby.”

“I don’t think so, Roman, I’m not that type of guy.”

Roman looked annoyed with me, which happened often. “You have to stop being so damn shy! Do you understand? Kayden, you’re my best guy, but you really need to open up.” Roman got up and walked away. The very idea of going up to a girl like Hazel made my heart start to race and my palms sweat. Why would she even be interested in me? I’ve seen the guys she goes out with. They are outgoing, popular, funny, and charming. I wasn’t any of that.

When the warning bell sounded I gathered up my stuff and headed to class. My heart was beating fast; I had the next class with Hazel.

I walked in and took my usual seat in the back. Kids started strolling in making the once quiet room sound like a circus. I saw Roman come in and take the seat next to me.

“You going to talk to her?”


He made a frustrated noise. “You need to have other people to talk to than me. Because honestly I get sick of you.”

I cracked a smile. “Shut up.”

“Ok, that was a lie, but really. I think you should talk to her.”


“Because it’s my goal to get you a girlfriend by the end of the school year and I only have three months to do it.”


“Kayden! You drive me nuts! There is a hot girl that likes you and you act like she has a disease! What is wrong with you? You’re going to live a boring life if you only just talk to me. Besides I would actually like to have a double date with my best friend for once! Now stop acting like a shy school boy!”

“But I am a shy school boy…”

“Smartass.” Roman mumbled and we both started laughing. As we laughed I saw Hazel walk in the class. She gave Roman a dirty look before taking her seat next to her friend Zoe.

“Why did she just give you a dirty look?”

Roman rolled his eyes. “Because she doesn’t want me to tell you she likes you. But she is a little late.” Roman finished with a cocky smile.

I smiled back. “I still don’t believe you.”

“Whatever man.”




“Do you think that jackass told Kayden yet?” I asked Zoe nervously. Zoe looked over at Roman and Kayden, Roman looked cocky and Kayden looked even more nervous than he usually did. “Yea, Roman told him. Why don’t you just go up to him and talk to him? He is so shy he probably would just run away from you screaming anyway.”

I glared at Zoe. “I’m not going to torture the poor kid!” Zoe rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

I watched Zoe closely, she was up to something and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like whatever she was planning in her twisted little brain. I looked over at Kayden, god he was so cute! I can’t believe I was stupid enough to open my mouth without looking around first. I just can’t stand how shy he is. How was I supposed to get to know him or anything? I mean Kayden wasn’t just shy; he was painfully shy, like to the point of awkwardness. But there was something that pulled me to him in more ways than just his handsomeness. I wasn’t sure why I was pulled to him but I was and I hated it! He was just so damn shy.

“Did you hear anything I just said?” Zoe asked a little annoyed.

“Oh, what? Sorry, I was kind of drifting off there…” I said embarrassed at being caught staring at Kayden.

“So are you going to talk to him or what?” Zoe asked. I rolled my eyes.

“Zoe, it’s not going to work, ok? He is too shy and probably doesn’t want anything to do with me. I’m not exactly known around school for having a good reputation, thanks to you and Celeste…”

Zoe laughed. They didn’t care what people thought of them. As long as guys still looked at them they would never care. I tore my eyes from Zoe to look back over at Kayden only to find Roman staring back at me with a knowing smile. Bastard. “Zoe, I will be right back.”

“Oh are you going to talk to Kayden?” Zoe squealed. I shook my head. “I think I need to have a chat with his bodyguard.”

I got up and walked as confidently as I could with all the nerves jumping around in my stomach towards Kayden and Roman. Roman smacked Kayden in the arm, making him look up. When his eyes locked on me they widened and he looked like he was going to pass out. I took a deep breath before I got close enough to talk to them. Time to pull out all that confidence I have watched Celeste use for years to get what she wanted. I just hoped I could act the part. I stopped just ahead of their desks, Roman gave me a cocky smile that I wanted to punch off his stupid face and Kayden looked like I was going to give him water torture.

“Roman, I need to have a chat with you.” I said in an icy voice. I really

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