» Romance » Enemy's to Friends to Lovers, Renee bell [most important books to read .TXT] 📗

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Chapter 1: Enemy's

“Can you move away from my locker I said.” To Tyler dumb ass self

I am Avalon Jackson people call me the bad ass of the school cause I am not falling heads over heals for a guy name Tyler Kendall. Girls want to fight me cause I don't kiss the ground Tyler walk on. I don't care I just beat they ass and move on with my life. The reason I am a bad ass cause I have 4 brothers. I always fight with them. I live with them and my mom.

My dad is a dead beat he come back once and a while but only one person like him that is my mom. If you don't want to fight me please call me AJ that what my friends Eric,Sasha and my best friend Deuce call me everybody in school know not to mess with us. If you don't want a problem then call me AJ. I will be the coolest person to you.

Will back to me shouting at Tyler for being by my Locker after I keep telling him not to. I know that his locker right next me mine, But I don't think he should lean on my locker and talk to his friends.

"Can you move for I can get my books.” I said again Tyler still act like he can't hear me

"Hello thing can you move.” I said".

The mother fuck thing still don't hear until i start cuss him out then he want to get mad.

"So now yo ass hear me.”

"Ya bitch I hear yo ass.”

"Will can you please move for I can get my books.”

"What if don't want to.”

"Will if I am late to class we are fighting this time.”

All his dumb ass friends was like you going to let this girl puck you out. While Tyler was talk to his friends his ass don't noticed that he move away from my locker. So I seek behind him and got my books that I need for the rest of the day out my locker. Then I skip my happy ass away that dumb ass don't noticed I let until I was halfway down the hall.

Classes went by fast today witch was good for me.

I look down the hall where my locker was to make sure I don't see Tyler. Really don't want to start no mess with him today. My order brother Jason is a cop and they will call him if I fight are do anything.

I came to my locker and start putting my books up and here go Tyler.

"You think you can treat me like that.”

"Ya i don't like you so i don't have to be nice nice to you if you don't have to be nice to me.”

Then Tyler push me on the ground. I got up and jump on his back and punch him.
Then the security come and got me off of Tyler and as always they thought I start it with him again. This not the first time Tyler and I fought.

"So Ms. Jackson why you in my office again.” said Mr. Perry the principal

"Will Tyler was mess with me again.”

"I swear you and that boy is away fighting.” said Mr. Perry

"Mrs. Granter let Mr. Kendall in please.” said Mr. Perry

"Ya Mr. P.” said Tyler dumb ass self

"I want you and Ms. Jackson here to be friends and stop fighting.” said Mr. Perry

"No no no.” said Tyler and I

"If y'all not all Best Friends then Mr. Kendall you not playing basketball and as for you Ms. Jackson you want be in the school plays and I will call y'all parents to make sure y'all spent time together.” said Mr. Perry

"No please don't call Jason.”

"To later Ms. Jackson he already on his way here.” said Mr. Perry

"See what yo ass did all you have to do is accept that one girl in the school don't like you. But no not Tyler Kendall every girl have to kiss the ground you walk on. Now I am sit here with you now i have to be your friend.”

"Avalon Kay Jackson what I tell you about cuss in front of grown people.” said my older brother Jason

"Hallo big bro you look nice today.”

"Avalon stop doing that you not getting off easy.”

"Come on Jason He start it I don't do nothing you can check the cameras.”

"It don't matter no more this is the 6 time I came up here about you and Tyler I am sick and tired of y'all fight Now y'all will be friends y'all hear me.” said Jason



"Good.” said Jason and Mr. Perry

Then Tyler mom came in all late. Will I think its his mom, Really they don't looked nothing alike and Tyler had a wired look on his face when she walk in.

"Hey I am Mrs. Kendall Tyler mom sorry I am late so what happen here.” said Mrs. Kendall

"Will Mrs. Kendall your son and Ms. Jackson here got into a fight again, But this time I want them to spent time together and become friends. For it want be no more fights between them this year.”

"I don't think that's a good idea.” said Mrs. Kendall

Right off the back I know I was not going to like that bitch aka his mom are whatever that thing is to him.

"Will if they don't spent time together your son here will be kick off the basketball team cause this is his 3 stick.” said Mr. Perry

"That be okay my son will spent time with Ms. Jackson here.” said I think is Tyler dad

"Hello I am Jason Avalon Brother nice to meet you Mrs and Mr. Kendall so when do y'all will like to sat up these play dates for them.” said Jason

"How about Saturday at noon.” said Mr. Kendall

"That be find just bring Tyler by at that time and I will take them out for ice cream.” said Jason

"Okay thank you.” said Mr. Kendall

"Okay that be fine thank you Mr. Perry and we will be send updates on they friendship.” said Jason

"No thank y'all.” said Mr. Perry

Tyler and I walk out the school with are so call parents following us. My brother was talk to Mr. Kendall. After we got to the car. They made Tyler and I hug.

"See you Saturday buddy.” I said

"See you Saturday best friend.” said Tyler

We went are different ways. This will be a long Saturday with Tyler. Kill me now I thought to myself.

Chapter 2: Saturday Play date

On the way home from the so meeting about Tyler and I. All Jason did was bitch saying I get in trouble way to much.
When I got home I text Deuce O ya him and I are going out now.

AJ: Hello what you doing baby

By the way I like to put my name in third person. Like AJ want this. AJ is hot. I will do that a lot. And everybody used to it. If you don't like it stop read my story lol.

Deuce: Nothing think about you

AJ: Aww you so sweet

Deuce: So you and Tyler got in a fight again what happen in the principal office

AJ: Nothing the principal want us to spent time together and become friends

Deuce: That's not good when you spent with him

AJ: Saturday so can we spent time together at the sport Sunday after I get out of church

Deuce: Ya i pick you up at 3:00 at church

AJ: Okay I have to go Jason made dinner and it ready now

Deuce: Where's your mom go

AJ: I don't know i have since her since Thursday

Deuce: O will text me later love you

AJ: <3 you

"Avalon get yo ass down here for dinner.” said Jimmy my second brother after Jason

"Jimmy stop cuss.” said Jason

"I am coming dumb ass.” I yell back

I put my phone on the changer. I walk down stair to the Kitchen Jason was making everybody plates. I hate that he's a cop cause he always think he can boss us around. Plus he makes us eat at the dinner table. I really don't want to see my brother Jordan he was the baby before I came alone. Its been 16 years and he still hate me. Jordan is 18 years old act like he 8.

"Why are you in my spot.” said Jordan

"Cause Jason said I can sit here.”

"Is that true Jason.”

"Jordan shut up it doesn't matter where you sit at.” said Jason

"Why can you move out of here Avalon.”

"Okay I will if Jason let me go to places by myself, and you move out of here you are 18.”

"So what that mean.”

"That you and that slut you fuck with should get a house and leave and never talk to us again."

"Avalon stop cuss in front of me.” said Jason

"I am not in front of you I am in the dinning room so that don't count.” I said

"I don't care stop cuss and fighting with Jordan.” said Jason

"He starts it I am that baby, and I get my way that why he mad and where's my food, I am hungry.”

"It be done in a minute.” said Jason

"See Jimmy why you call me down here and the food isn't ready false dreams."

"How is it false dreams.” said Jimmy

"Cause I thought the food was on the table not still on the stove Jimmy I was busy texting somebody and now I have to sit here with no food and look at y'all to."

"How I am dumb and I was going on what Jason said."

"Why Jesse not here causes I like him least he will tell jokes and clown on y'all."

If y'all don't know Jesse is the 3 oldest he is really cool. He the only one I can talk to Jason and Jimmy will blow the roof off the house if They know I talk to guys.

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