» Romance » LOVE SUCKS...IN MY OPINION ANYWAY, NEVADA ENGEVOLD [reading eggs books .txt] 📗

Book online «LOVE SUCKS...IN MY OPINION ANYWAY, NEVADA ENGEVOLD [reading eggs books .txt] 📗». Author NEVADA ENGEVOLD

May 22,2010

Face it *soul mates* dont excist and in my opinion niether does love,sure you can tell some one u love them and that youll never leave them but most of the time thats a lie and your probsbly thinking that im just saying this because i never found love but in my opinion i did and then i lost it thats why i hate it we used to fight over who loved the other more and normally he would surrender but sometimes i would surender and warn that i will be the next to win now im not mentioning names and im not starting with the two befor becuase he was the one who made me actully want to have a boyfriend and not a boy*friend* also with the not mentioning name thing he will or should know who im talking about and also i understand if u stop reading because you beleave in the whole *soul mate* prinsable but the reason i dont belaeve in it is because like many other couples my parents ended in divorce and thats scary to think not one of my friends parents are still together so now instead of not telling any of this stuff to people im going to right this journal/book so this is the start of a new begining first ill tell u a good and a bad thing about each of my next boyfriends staring with C.J:he was very cute but he moved away and my best friend was crushing on him too.cole:i broke up with c.j for cole who was out going and smart and is still my friend and i admit im still crushing on only thing is hes short. and there was a few others that were so worthless i dont even remember them anymore but anyway im leaving now to spend some time with the family ill try to write every day so bye.
love Always,
crazi and confused

May 23,2010

now i relize that in my first entry i didnt really tell you about myself but hey im nevada i have long brown hair and and bright blue eyes im slim and basically pretty or so ive been told.anyway maybe one day my simple journal will become a book or i can post it online wich i plan to do tonight but like i said yesterday love sucks or as my bff would say this vacuums get it a vacum sux k well ill right back later today so bye!!!!

im back for a short while but if you beleive i love u should mail me your reason why not to be a b**** on love or any thing i just dont enjoy it because i had my heart broke once and refuse to have it broke again so thats why it sux in my opinion lolz notice the title but anyway ya mail me on your reason to beleive in it also the he i was talking about befor is actully talking to me again after um...almost a year also he broke up with me in an email that pissed me off so so much but watever bye...again lolz!!!!


Text: please do not copy this book on a count that these events have happend in my life.
Publication Date: 05-23-2010

All Rights Reserved

Idedicate this book to my best friend jilli who has gone all year with out a boyfriend and is happy your my roll model sis

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