» Romance » Cleo, SavageLady15 [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗

Book online «Cleo, SavageLady15 [best ereader for comics .txt] 📗». Author SavageLady15

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The Life of Cleo

It all started the night I met Nick. I was sitting in class when I noticed a new kid came to class, I heard his heart rapidly beating. I licked my lips as I imagined myself biting into his neck and feeling the warm, course blood pass over my tongue. Nick got moved to the seat in front of mine. I covered my nose as his aroma was too much for me to handle. He turned around and looked at me, “let me introduce myself, my name’s Nick.” He held out his head, I shook it “The name’s Cleo, now can you turn back around?” I asked the new kid. He just turned around and muttered under his breath, did he know what I am? What this town was about? I shook Nick from my thoughts and focused on the teacher, Mr. Were. He was part Werewolf and very outstanding. I continued with my math notes, and waited for the bell to ring. Moments later the bell rung, I was so excited it was time for me to begin my hunt. I headed straight for the woods behind the school, while we were at free period I spotted some deer. It didn’t take long before I spotted the over grown buck, I pounced and enjoyed my dinner. My species don’t suck on humans as told in the fairy tales, that’s an old wives tale. I headed home ready to clean up and get some well needed rest.

The next day at school Nick wasn’t there, and for some odd reason I seemed to miss him. I sat in my desk smelling the lingering stench of the mortal, but yet I loved the woodsy aroma. The bell rung which meant I could go hunting, I went to my usual spot. This time was different something was telling me not to go, so I had to go find out what was going on. I soured through the tree branches un-aware of what was below, after my final jump that’s when I finally saw the huge Black Wolf. I flinched at the site of that massive beast, but he wasn’t alone he had three more wolves of the same size with him. I noticed that the brown one was the leader, while the grey and orange was followers. I sniffed the air and smelt the same woodsy aroma as of Nick, it can’t be. The over sized Black wolf looked up and saw me, but yet he just nodded his head, that must be Nick it has to be. With that nod I ran, I ran till my legs couldn’t carry me anymore I stopped breath rugged from the long run. My sister cam running out, “what’s wrong?” the asked me helping me into the house. “Nick... He’s a. Wolf...” I collapsed. The sock and anxiety was too much even for a Vampire like me, I woke the next morning with the site of the Black Wolf still in my mind.

I had asked for the teachers too change my seat, and he gladly switched me with Tonya Valve. Nick walked into class and noticed the change; he just looked at me with sorrow and pain filling his eyes. I just looked away, the site of seeing him as that beast was too much. Few seconds later he walked over to my desk, probably to explain. I sighed, “What you want?” I snapped towards him. “Just give me a chance to explain” he reached for my shoulder, I shrugged him away. Mr. Were walked into class and rushed everyone to their seats; he saved me from that painful conversation. I listened to Mr. Were giving us the same boring lectures; I just stared out the window and just thought of that Black beast. The bell rung and I used my Vampire speed to get me out and home before Nick had the chance to stop me. Soon as I got home I ate some blood from the Blood Bank, and settled onto the couch. Alexandra was fixing to go hunting when the bell run, she opened the door and it was Nick. Alexandra invited him in and showed him to my room where I was, Nick walked in and began explaining.

“Cleo, I thought you knew. I mean I knew what you were just by the smell, that sweet, sickly smell.” He smiled at the last word. I just growled, “I’m new at this, I mean I smelt the woodsy smell but I just never realized you were one of them” the last word stung. Nick took a step closer and just hugged me, “I love you, but yet we can’t be.” Hearing those words stung like a stake through the heart, and yet I loved him too and he knew this. I stood frozen not knowing what to do except hug him back, because I knew this might be our last. Nick just gave me one quicker squeeze and walked off into the woods, I went to open my mouth but nothing came out. Nick wandered into the woods trying to get a distance from Cleo before changing; he changed into the wondrous black wolf with golden eyes. Cleo just stood there in shock with what just happened and what was said. Nick looked back and saw Cleo, a tear fell from his eye but he just shrugged it off and ran ready to patrol. Cleo went home and quickly fell asleep trying to forget what happened after school.

Months past before Cleo and Nick met up once again, it was a quiet little town of West Virginia, called Hamilton. Cleo was walking along the sidewalk with her head down watching her feet as she walked; she kept walking till she bumped into this older boy. She looked up, “I’m sorry …” Her voice trailed off soon as she realized who he was, “Nick!” she got a big smile on her face. “Hey glad you remember me” Nick hugged her as tight as he could not realizing his strength, “cant … breath …” Nick let me go and just stared into my eyes. I just looked back reliving the event that happened months ago, a tear fell from Cleo’s eye. Nick wiped her tear and slowly brought her head to his and kissed Cleo, Cleo was startled but couldn’t do nothing but kiss back. Nick slowly opened his eyes and smiled at Cleo, “what was that?” she questioned him. “I don’t care what anyone has to say about us, I love you Cleo and I always will” he looked around too see if anyone was watching. “I love you to Nick, but I don’t want to get us in trouble with the Grand Masters” Cleo turned away as the words escaped from her subtle lips. “Just please give us a chance, I don’t care about the Grand Masters” he grabbed my shoulders and continued “I don’t want to be with anyone other than you not no She-Wolf, you I love you Cleo and I will go through Hell just too keep you!” he kissed me again, but it was rougher this time but yet passion flared from it. I stood shocked I believe him, “I love you too” I hugged him never wanting to let go.

Years past, Nick and Cleo had a wonderful relationship and Cleo was pregnant with Nick’s kid. The Grand Masters were aware of what was going on, they hoped this kid would grow up and be very strong. They planned using the kids powers from both were dad and Vamp mom as a weapon of infinite power. Cleo grew big very quick, since the kid wasn’t no where near being human. Nick was very impatient he was hoping for a girl, but it turned to out to be a boy. It only took a matter of weeks before the boy was on his way; Nick’s mother Zara performed the birthing process. Hours later little Nathaniel was born, Nick adored the little boy so as Cleo. The new mommy didn’t know what Nathaniel would eat, since being both of what his parents are. Nathaniel grew fond of regular human food, which meant he takes after his father Nick. It only took four months before Nathaniel grew to be eighteen. Grand Masters where very pleased with the progress Nathaniel showed, Nathaniel could transform into a wolf like his dad, but had the strength like a Vampire. A black wolf and a Golden colored wolf walked towards the house, transforming back to normal before yelling out how hungry they where. “Ma, I and pop need something to eat on!” Nathaniel yelled from outside. No one replied back to Nathaniel’s call, Nick stood up and knew who was here he could smell their scent. “Nathaniel, get back and out of trouble.” He told his bewildered son; moments later the two men heard claps. “Good Nick, very good you would make an excellent guard dog” a tall slender man began laughing. Two other men came walking out holding Cleo captive, “Cleo!” Nick called to her hoping she would be alive. Cleo lifted her head before she collapsed from exhaust. “We are the Grand Masters, my names Alexander” ht tall slender man mentioned. “My names Oracle” the short man said. “And my name is Trapper” a slender female emerged. The three figures stood over Cleo, watching Nathaniel and Nick’s movements. “We three thank you for making such a machine, worthy of guarding the Grand Temple” Tapper pointed at Nathaniel. Nick stood in front of his son, “you aren’t taking Nathaniel no where.” Trapper laughed, “We always get what we want.” Nathaniel grabbed his dad’s shoulder, “Pop I can deal with them, and I will be alright.” Nathaniel stepped towards the group, “Let my mom go and you can have me.” Trapper ordered them too let Cleo go; they threw her to the side before seizing Nathaniel. Nick snarled as they began walking off, before they could get past the woods Nathaniel transformed into the huge golden wolf he inherited from his dad. The group as astounded by all the power that was radiating off of the wolf that stood before them, Nick transformed also and stood by his son’s side. The two wolves snarled and snapped at the shocked group, Nathaniel and Nick leapt and began the cruel fight. It was hours before the Grand Masters retreated; Nathaniel limped as his leg was broken. Cleo ran to her son and began giving him medical care; Nick was not injured and was watching as the group jumped away. “I told you something would come if we got married!” Cleo snapped at Nick, “Don’t worry we will be alright as long as where together” he tried to calm her down. Nathaniel hugged his mom and assured her everything would be alright.

It has been five days since the encounter with the Grand Masters, Nathaniel’s leg has healed. Since the incident Cleo has been keeping to herself a lot more lately and barely speaks. Nathaniel and Nick tried their best to get her to speak, but all they managed to get was a snarl and a glare. What the two didn’t know was that she was pregnant again, that is why she acts like she does towards the two men. Three months later a beautiful baby girl was born, Cleo named her Alexia. Nick was proud of how beautiful she was; Nathaniel loved his sister as much as anyone. Cleo tested what she ate, and to her surprise she took after her mother. Two weeks passed and Alexia was old enough to go hunting with Cleo, the two vampires set out to hunt a bob cat in the mountains. It

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