» Romance » Stolen Love, Andrea Diaz [the little red hen read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «Stolen Love, Andrea Diaz [the little red hen read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Andrea Diaz

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Welcome Home

I was just a shy helpless teenage girl. Like many others I thought I was in love. His name was John Kinderwood the hottest and one of the richest boys in town. But my love for him faded when he got me arrested, twice. That was seven years ago, now I'm out of that horrible prison and ready to get my vengeance. I was eight-teen and now I'm a grown twenty-four year old woman. I can take care of myself and I won't fall for the same dumb tricks like I did before. 

It felt good to be back in town. It was a small but nice town, everyone practically knew each other. When I stepped out of the cab and saw my beautiful home I couldn't explain my happiness. I walked up to the front door and knocked. My mother opened the door and when she saw me her gorgeous green eyes filled with tears of joy. Before I could say anything she hugged me and I hugged her back. 

"Lillian!" she shouted. 

"Hi mom, I'm finally home." I announced. 

We broke our hug and she pulled me inside. She asked so many questions like how I was, was I hungry, if I was going to stay, and many other questions. By the time she had almost ran out of questions my father walked in. 

"Hey Hun, what are you..." he paused when he saw me. My smile began to fade as his face filled with anger. 

"Hi dad, I'm home." I tried to tell him with a smile but couldn't. 

"What time will the food be ready?" he ignored me and faced my mother. 

"Uhmm, it's almost ready dear. Aren't you glad? Our little Lillian's back home with us!" 

"I'm going to go take a shower and get cleaned up. We can eat after I'm done." he ignored her question and headed for his room. 

He went upstairs and closed his door and I collapsed on the couch with tears filling my eyes. 

"He hates me. My own father hates me." 

"Oh Hunny, don't worry about it. Your father doesn't hate you. He's just like that, he'll get over it, just give him time. Now come help me get the table ready." 

When the table was set I grabbed my one suitcase and took it upstairs to my room it was just how I left it. I sat on my bed and looked around my room. It's so much bigger than the cell I was put in. I wasn't use to this yet but I would easily get use to the comfortable bed. I got up and started looking out my window. The scenery had always looked beautiful, especially at that moment. My mother screamed to both my father and me that the dinner was ready. When we got downstairs, we sat down and began to eat. Everything was very peaceful and felt like before. Then my mother began to talk to me and broke the silence. 

"Sweety do you have any clothes?" 

"Uhmm, yeah. Some of my old clothes fit, I guess I didn't change that much." 

"Oh no sweety you can't wear that clothes they're barely going to fit. The boys will be all over you because of how your body looks in the clothes." 

"Really mom, come on we're eating and besides I can take care of myself." 

"Yeah exactly how you took care of yourself back then." my father interrupted with a rude attitude. 

"No dad, not like that." 

"Why did you bother coming back? We were doing fine without you! People had finally grown tried of bugging us about our criminal daughter!" 

"I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean for that to happen." 

He suddenly stood up and hit his fists against the table. 

"You're sorry! You steal and get put in jail and you don't expect people saying stuff to us! Judging us for what you did!" 

"I didn't do it I swear, I was blamed and went along with it!" 

"What do you mean you were blamed! Do you know who did it! Why didn't you say any thing!" 

I stood up facing my father. 

"Because I was a stupid teenage girl! But I know who did it and that's why I came back!" 

My father slowly sat back down and his anger towards me slowly faded. I was still standing and we stayed like that until I excused my self from the table and went up to my room. I was sad but also very angry. Soon afterwards I fell asleep. 

When I woke up the next morning my father was barely going off to work which meant it was seven o'clock am. I went downstairs and my mother was in the kitchen. 

"Good morning. What's for breakfast?" 

"Good morning sweetheart. There's eggs, bacon, and pancakes." 

"Yum, thanks." 

"Sweety, do you think you can go to the grocery and get a few things?" 

"Sure I just need to take a shower then I'll go." 

"Oh yeah that reminds me. Your cousin Alice gave me some of her clothes not too long ago and I think it'll fit you. Plus she's about your age so I think you'll like it." 

"Great, thanks mom." 

As I finished up my breakfast and was putting my dish in the sink she came back with a box of clothes. 

"Thanks mom, it looks nice. I'm going to go take a shower." 

When I finished showering I looked through the box to find something nice. I ended up choosing a plain white t-shirt and some black skinny jeans, then I put on my black and white converse. I left my wavy brown hair down and went downstairs to get a list of groceries from my mom then left. Bob's store wasn't that far it was only like two blocks away. It felt nice to be back in town, at least it did until I got to Bob's. 

"Hey Bob! How you been?" I said with a smile on my face. 

"Stop right there! I heard you came back. Search her!" he demanded to Jake, his twenty-five year old son. 

He did as his father told him but also did some searching for himself. But before he got any closer to really touching anything I pushed him away. 


"She's good." he said with a smile, I just ignored him. 

"Look I just came to get some stuff for my mom, alright. Here's the list." I handed him the list and he got all the things and put them in a paper bag. I paid him and grabbed the things. 

"Thanks." I began to walk away but stopped before I exit. 

"Oh and thanks for the great welcome home, very kind of you." 

I left the store and started walking home. I realized people were staring at me and whispering things to each other. Before I turned the corner I turned around and faced everyone. 

"Yeah that's right the criminal is back! Be careful I might steal something from you! Maybe even your man!" 

All the boys there smiled and all the girls glared at me. I turned back around and went home. When I told my mom about what happen we both laughed together. Later on she sent me back so I can take my dad his lunch. My dad works at a mechanics shop. Since I was little he showed me how to be a real mechanic myself. I surprised my dad when I got there, he was working on an old 1998 Toyota Camry LE. 

"Hey dad! I brought you your lunch." 

"Thanks sweety. Hey I'm sorry about yesterday." 

"Its ok. Its my fault anyways. Hey, do you know where I can get a job. I'm certainly not getting one at Bob's." 

"Well did you ask him?" 

"No, but think about it. The guy thinks I robbed his place twice. Plus when I went this morning to go get some groceries he had Jake search me." 

"Well yeah but you should still ask him. If he still says no then we'll talk to my boss. You are a great mechanic." 

"I did learn from the best." 

I smiled then left. I passed by Bob's on my way home. 

When I walked in Bob wasn't at the counter. 

"Bob! I'm back! Hello!" 

I went around the counter to look in the back but that's when Jake came out.

A Little Revenge

"Trying to steal again?" 

"I'm not a criminal and both of us know that." 

"My memory is kind of blurry." 

"Whatever, where's your dad?" 

"He'll be back later, you can leave a message if you want."  

He slowly got closer, trying to trap me between the counter and himself. 

"Just let him know I'll come by tomorrow to speak with him." 

I slipped away and went back around the counter. I turned towards the door, began to walk out and waved. 

"Bye Jake." 

"Adios sexy!" 

I was walking back home when I heard a familiar voice. 

"Lillian Portman?" 

I turned around and stared at my oldest friend. 


"I heard you were back but I couldn't believe it." 

We gave each other a hug the let go. 

"I'm so glad you're back!" 

"Me too." 

"We need to catch up. Have you eaten lunch?" 

"No. Why don't we go over to Mary's Café, like before?" 

We walked back into town and smiled as we walked into the café. 

"Same as always?" 


Amy ordered our strawberry shakes and chocolate chip waffles. We received our order and walked over to an open table by the window. 

"So tell me, what's prison like?" 

"It's scary at first but being in there for so long, you get use to it. I spent most of the time I could making up all the classes I needed. I read a lot of books. Plus the food is horrifying." 

"So you were able to finish high school?" 

"Yup. What about you, any guy in your life?" 

"Ha! No. You know how all the guys are here." 

We laugh.

"I know. But there has to be at least one good guy." 

"Well then he must be invisible because I can't find him." 

"Amy, I need your help." 

"What's wrong?" 

"I didn't steal from Bob's." 


"Shh. It wasn't me who stole from Bob's store." 

"But then..." 

"But I know who did." 

"What? Who? Why didn't you do anything?" 

"That's why I'm back. I want to get revenge for what they did. Will you help me?" 

"Of course, but tell me who it really was. Who framed you?" 

"John, Jake, and Veronica." 



"That asshole. I told you he was up to something." 

"I know but you know how I felt about John." 

"I know. Lets just do our best to get him back. What's your plan?" 

"I don't have one yet. I haven't even seen him yet. Just Jake." 

"Well he's over at the club a lot, you know since he's taking over the family business." 

"Well we'll see what happens when we see him." 


The girls finished their food and left the cafe heading towards Lillian's house. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye Lillian." 

"Bye Amy." 

Lillian walked into her house and greeted her mother. 

"Hi mom." 

"Hi sweetie. Where have you been?" 

"I was hanging out with Amy." 

"Did you have fun?" 

"Yeah we went over to Mary's." 

"Well your father should be home soon so I'm going to start dinner."

"Alright do you need help?" I smiled towards her.

My mother turned to me then smiled, "Sure."

We worked on dinner and soon my father got home. Dinner that night was less tense then the night before.

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