» Romance » True Love, Mackenzie Feit [different ereaders txt] 📗

Book online «True Love, Mackenzie Feit [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Mackenzie Feit

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Chapter 1- My New Beginning

(Emma's POV)



Shut up


"I really don't want to get up yet but I have school so I have to.

BEEP BEEP...... I pulled my alarm clock out of the wall and threw it across the room, it bashed into the wall and shattered.

"Now I need a new alarm clock, great," I said.

I looked at my phone it was only 6:30 "o well I'm up already so I should probably take a shower.

I walked over to the bathroom and turned the water on to warm, then I stripped my clothes off and got in. I took a quick shower because I needed time to do my hair. I then got out and put my hair in a towel and wrapped my body in another towel. When I got out of the bathroom I went to my walk-in closet and picked out a blue off the shoulder shirt and a black tank top to go underneath, I then picked out some black skinny jeans and a black and blue striped bra and underwear to go with it. I put my clothes I was going to wear on and then I went downstairs for some breakfast. "O I almost forgot my name is Emma Ivy Thompson, I go to Chastity Middle School in 8th grade, I am 14 years old and I am a nobody." When I got down the stairs my brother, Isaiah, was already sitting down eating so I got a bowl and poured some cereal and milk and went to sit next to him. My brother and I get along pretty well most of the time, our mother died in a car accident about 1 year ago and our father got cancer soon after, so we live alone but it doesn't really matter because before our parents died they were rich so we got all the money. When my brother and I were finished eating we got our things and went to school. When we pulled up into the school parking lot there was a group of populars surrounding the spot we parked in to wait for my brother, did I mention he was the quarterback of our football team he is 17 years old and every girl in the school wants to get in his pants, I got out of the car because I knew that as soon as he got out they would all surround him so I just left to go to my locker. As soon as I got there Allison Smith, she's one of my best friends, came up to me and started talking so fast I couldn't even understand her. I stopped her from talking by putting my finger up to my mouth in a shushing motion and she stopped, but as soon as I put my hand down my other best friend scared the daylights out of me by coming up behind me and poking me in the sides. His name is Ashton White and he is my only guy friend that is on the football team, I turned around and punched his arm playfully.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Sup," I said.

"Hi" Ally said.

"So are you guys ready for our math test we have 5th hour today," he said.

"Ugh no I completely forgot about that" I complained.

"Yeah I was up all night studying," Ally said.

"Emma you know if you fail this test you're going to be held back," Ashton said.

"Yeah don't remind me, well since we have study hall together 4th hour could you pretty please help me study?" I gave him my best puppy dog face.

"Yeah I would never say no to your puppy dog face" He chuckled

Just then the first bell rang to signal us to go to class.

"Are you all ready to go?" Ally said.

"No, I don't want to walk all the way up those stairs!" I whined

"Get on my back I'll carry you," Ashton said

"Really you would do that for me, but I weigh a ton" I laughed

"Dude you barely weigh 90 pounds" Ashton teased

"Alright, alright but you have to kneel your too tall for me to jump,"I said

"Ok you two hurry up or we are going to be late," Ally said

"K we can go now," I said as I was climbing onto Ashton's back

Ashton's hands were really close to my butt but I guess that's just so I don't fall, I thought.

We finally reached the top of the stairs and Ashton put me down, we all walked into the classroom just as the bell rang.

We took our seat with me in the middle of Ashton and Ally.

Science was taking way too long so I decided to make it interesting, I got out of my seat and asked if I could make an experiment but of course the teacher said no, but I did it anyway and I sort of made an explosion so now I'm sitting in the office waiting to talk to the principle.

"Miss Thompson please enter," He said

"Hi Mr. Davidson," I said

"What did you do this time," He said

"I made an explosion with sand because I was bored" I explained

"I'm not even going to ask how" He sighed

"Can I go back to class or do I have to stay here while you lecture me about how to pay attention and not misbehave, I promise I'll be good" I said as I made my puppy dog face.

"Fine Miss Thompson you may go but if you cause any more drama then you will be suspended for two days," He said

"Ok Mr. Davidson," I said as I walked out.

After that, I just roamed the halls until class got out.

"Hey troublemaker," Ashton said as the bell rang.

"Hi" I sighed

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Davidson said that I couldn't misbehave or I'll get suspended"

"That sucks does he not know how your mind works by now?"

"Guess not.... hey wheres Ally?"

"She wanted to go study some more"

"She is horrible with that she needs to worry less about her grades"

"And you need to worry more about yours!"

"No, I don't!" I yelled as I turned away from him

"Fine don't get mad at me ok I don't like it when you don't talk to me," He said trying to get me to look at him

"Ok I'm sorry," I said as I looked into his dark brown eyes

I watched as his eyes drifted to my lips then back up to my eyes.

I gave him a weird look.

He cleared his throat "we better get to class Em"

"ok," I said as I started walking away

"wait up" he yelled as he ran to catch up to me


(Ashton's Pov)


"Hey guys," I said.

"Sup" Emma said.

"Hi" Ally said.

"So are you guys ready for our math test we have 5th hour today," I said.

"Ugh no I completely forgot about that" Emma complained.

"Yeah I was up all night studying," Ally said.

"Emma you know if you fail this test you're going to be held back," I said.

"Yeah don't remind me, well since we have study hall together 4th hour could you pretty please help me study?" Emma gave me her best puppy dog face.

"Yeah I would never say no to your puppy dog face" I chuckled

Just then the first bell rang to signal us to go to class.

"Are you all ready to go?" Ally said.

"No, I don't want to walk all the way up those stairs!" Emma whined

"Get on my back I'll carry you," I said

"Really you would do that for me, but I weigh a ton" Emma laughed

"Dude you barely weigh 90 pounds" I teased

"Alright, alright but you have to kneel your too tall for me to jump," Emma said

"Ok you two hurry up or we are going to be late," Ally said

"K we can go now," Emma said as she was climbing onto my back

My hands were really close to her ass but I think she just thinks I put them there so she wouldn't fall, I smiled to myself.

We finally reached the top of the stairs and I put her down, we all walked into the classroom just as the bell rang. 

Em always gets bored during science, I really don't understand why because we get to do experiments and stuff. She went up to the teacher and asked if she could do an experiment on her own and he said no, but she didn't listen and she made sand explode, don't ask me how cause I have no idea. She got sent to the office and I got really nervous, cause what if she got suspended or even EXPELLED!!!!! Oh no! I walked over to Ally, she was working on our project that we were meant to be doing and started whisper/yelling at her.

"Ally what if she gets suspended or Expelled, you know she was put on a probation thing right, from the last thing she did!" I rambled on.

"Hey! calm down would ya before we get sent out," she whispered

 "Sorry" I apologized 

"Ok now I know that she got put on probation I was there and I'm her best friend so I made sure that that wouldn't happen cause then I would be stuck with you, anyway I told the principle that something like this would happen beforehand so he would be aware," she explained

"Ok, so what does that mean?" I asked

"You're so stupid, it means that she will be let go with a warning and if she does it again then she will be suspended," she said calmly

"Oh, ok," I said trying to calm myself down

"Now are you going to help me or just stand there watching?"

"Sorry, I would help but first you might need to explain what we are doing cause I forgot," I said with pleading eyes.

"O my god, you are unbelievable but since I don't want to fail, we are supposed to be making a non-active volcano." She explained once again

"Oh, and do you know how we are supposed to do that?" I asked 

"Yes but the question is do you?" she asked

"I ..." I tried to think of an answer

"That's what I thought" Ally yelled 

"Sorry," I said with apologetic eyes

"It's fine, just go ask the teacher if you can go to the bathroom and then come back towards the end of class, I'll finish this up for the both of us," she said exasperatedly

"I'm so sorry to leave you with all the work." I apologized again

"It's fine now go!" She told me

"Ok ok I'm going," I said walking away

 "Finally" Ally whispered hoping I wouldn't hear

I asked the teacher if I could use the restroom, thank god he said yes, I don't think I would have lasted much longer in there worrying about Em  I thought to myself as I walked out of the room




Chapter 2- I Can't Believe This???

(Emma's POV) 


I just got done in the principles office and there's only like 30 minutes left in class so no point in going back now I thought to myself seeing as there's no one else to talk to.

Just then I see Ashton wandering around I wonder what he's doing in the halls?

"Hey Ash" I yelled

He looks up after hearing his name being called

"Oh, hey Em," He said looking lost in thought

"What's wrong Ash?"

"N..nothing, j..just um th..thinking!"


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