» Romance » Dear Soldier, Ana [year 2 reading books .txt] 📗

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Dear Soldier:

I am so glad you had come back from the battlefield, it is so wonderful to
have you back. In all this time that we had been corresponding I had felt
so close to you. I know you are a country boy at heart and that you had
returned to your fields, well, I understand that and I do hope we can continue
to write to each other as in the past, for your letters always kept me company.
We had been real close and for that I am so happy, I hope you don't forget this
friend who really treasures every one of your letters.

Remember our first letter two years ago, we were going through difficult things
in our life, you were going through a divorce and I was going with so many things
in my life, losing my mother was still fresh on my mind. It was such a happy moment when I opened your first letter, I had a new friend who would give new
meaning to my life. You seemed to have lost so many things in life, you had a
father who was usually so cold to you and mine was that way too, so we related in so many levels, your little kid was what made you strong to go on and I understand
that being a parent changes everything, it does I am sure even if I wasn't blessed with having a child, something I miss dearly.

I hope you answer this letter and we would continue to be in touch...

your friend;


Dear friend:

Here I am writing to you from my beautiful small house, I would never stop writing
to you and I feel close to you too because we have something so very beautiful,
a true friendship. I have to say that meeting you had been wonderful, you are a pretty woman and you have a very bright smile even if you have sad eyes but I understand why you have those sad eyes. I feel we need to continue writing to each other but I have to confess something to you, I think often of you and as you know I am still shaken from my divorce and want to take things slowly.

You are a wonderful person, I love talking to you on the phone and writing letters the old fashion way, is so nice to find someone as old fashion as I am for that is so rare to find, a warm person whose ideals are so similar to mine. In so many occasions when I was in Iraq I asked myself how could someone like you be so alone but then I understood that you have gone through so many cruel things and love had been so bad towards you, just like with me, all I have now is my son and for that I make all the effort to be a good father.

My father is like yours, always living his life, I feel that a father like that should have guilt but I tell you something he dosen't have an ounce of it, for that reason I always try to be a good dad to my son, yes, I had been gone for a long time because I was fighting a war something his mother never understood, I was in the Army and had to follow orders, I had made the Army my career for a long time but I guess she didn't love me enough, any how I think we can make this friendship blossom even more little by little, what do you think?

Write back as soon as you can.

your friend;
Dear Soldier:

I think of you too often, you are a nice guy, a wonderful warm person that I truly like a lot and we should let our friendship blossom little by little. I can tell you how much I love your letters, I treasure every word. I know you are a good dad, you have good feelings and you are a warm person, don't ever worry about not being a good dad for you are a good one, I know you are, trust me. I know how difficult it is for you to think of your divorce for it was a hard blow, you didn't see it coming and that is so hard.

I think you will always have in your heart what happened when you were away fighting a war, you would never let that go because it hurt too much, just as I would never let go of what my father's stepson did to me because it was hard and he truly made my heart bleed, he was a real jerk and I do hate him. I had never hated any one like I do him because he played with my heart, he mocked my feelings and now for me is so hard to really trust a guy. I feel you understand me. We can say what we have in our hearts, tell each other our most intimate feelings for we know that we can understand each other. I am glad you are out of harm's way, I am glad you came back to see your son again, to give him love and to see him grow up.

I had never had a friend like you for you are so easy to trust, you have gone to similar things and you care for me as I care for you with loving gestures of friendship. I can't pretend that I do not think of you often because I do but maybe we will take things one step at a time, don't you think so soldier?.

your friend;




Text: c2011
Publication Date: 12-09-2011

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