» Romance » The Mutt, White Fang [books under 200 pages TXT] 📗

Book online «The Mutt, White Fang [books under 200 pages TXT] 📗». Author White Fang

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Chapter 1

(Jenny POV)

"I hate you," I yell to my mom as I stomp up to my room with a face of pure anger. My mom merely stomps after me, I close my bedroom door in her face and I lock it. "You open this door up right now!" My mom screamed at me through the door. "Never, you will have to bust down the damn door to get me out of here I can promise you that!" I yell back. I hear here curse at me under her breath before trotting back down the stairs in a rage. Fights like this have been happening lately between me and my mom. I'm usually the one who starts them but I also finish them with a bang. This fight happened do to the fact I had stayed out late once again. It was around 1 which is way past my curfew. Which happens to be 8: 30 on the dot. It's not like I was out with a boy or anything, I was just hanging out with my best friend Elizabeth. Now thanks to that I am on lock down, no phone, no TV, no nothing. I sigh as I reach over and take a look at the picture on my dresser. "I miss you dad," I mumble before turning the light off and falling asleep.

I wake up early in the morning, hopefully that gives me enough time to steal my phone back from my mother. I have been contemplating the idea and I finally put it in motion. I sneak into my mothers room and and quickly grab the phone of of her night stand. She is snoring like a pig so she obviously doesn't even look like she is waking up. I creep back into my room. I toss the phone onto my bed as I walk into my bathroom and strip. Then I jump into the shower, once done with that I brush my teeth. I rummage through my closet trying to pick out something cute to wear. I finally pick out a lcamoflage shirt with some green pants. I grab my bag, making sure everything is present. When I am satisfied I open my door and walk down the hall towards the stairs. My mom is standing groggily at the foot of the stairs. Here is comes I think silently to myself. Just as I predicted she starts yelling and crying over how she is trying to be a good mom and why I am behaving badly these days. I blink at here then without warning push past her and out the door to school. My mom is yelling at me to come back but I just smirk. "I wouldn't want to miss school!" I yell with a snicker. I glance back to see my mother scowling with rage.


I catch up with Elizabeth half way to school. She can instantly tell something is wrong with me. "What's the matter Jen?" She asked curious. Then again she is always curious about me lately. I shrugg, mom wasn't worth mentioning. I probably would just blow a fuse anyway. We walk in silence until he hit the school entrance. Elizabeth quickly says goobye and hurries off to Mr. Norton's class to pick up her late class work. I on the otherhand walk to class. Though as I am walking I catch the ugly stare of Trinity. Trinity has hated me for many moons now. I have no idea why, I rarely even look at her let alone speak. I divert my gaze away from her as I walk into my class. I take a seat in the back of the class. Everybody starts to semi crowd around me and I snort. A girl eeds her space. "Your crowding me, " I snap at them. I watch as they back up a litte, giving me some room to breath. Everyone sits down in their seats as the bell rings and Mrs. Craig walks in. "Good morning class, today will be an easy day considering Thanks Giving is right around the corner." The class cheers but is quickly silenced. "One more thing. We have a new student today his name is Jason Kai. Please make him feel welcomed." Mrs. Craig finished.  Right on cue a tall handsome guy with dark blue eyes and black hair strolled into the room.  All the girls gasped, except me of course. I eyed him up in down but not in the way the other girls in my class were eyeing him. He smiled, showing everyone his pearly white teeth. "Hey," Jason said taking his right hand out of his pocket and waving. The girls nearly fell back in their seats, even the ones with boyfriends. "Mr. Kai please take a seat next to Jenny," Mrs. Craig said turning to face the board.

Jason's eyes locked on to mine as he made his way over to the seat next to me. He pulled out his math book which I was surprised to see he had actually brung. Most kids used the 'I'm New' excuse. I remebered I had to take out my own book which I did. I noticed several girls glaring at me but I ignored them. It's not like I asked for him to sit next to me. Mrs. Craig turned around and said, "first person to finish these problems doesn't have to do the test on Monday when you come back from Vacation." I instantly start to solve the problems in my head. Writing each answer down on a piece of paper. I'm almost done when I hear someone say "finsihed." I turn my head to the source of the voice, it's Jason. The teacher raises a brow but walks over to his desk. He hands her the paper and her eyes widen. "Why, these are all correct. A+ Mr. Kai," She says. I frown at him and he catchs it. I expect him to say something like most people would but he just turns his head away, seemingly not even slightly interested.

I end up having my next two classes with him. He outshines me in them all. When lunch rolls around I sit stare at my mash potatoes. Elizabeth joins me soon enough with some news. "OMG! Have you seen the new guy?! Isn't he hot??" She asked me with pure excitement. I seen Jason sitting next to some guys from the football team. Jason is way to smart to be a jock, everyone knows 99% of them are dumb anyway. Especially David, the captain of the football team. Elizabeth snaps her fingers which pulls me out of my thoughts. "Yeah I have seen him," I mumble. My voice showing hints of bitterness. "Oh but I was meaning to ask. Can you drive me home?" Elizabeth nods as she drools over Jason. Wooptydo.

School ends with the sound of the release bell. I quickly pack my belongings and rush down the hall. I end up bumping into someone. "Sorry," I begin but stop when I see it's Jason. "That you weren't looking behind yourself." Jason did something unexpected. He flipping smiled! "I'll watch myself next time," Jason said calmly as he continued on down the hall and out of school. I was dumbfounded for two reasons. One, I had said something mean and he just smiled. Two, I have been very angry lately. I clear my head as I walk down the schools steps and hop into Elizabeth's car. Ok, her brother's car. She drives me home and I gratefully thank her. I notice my mom's car isn't in the drive way and I do an inner happy dance. I unlock the front door then trot upstairs. I close my door and kick my shoes off. Today has been stressful for me. I can feel my anger rising every day and it's making me feel sick. Though the real thing that made me feel queasy is Jason.

Chapter 2

 I stare up at the ceiling in my bedroom. My mother found out I took my phone back and literally destoyed it right in front of me. I was so tempted to just smake the crap out of her but I didn't. I want to talk to someone about my anger problems lately but I have no one to turn to. I certainly can't turn to my mother considering she is the one causing my stress. Oh, but lets not forget about jackass Jason. He beats me in everything! Which is why I can't even stand to look at him. Nobody else sees it but he loves to torture me. Only me. I grit my teeth, which numbs my anger. I get up from my bed and head down stairs. My mother is probably out looking for a man I can call daddy. Give me a break.

I head downstairs and enter the kitchen. I pull out a granola bar and some orange soda. I shuffle over to the couch and plop down. My mom never said I couldn't watch TV in the living room. I grab the remote and click the TV on. I flip through channels until I land on the news. On any normal night I would have fled from this channel but tonight I find the recent topic strange. I turn the TV up so I can listen more closely to what the announcers are saying.

"We are near the Springwood highschool tonight. About two miles north of the school lay the bodies of two teenagers. They have severe claw wounds and bites, probably attack by an animal. Though the real question is what were they doing all the way out here. We will inform the veiwers later. Back to you Chet." the announcer said. I sit up, feeling rather bad for the dead children. "Who would do that?" I ask myself. I hear my mother pull into the drive way which pulls me from my thoughts. I quickly turn the TV off, shove the remaining piece of granola bar in my mouth, and sprint upstairs. I close my door and jump into bed just as my mother comes into the house. I hear her footsteps and when they stop at my door I slow my breathing. I know my mom is probably peering at me through a small crack in the door. When I hear my door shut again I sigh before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up in a pool of sweat. Yet I wasn't even under my covers the night before. I shrugg it off, knowing I am about to take a shower so it doesn't matter. I sit up with a dizzy feeling. I manage to haul myself out of bed and into the shower. I groggily soap down and rinse. Then, I hurry over to the sink to fresh up my face. Once completed with those two things I look through my clothes. I decide to wear something simple. I grab a black tank top with some black shorts. I look in the mirror before I go. I notice some shifts in my

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