» Romance » Enigmatic, Aggie B. [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Enigmatic, Aggie B. [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Aggie B.

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Once upon a time, there was this boy I liked when I was still a kid. He always had such a smile that made me rejoice in return. But that was all ruined one night when the people dressed in black came to our house. What I remember now is not the dazzling smile I always recieved but the look of horror and the screams of plea is what haunts my dreams now.

Chapter 1

   I sat upright panting with sweat. The nightmares are still so vivid in my head as if I just lived them yesterday, but in truth I just lived them ten years ago.

I shivered.

   It's dark in here and it's cold. I should be feeling better after my escape but this place just reminds me of my old room; empty. But, then again I just moved here so no need to rush, huh. I got out of the bed and started getting ready for school.

I haven't felt so exhausted in a long time, but school is something I'm looking forward too. Except I'm not supposed to be happy about it but blending in is my priority so I won't be found out by the organization, and a school in a small town would be the last place they'd look.

   I stopped before openig the door to look back. This was a crappy apartment, but the only one that I could pay rent with cash and not with a credit card. It has just two rooms with a bathroom. It's not much, the kitchen is connected to the living room making it look like one room. There's a couch and a small coffe table with my laptop on it. The kitchen looks rather more modern in style. The black-top kitchen island is holding up everything together, and there's more space on it than I need. The resident before me must have loved to cook. From the living room, a door connects to my bedroom which just has a bed and a closet and my still unpacked luggage, and from there there's also a bathroom connected to my room. Yeap, this sure is a crappy place but I still couldn't help but smile since it's my first free place to live and not a prison.



   The parking lot was crowded with a sea of people and of course cars, but I found a small space in the back and that worked just fine for my motorcycle. I got off my bike and walked towards my new school. I got stopped by a few whistles here and there but, I ignored that. At the office I got my schedule and a map.

"Oh, wait a minute, let me also get you someone to take you to class. He should be here any second now." She looked like a nice old lady, at least better than the one glaring at everything that moved in this room. "Thank you." I sat on a cushion chair my mind somewhere else.   

    " Don't do this Sky, you're only going to get tortured. You're the best agent we've had in a while now and they won't let you go that easily."  Michael, my mentor and also someone who I thought I could trust, but I guess I was wrong. "Oh please, do you think I'm playing hide and seek? Don't you see that what we do is not something we can justify. They made us into killing machines, and you're fine with that? Come with me, we could escape together." I had hope, so much hope. 

"I can't let yo do that."  A sharp pain went through my left shoulder. "You've got bad aim if you're trying to stop me." I pressed the trigger, and the building shook from my explosives.

  "What'd you do today Conner?" The old lady interrupted my thoughts. " Oh come on Miss Charlotte, why would you suspect me of anything. You know I'm innocent." He was tall and lean with dark hair. But I couldn't see his face from my position. " So you say everyday. Here's your pass on account of that you show around the school to Skyler, and take her to class." The lady mentioned to me, and my supposed escort turned now to face me. My breath hitched, so he has blue eyes. " Hey now, don't go making goo-goo eyes at her." He turned slightly red. " The only eyes I have are for you Miss Charlotte." 

"Don't get ahead of yourself young man because you're a hundred years too early. Now go or you'll both be late for class." He put a hand to his chest, faking shock. "You hurt me with your words Miss Charlotte." 

I got up from my seat and left saying a thank you to Miss Charlotte. The hallways were crowded, and to that I was shocked. I wasn't used to crowds like this, in the program there weren't so many people in one place, at least not in the hallways. We were always supposed to be at our destined places even before the accurate time.    "Hey there, Skyler right? I'm Conner by the way." He popped out of nowhere and right in front of my face too. When did I let my gaurd down. 

"Hi. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "So I'm guessing you're slightly nervous by the new school and all. But, no need to worry. You can always talk to me if you need to" he said. "Let me show you around, and try not to get lost." 

"As if I could get lost with you sticking so close to me already."

"Ooh, flirty much." He had a smirk on his face, and it fit him well.

"I don't want to hear that from someone who flirts with old women" I was starting to smile. What's wrong with me? I don't remember when was the last time I had so much fun giving comebacks. 

"So you finally smiled, and here I thought your face was a statue." He was grinning at me and I just couldn't help but grin back. I hope I can stay in this town a little longer.



   The day passed by quickly and I couldn't be helped but be overwhelmed by it all, and I was never overwhelmed this much unless I was on some type of big mission the organization put me on. I met a few people at this school and made some friends too, but the thing is that I fit in and I felt so happy by it that I didn't  want the day to end. But the bell rang signifying the end of class. 

I got up from my desk, already packed up and ready to leave, but once I was at my locker I was stopped by a girl.

"Hey Skyler, wait up." If I remember correctly her name is Anna and she's friends with Conner, but then again everyone at this school is friends with Conner. "I wanted to know if you'd like to come to a party with me."

"Um, I'm not sure if I can go. There's still a few things I need to sort out at home, and I just moved here so,..." That's all a lie, I want to go but I didn't come here to have fun. I need to keep my promise to him.

I felt a hand wrap around my shoulders behind me, I moved ready to grab onto the perpatrator's hand.

"What's the big deal, it's just a party." It was Conner this time. I stopped myself before I could hurt him. People here are really overly friendly.

He was a little bit too close to me, and why was my heart speeding up. I don't like this. Did he always have such long lashes? This is really bad.

"I'll pick you up. Give me your phone number and address, and I'm not accepting a no." He was looking right at me. His gaze was piercing, and I think I felt a little weak in the knees. What was happening to me?!

"Um, I guess it's fine but, I can't stay out for long." I blushed feeling embarrassed and self conscious around him.

"That's cool, then I'll pick you up at 7." He shifted, pulling his hand away.

"Right, so opting out of this is impossible for me, huh?"

"That's right." His face was now beaming.

   I gave Conner my address and phone number feeling giddy about this whole interaction. But as soon as he left I was startled out of my trance of watching him leave.

"You totally got the hots for him. But don't have too much hope, because as datable as he seems he can dump a girl in just a week." Anna was still standing in the same spot as before. I even forgot she was here once Conner came by.

   Once I realised what she meant, I think my face looked like a tomato. I panicked. "No, no, no. You got it wrong, I mean I just met him today and all, and I'm not really planning on going out with anyone." I was fumbling now.

   The organisation may have prepared me for the most death threatening obsticles in my life, but I think nothing may have prepared me for a high school life.



    I got home feeling exhausted and bewildered by the events that I just lived through, and in that daze I took a fall on my couch and fell asleep.

  "Stay here and don't make a sound. If anything happens follow Jack, ok? He knows what to do." 

I gave a curt nod with the weight of her hand still pressed against my head. But the warmth quickly left and moved on to Jack, embracing him as if it would be the last time his mother would have the tenderness of his touch.

"Remember that little trapdoor you used to use to escape from Aunt Ann?" She was clutching his face now, looking Jack in the eyes. "Use that, if anything and I mean anything doesn't feel right to you." She let go of his face giving a goodbey kiss and left the room shutting the door behind her.

I couldn't see Jack's face then, he was turned facing away from me. I reached out to him. My little fingers still too short before he moved away.

"We need to hide somewhere here, but first follow me for now, ok Sky.?" He turned then, but the smile never reached his eyes.

The trip was short, but Jack always held on to my little hand tightly never letting go even when we hid ourselves behind a corner. But this all lasted very shortly until something made me pass out from a tremor.

The next time I woke up it was really dry in there and hard to breathe. I woke up with a coughing fit because of it.



I sat up, swallowing more breath than I did before. I took out my phone from my pocket and smiled once I realised who texted me.

'hey u ready yet :)'-Conner

'just give me a few'

'2 minutes tops cuz Im already here ;)'-Conner

I checked the time and I

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