» Romance » Werehog: A Sonic and Amy story, Jacob Michael/sonicstoryfan123 [freenovel24 TXT] 📗

Book online «Werehog: A Sonic and Amy story, Jacob Michael/sonicstoryfan123 [freenovel24 TXT] 📗». Author Jacob Michael/sonicstoryfan123

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Chapter 1


It was a beautiful spring day on Green Hill and Sonic was thinking about how beautiful the day was.
“I hope to never leave this place,” he said to himself, “but there’s a whole world out there that I should visit.”
In his life, Sonic had always dreamed of visiting more places than staying at Green Hill, maybe even visiting some people or maybe even start dating. The only friends he had on Green Hill were Miles Prower (everyone called him Tails because he has 2 tails) and Knuckles the Echidna.
Tails was a Fox of 8 years. He was abandoned by his parents in a terrible fire that nearly destroyed his entire home. In his babyhood years, Tails would always get picked on by bullies because he had 2 tails. Just when Tails was about to commit suicide, Sonic found him outside on Green Hill. When Sonic asked what Tails was doing, Tails told Sonic everything, about his parents, about his home, and about everybody bullying him because of his 2 tails.
“Aww,” said Sonic, “I’m sorry that had to happen. As for the tails, I think they’re just jealous of you little buddy. I mean, I think they’re cool.”
“Really?” asked Tails. “You mean it?”
“Of course.”
Tails smiled and ever since that day, him and Sonic have been best friends.
Knuckles was an echidna who belonged to a tribe of his own kind. His job was to protect the master emerald, a very powerful object that concealed a creature called Chaos. On one of their many adventures, Sonic and Tails met him at Angel Island, but Knuckles thought that they were enemies because Dr. Robotnik tricked him. But in the end, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles became friends.
Sonic was a blue hedgehog and is a very fast one. He is faster than the speed of sound. Sonic was a very good guy who cared about his friends and saved the world from Robotnik every time. In a few days, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles would be starting high school in Station Square High. The three of them always stayed there when it was time for school.
“Can’t believe we’re going to high school,” said Tails. “This is going to be awesome!!”
“I think you’re right Tails,” Sonic nodded in agreement, “but we’ll have to be careful.”
Knuckles stared at him then said, “What do you mean Sonic? There can’t be any possible danger in high school, could there?”
“Well, anything can happen,” said Sonic simply.
“Sonic, you worry too much,” said Tails. “Even if Eggman shows up, you can still beat him up.”
“That’s not what I mean,” Sonic replied. “I mean this is the time when guys our age start dating. I just won’t know what to say to very cute girls.”
“You still got Sally,” said Knuckles.
“Yeah, but I don’t love her anymore,” Sonic said looking depressed.
Knuckles patted Sonic’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry buddy,” he said. “You’ll get over your breakup with her soon enough. Trust me. Have I ever steered you wrong before?”
“Yes, when you tried to kill me for thinking that Tails and I were trying to steal the Master Emerald.”
“Okay, but that was just one time,” said Knuckles. “There’s a lot of other fish in the sea. I’m sure you’ll find the one you’re looking for soon enough.”
Sonic was going to argue with Knuckles, but thought better of it. Instead, he nodded and hoped that Knuckles was right.

Chapter 2


It was the next day, and Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were already at the train station in Station Square, ready for their long school year stay. The three of them got their luggage and off they were to stay at the hotel. Their journey wasn’t very eventful, but a car almost ran Knuckles over
“WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING PAL!!” the owner of the car had yelled.
“THAT’S A GOOD WAY TO KILL SOMEBODY!!” roared Knuckles. “Gosh, this city is crazy! This is why I hate staying here!!”
“Aww, Knuckles, cheer up,” said Tails looking at his watch, “we’ll be at the hotel in 5 minutes if we keep walking.”
“I hope Knuckles was right about what he said yesterday,” thought Sonic. At a time like this, it was hard not to think about Sally Acorn.
“HUH?! WHAT?!” shouted Sonic in surprise.
“ WE’RE HERE!!” yelled Tails.
“OKAY,” yelled Tails.
Sonic glared at him.
“Okay,” whispered Tails.
Sonic looked up. There, right in front of him, was the hotel.
“What were you thinking about anyway Sonic?” asked Knuckles.
“Oh, just about how good looking I am,” said Sonic with a shy smile.
“Yeah, okay,” said Knuckles with a look that could tell that Sonic was lying.
The three of them entered the hotel. It had a huge hall, with glowing chandeliers. It was a replica of the Titanic’s grand staircase room except it wasn’t on a boat.
“Three rooms please,” said Knuckles.
“Three hundred dollars,” said the manager of the hotel.
Sonic and Tails stared at Knuckles.
“Hey, don’t look at me. I’m broke!” panicked Knuckles
“Fine,” said Tails. He took out three hundred dollars and handed it to the manger.
“Here are your keys,” said the man. “Have a nice stay.”
“You coming Sonic?” asked Tails when he noticed that Sonic wasn’t going upstairs.
“You 2 go ahead. I wanna stay down here a little bit.”
“Alright. Come on Knuckles.”
Sonic went back downstairs to get some dinner. He was very hungry after his long journey. Just when he was about to head to the hotel’s restaurant, he knocked into someone. A furry pink hedgehog.

Chapter 3


“Amy? Is that you?”
“Who is it? Sonic?!” said the pink hedgehog in shock.
“It is you!” said Sonic and he smiled.
Sonic couldn’t believe it. He hadn’t seen Amy Rose ever since he saved her from Metal Sonic (one of Dr. Eggman’s creations). She was older, had a change of clothes, but it was still Amy Rose just as pink and furry as ever.
“I have to say that this is a surprise,” said Sonic.
“What are you doing here?” asked Amy.
“Going to school here. You?”
“Me too!!”
“Really? That’s great Amy!”
“But, I have to ask this,” said Amy, “what are you doing out here this late?”
“Heading to get some dinner,” said Sonic.
“Really? I was just about to head to the restaurant to get something to eat myself.”
“Hey,” said Sonic, “I have an idea. Wanna join me for dinner?”
“Oh, would I ever!” said Amy.
“Let me help you with your stuff first,” said Sonic and he picked up some of the luggage that Amy dropped.
“Thanks Sonic,” said Amy picking up her stuff too, “this stuff is really…”
She paused and at that instant, Sonic knew why. He was trying to pick up Amy’s last bag and Amy was trying to pick up that last bag too. While doing it, their hands touched each other. Sonic tried to hide the blush and from the looks of Amy, she was trying hard to hide her blush too.
“We should get going then,” said Sonic.
“Wha--? Oh of course,” said Amy.

After putting the entire luggage in Amy’s room, they both headed down to the restaurant.
“So,” said Sonic starting conversation from their walk down, “what have you been doing ever since I saved you.”
“Well, first off, I was trying to look for you again,” said Amy.
Sonic blushed, but he pretended not to notice it.
“When I couldn’t find you, I gave up,” continued Amy. “I then started dating other boys. All of them didn’t work out. They all thought for some reason, that I was crazy.”
“You are crazy,” said Sonic, “in a good way.”
“Thanks Sonic,” said Amy, “but what I mean is they wouldn’t treat me like a lady, you know what I mean?”
“Um… I g-guess,” stuttered Sonic. “Why wouldn’t they treat you like a lady though? A girl as beautiful as you, you definitely deserve to be treated like a lady.”
Amy blushed. “Sonic, that was probably one of the nicest things you ever said to me.” Then she hugged him
Sonic blushed and hugged her back. “Dang I’m good at this,” he thought.
“So Ames, shall we head to dinner?” said Sonic in a much more manly voice.
“Of course,” said Amy in a British accent.

Chapter 4


Sonic and Amy didn’t go to the hotel’s restaurant. Instead, they went to a Mexican restaurant where everybody could eat, talk, and dance to music.
“This is one of my favorite places to eat,” said Sonic. “It may be expensive, but it’s awesome!”
When they both took their seats, they ordered their food and decided to talk about themselves.
“You first,” they said together. “I mean…”
Sonic and Amy laughed.
“Okay, you first,” said Amy.
“Well,” said Sonic, “I think you remember Tails and Knuckles when you were younger, right?”
“Tails and Knuckles? Are they with you too?” asked Amy.
Sonic nodded. “They come to school with me here every year. Anyway, I haven’t been doing much lately; it’s kind of been boring without Eggman around so much. Oh, and I also

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