» Romance » Skater Girl's, Renee Pollet [best e ink reader for manga txt] 📗

Book online «Skater Girl's, Renee Pollet [best e ink reader for manga txt] 📗». Author Renee Pollet

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Hello, My name is Krissa Carterson. I'm fifteen and a bit short for my age. I live with my older brother, Krishten. He and I only have each other, our parents abandoned us when he was twelve and I was ten. Since it was only us, I became a bit of a tomboy. I like to wear baggy pants, long sleeves under my short sleeve, and ride a skateboard, so what? I'm only comfortable with my brother and his friends.
Beep beep! I wake with a start at the sound of the alarm. I yawn get up and take a shower, then brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and see my messy blonde hair, and bright hazel eyes looking tiredly back. I brush the knots out my hair leaving it thin and straight. My brother comes up behind me and says, "Hey Kris, are you ever gonna wear normal clothes?" I roll my eyes and go to my room to change.
I walk to my closet in search of something to wear. It's my first day of school, and I'm super nervous. I pull out my black, long sleeve shirt and pull it on. I grab another short sleeve that's dark green, and put it on as well as my baggy tan pants. I hear my brother calling my name and head down stairs, I see Mason and Drake standing with him. I wave and we head out, skateboard in hand.
As we walk to school, I see the girls all around wearing skirts and skinny jeans. They stare in my direction, but not at me. They're staring at the guys, I hate to admit it but my brother and his friends are just the types of guys these wannabe celebrities would like. Krishten, like me, has blonde hair, but blue eyes. Mason is rocking his summer tan, with the sandy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Drake has jet-black hair that curls at the edges of his forest green eyes. I feel extremely plain standing next to them.
The guys are laughing, obviously, not noticing the attention they're recieving. Then I decide to ask, "How do you guys deal with being stared at like that?" They turned to me and smiled. They answered in the same joking tone that I love, "We just give them something to stare at." I laughed and so did they, now the girls were looking at me. Some stared at me with killing intents, while others looked at me with envy. I just decided to take the guys' advice and give them something to see. i grabbed Mason and Drake by the arm, and giggled as I saw the reactions from the girls. They shot daggers at me.
Once the guys caught on, they played along. We all laughed until we got to school, the captain of the football team walked up to us, looking smug. "Well lookie here, if it ain't the skater dudes?" He said looking at the guys. Then he caught sight of me, "And you got yourself a girlfriend too. What's your name shorty?"
I don't know why, but this guy bugged me. "My name is Nyb. Now if you'll excuse me." I try to go past him but he stops me. "What do you mean Nyb?" 'Is he really this stupid' I think to myself. "Nyb means None your business, now outta my way." I explain as I try to pass through again. This time he pushes me and that makes Krishten mad.
"Hey, watch who your pushing Jesse!" Krishten yells at Jesse. I stand in front of them and push Krishten away from Jesse. "Stop this, lets just go. Okay Kay?"I say in a low voice. He nods. "Fine, let's go Kris." He finally gives up. The bell rings. We threw our skateboards into the bushes.
Everybody scrambles into the school building. I walk to the list, but couldn't see a thing. Drake sees me having trouble seeing, so he looks for me. "You're in room 101 with Mr. Nichel. Good luck Kris." He said with a sly grin. I waved bye to the guys, and started for my homeroom. Just as i turned the corner I ran into a tall guy.
"I'm sorry" was all I could get out before laying my eyes on the guy. He was very tall, with a little bit of a tan. His honey blonde hair was straight around his baby blue eyes. I was captivated, not only with his looks, but with the sharp cinnamon smell roaming from his body. I gasped silently. "Sorry" I said again.
"No problem." the guy said in a tired voice. he yawned then walked off. 'Wow, That guy was goodlooking' I thought to myself. The late bell rang, and i tried to rush to class in time. I was still late.
"Glad to see you could join us," the teacher said in a bit of a sarcastic voice. "What is your name young lady?" He asked in his stern voice.'We're gonna be the best of friends, not!' I thought to myself. Then I could almost hear the mental click in his head. "You remind me of a student I had a couple years ago. Those clothes and that hair, are by any chance related to Krishten Carterson?"
I guess I know why Drake told me good luck earlier, Krishten was nothing but trouble his first year here. "My name is Krissa Carterson. Nice to meet you, sir." I said with a small voice. "Great! I have another Carterson this year!" he exclaimed with anger. "Go take your seat." I walked over to the empty desk in back of the classroom by the window. "I'll now pass out your schedules."
As he got to my schedule, I could have sworn he said ' Pity the teachers who have her.' I grabbed my schedule and looked closely at it. It said:
• 1st: Honors Math 107
• 2nd: Honors History 203
• 3rd: Astronomy 214
• 4th: Physical Education *GYM*
• 5th: Honors English 111
• 6th: Advanced Art 306
'Awesome' I thought to myself. The bell rang and I rushed out of that class. Mason was at the door waiting for me, "Hey how'd things go?" It must have been written on my face, because before I said anything he just gave a nod. "Show me your schedule." I gave it to him and his eyes practically jumped out their sockets.
"No way, you got all honors and Astronomy, that's a class two years ahead of you. Wow, way to go Kris!" He praised me with a loud voice. People were beginning to stare at me. I said bye quickly and rushed to my first period. I walked in the room and sat in the back by the window.
As people were filling the room, the teacher look like she was getting jumpier. When the late bell rang she practically jumped out her desk, "Now class how are all of my little pretties." Everyone laughed at her, 'this just might be an okay class' I thought to myself. "now lets get on with roll call, shall we?"
As she went down the list I was the fifth one called, "Krissa Carterson" she said loudly. I said here very quietly and that got her attention. "C'mon dear, speak louder!" "Here" I said in a louder but still quiet voice. "Good" she replied. She returned to calling roll, while I felt heat rise to my face. Class passed quickly as she announced everyone’s get to know you partner. I was partnered with Hale Byound, who wasn’t here today, so I just got to sit back and chill. The bell rang to go to next class, and I slowly got out.
I walked in the class, just as a bunch of tall kids were making their exit. They looked down at me, then just kept walking. Once the late bell rang, the teacher got up excitedly “Hello class! My name is Mr. Jameson. Pleasure to meet you all!” He passed a paper stating all the material we’ll need for his class, then continued talking about basic history. I waited in the small classroom for the bell to ring. The bell rang and I slowly made my way to my next period.
As I was walking in the classroom, all I saw was tall, tall people. ‘What’s going on?’ I thought to myself. Then a familiar voice came from behind me, “Krissy! OMG, I’m so glad you’re here!” the girl squealed loudly. Everyone’s eyes traveled over to me and her. “You remember me, right? It’s Lanie, Lanie Blakes!” I put my hand over her mouth and nodded.
All of a sudden I heard a lot of ruckus coming from the doorway, I see Krishten, Drake, and Mason. ‘No way, You have to be kidding me’ I thought loudly to myself. They caught sight of me and Krishten came and gave me a big hug. “Class, Please sit down.” The teacher announced. She then saw me, “Excuse me are you lost little one?” I flushed slightly as the entire class was looking at me. I handed her my schedule since I couldn’t talk with this big lump in my throat. She took a look at it, and her eyes slightly lit up. “Class, we should all follow this young one’s guidance and excel beyond our years.” She announced loudly, I made my way to my seat.
She began calling roll call, and something just clicked in my head that hadn’t before. ‘I’m in the same class as Krishten!’ Then she got to the C’s on her roster, ‘Martin Caeter,’ ‘Here!’ ‘Karoline Caque,’ ‘Here!’ ‘Krishten Carterson’ ‘heeeeeeereeeeeeeee.’ The dreaded moment has arrived. ‘Krissa Carterson’ ‘Here.’ She glanced up from her clipboard, “Krishten and Krissa Carterson. Are you two related by any chance?” Krishten must have been waiting for this question because he jumped out his seat and practically ran over to me. He grabbed me out my desk and held me up like you would a lion cub.
"My name is Krishten Carterson, and this my amazingly talented little sister, Kris Carterson!” he said in a loud voice. I blushed bright red and gave the class a laugh. The teacher tried to calm Krishten down, but when he gets like this only I can calm him down. “Krishten!” I said in loud voice for the first time today. He caught my gaze and knew he was in trouble. He put me down and sat back down, the class looked at me as if I was crazy. “Sorry, he was a bit excited.” I said in my tiny voice again, that gave the teacher some laughs. The class got going and lunch came quickly. I went with my brother, he goes to cafeteria but doesn’t eat. I sat down with him waiting for the rest of the guys.
“You not gonna eat Kris?” Krishten asked in a brothery voice. “I’m fine”, I said in a small voice. The guys came to the table and offered me some food. Just looking at the food was making me sick, I shook my head no. They left me alone, Thank God. Then the all too familiar squeaky voice was behind me. “Krissy!” I turned around to see Lanie Blakes.
Lanie Blakes was a pretty, smart, cheerful, girly girl. I was friends with her in pre-school. It amazed me she even remembered me. She was staring at me with those bright green eyes, expectantly. She sat down

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