» Romance » P.S I love you, Micky!:) [red seas under red skies TXT] 📗

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P.S. I Love You
Dear diary,
It’s so different here in Rosewood. It’s quiet. Although ever since my dad died it’s been that way. My mom thought dragging me down here would let us start fresh. Although it doesn’t help because I still think of him at night, in the afternoon, in the mornings, and in my dreams. Even moving won’t help us try to let go of the past. I‘ve been to counseling along with my mom but it just makes the hole inside me go deeper.
“Aubrey,” my mom said exhaustingly. “It’s going to take you forever to unpack if you just keep leaving things a mess. This is a fresh start. A new life,” my mom said as she took all of my dirty clothes off of my bed and put boxes there. “Unpack these tonight Aubrey Marie Miller,” she said sternly as if I had no other choice. “This is our new life?” I started to question her. “What about our old one?” I finished. I swiped my back bag off of my wooden desk and headed for the door for my first day of school.
“Okay now everyone take your seats. I am Mr.McCuller. Since that is my name I expect to be called that. Welcome to science,” he said to everyone as he wrote his name and then science on the chalkboard. “I hope you enjoy your first day of school,” he added and pushed his glasses further up his nose. I looked around the room but most of these people didn’t look like juniors at all even though this is a junior class. “I will change seats so don’t get too comfortable. In row 1 section A is…..” he started but I drowned out every noise in the classroom and just stared at the wall until I heard my name. I was in row 4 section A. I sat down and short after felt someone sit next to me.
“Hey I’m James,” he said in a soft quiet voice as he was getting settled in.
“Hey I’m Aubrey,” I said in an even softer voice. Through the corner of my eye I could see him studying every detail of my body until I turned my head.
“Why are you staring at me?” I asked and he snapped his head up.
“Because I can, can’t I?” he asked the corners of his lips lifting up into a smiling.
“It’s weird and uncomfortable,” I said and looked forward again. I crossed my hands and set them on the polished wooden desk.
By the time everyone was settled the bell had rung and class was over.
“Hey I’m Layla,” a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes said. Her elbow was against mine.
“Oh hey I’m Aubrey,” I said and held out my hand for her to shake. She took it and smiled at me.
“I see you’ve warmed James’s heart. You know the way he was staring at you was like the way he stared at me,” she started and was lost in thought as her smile faded.
“What happened?” I asked and we stopped walking in the middle of the hallway people pushing past us.
“Well I broke up with him because he was cheating on me with, well I don’t want you to have any enemy’s so I won’t name names,” she said and looked off into the hallway people were laughing and walking. I looked at the clock and we still had 3 minutes to get to calculus. I have it 6th period. So does James. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Layla started talking to me again.
“Anyway just be careful with him,” she handed over a piece of paper with her number scattered across it. She started to walk away.
“Who did he… you know cheat on you with?” I asked. She stopped walking away and turned towards me.
“Kylie,” she shouted and continued walking down the yellow hallway with white and black marble flooring.
When I walked into calculus I noticed James in the back of the room. It was like he sensed me because he looked up and patted the spot next to him. I looked at his offer and it was the only seat left so I had to take it. I grunted and then sat down next to him.
“Ha I’m sorry are you mad at me?” he asked and then put his hand over his heart mockingly and then he grinned. I ignored him and stared at the board as the teacher wrote Mrs.Saphire.
“Oh now you’re giving me the silent treatment?” He asked staring at me grinning even bigger with those brown eyes.
“Leave me alone,” I yelled but in a whisper. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.
“Students now this assignment is very important,” Mrs.Saphire started to say.
“You have to get to know your partner down to the very core. Every single solitary detail,” she raised a finger at all of us. “It’s due tomorrow for 250 points. Have fun,” she said and smirked at us all. She is trying to kill me and I don’t even know her.
“So now you have to talk to me,” he said grinning darkly. “Unless you want a bad grade,” he smirked.
“What do you want from me?” I hissed.
“I want you,” his smile widened now.
“That’s not funny,” I said staring seriously at him.
“It was to me,” he smiled to himself.
He started scribbling stuff down on his paper. He didn’t even ask me anything.
“What are you writing?” I asked astonished that he thought that he knew me.
“I am writing you hate to be wrong, you don’t trust the right people, you’re a procrastinator, you like pop music, your favorite artist is Auburn, and you love the color yellow,” he stared at my jaw which seconds after falling snapped shut.
“How did you know all of that? You never even asked me anything,” I asked looking into his eyes.
“I know everything about you,” he smiled darkly and his eyes turned darker. Just then the bell rang and he stood up and went out the door. I caught up with him.
“Hey I never got anything on you,” I stated. He took my arm and wrote his number on it with his pen. My skin was warm where he had touched.
“Call me” he said and turned away and disappeared into the crowd of the hallway.
I was in 7th period which is my P.E class. Layla is here with me. I walked out onto the field where she and a guy that was checking me out stood.
“Hey Layla,” I yelled walking over to her. She looked at me and smiled.
“Oh hey,” she turned to the boy that was tall dark and handsome.
“This is my new friend Aubrey. Don’t you just love her name?” she talks like a prep with that perfect tone that makes you think she’s sweat, nice, and innocent.
“Yeah it’s pretty. My name is Matt,” he looked deep into my eyes with his dark brown eyes as he shook my hand. He is really cute I wonder if he and Layla are dating.
“So I didn’t know you two love birds would be in my P.E class,” I said trying to figure out if they were dating.
“Oh please me and Matt hahaha no way I’m dating Dylan. Wow your funny,” she looked hysterical as if the funniest thing just happened. Matt knew what I was doing he smiled at me and winked. HE WINKED!!! He looked at Layla and whispered something in her ear and she left.
“So where are you from?” he asked.
“How’d you know I wasn’t from here?” he was a very mysterious guy. But I like mysterious.
“A hunch,” his eyes grew darker than they already were.
“Uh anyway I’m from Ohio,” I smiled and shrugged.
“Well Ohio I hear is very cold. So what made you move here to California?” he asked and grabbed my arm and we started walking.
“My uh um dad died,” I started to tear up and swiped the first one to escape my eyes.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” he pulled me into a tight hug. He smelt very musk, it was a strong smell. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
“You smell really good. I’m sorry that was weird,” I said and started to back away but he pulled me into the hug again. He buried his nose into my neck and was sniffing it. I pulled away.
“Did you just sniff my neck?” I asked a little creeped out.
“No you just. You just had a……what perfume do you use it smells good. See you’re not the only one that’s weird, he said and laughed awkwardly.
“Rose love is the scent. It smells really good to me,” I said and put my hand cupping my neck.
“Yeah it does smell good,” his eyes were super dark now like he was thirsty or dyeing or something. He had lust and desire in them.
The bell rang and I walked away but he caught my wrist.
“Here is my number,” he put his number on a piece of paper and shoved it in my back pocket lingering his hand there for a few seconds longer. My skin was tingling where he had touched and I blushed so he smiled.
“There’s a party. Call me if you’re interested,” he turned and ran away. Not walk but ran. I went to the parking lot got in my car and headed home.
I took out my calc. homework and remembered the classwork. He never told me anything about him. I glanced at my arm and punched in the numbers scribbled across my arm in the homophone. He answered on the 3rd ring.
“Hello,” he said like he knew it was me.
“I need you to answer a few questions for calculus Remember?” I asked and crossed one arm over to my other.
“Oh well right now I’m in the middle of something important,” I could feel him smile over the phone.
“What could you possibly be doing at 10:00 at night?” I asked frustrated.
“Oh I dunno come to Play-J casino and find out,” he hung up. I grunted and scribbled on a blank piece of paper jerk and gambler. There! That is some things I know about him. I went upstairs put on a pink lace kami and a victoria secret jacket with some skinny jeans and left.
I pulled into Play-J’s casino and got out. I opened the door while people stopped and stared at me. Some people had angry faces some were checking me out and sizing me up. I felt a hand grab my shoulder firmly. I turned around to scream only to find that it was James’s hand. He looked surprised and confused, his mouth fighting to dare twist up in the corners.
“You actually came?” it seemed like he was asking.
“Yeah I have questions for you,” I said and saw that he was playing pool with a few other guys. He waved them off and they left seeming mad at me. He looked around at my back pocket and snatched the paper before I even realized what he was looking at.
“A jerk, a gambler, really you couldn’t think of anything else

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