» Romance » Ricky's sister, Karina [red white royal blue TXT] 📗

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Chapter 2
Ricky was always popular. That’s the reason why everyone knew Janet as Ricky’s sister. They knew that she was Ricky’s sister. Ricky was an athlete (school’s quarter back), scholar student, funny, handsome, tall and he was in a serious relationship with the nice, smart, blonde, and hot girl. All that they knew about his sister is that she was beautiful; no guy wanted to go out with her because they knew how overprotective and intimidating Ricky can be with his sister, no one since Jacob. No one knew her except Jacob, how funny, nice, and smart she can be.
While I walk Janet to her house, I think of what I should say when I meet him. While I was thinking of what to say I got distracted by Janet. Her face was full of worry, and I could see her shaking slightly. I reach to hold her hand. When I held it she looked at me surprised and smiled when she saw I was smiling. “It’s all right”, I told her because I knew that it was going to be.

I was right when I said that it was going to be alright. Ricky wasn’t home afterschool, he was at football practice. We decided to just go to the park and come back later.
We held hands again when we sit on a bench at the park. We were quiet until she said, “Why did you ask me out?” “I asked you out because I knew there was no completion, well…, fine, I asked you out because I think you are beautiful and funny….and beautiful, smart, and beautiful, and….well did I said beautiful?” I talked a little too much sometimes. She looked at me with wary eyes. After a few seconds her eyes warmed and she said, “You did?” I waited a second before I answered, “Yes and I wanted to do this.” I leaned over and kissed her. OH my dear lord! I thought as I was kissing her, I continue kissing her; she places her hand at the back of my neck, the other just above my ass and leans in more into the kiss. The kiss is so deep that I wrap my arms around her and lean back so she can be on top of me. I never picture myself making out with anyone in my life; I haven’t even kissed a girl before Janet. Then she suddenly leaned back slightly, pulling me with her, without breaking the kiss. Janet! The love of my life! I love you! After like half an hour, we stopped and decided it was time for me to meet Ricky. She held one of my hands while my other arm was around her shoulders. We looked retarded because we couldn’t stop smiling at each other. I completely forgot to ask her what I should say when I meet Ricky. I was so stupid to forget to ask her, I could kick myself.

“Hello Ricky, my name is Jacob and I would like to take your sister to a date. I am a scholar, into photographing and I have can always make people laugh even though they always laugh for the wrong reasons.” I would have grinned right there and looked at Janet to make sure I did every thing she asked to do. She would have put her thumbs up to reassure me and I of course would have grinned wider.
I wish that was the way it happened but it wasn’t. It went the complete opposite; Janet never told me what I should say, I said the worse thing and I even got his name wrong! This is how it went:
“Hi, Roger, I’m Jacob and would like to marry your sister.” That’s what I said. I mean the guy looked like he was about to kill me and lock his sister away, what he did was punch me straight in the face and dragged me out the house to the street, unconscious for about a few minutes.
When I woke up I looked at the house and heard two people yelling at each other, one sounded like Janet and I am not sure but I think the other one was Ricky. They were yelling about meat each other while I was trying to stand up. I had a headache and I felt half my face burning and itching at the same time, it also hurt a lot. I stood there deciding if I should go back inside and intrude. I thought about going back inside and siding with Ricky about how dumb I am and she shouldn’t see me anymore, but then siding with Janet about how real my feelings were with her, I wasn’t just using her, and that she should still see me because I wasn’t dumb and I was a scholar just like him. I just said that I wanted to marry her because that was my first thought that I when I saw her and I was thinking at that moment I want to marry HER!, after spending all this time with her, only made me want to marry her more, it took all my strength not to propose right after I kissed her. I decided to play it safe and talk with her tomorrow about how bad things were. The next morning I was thinking I should have stayed and helped Janet with her brother.


Publication Date: 02-05-2010

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