» Romance » The Accidental Mate, Radiant Light [most inspirational books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «The Accidental Mate, Radiant Light [most inspirational books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Radiant Light

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Chapter 1

Blair Montgomery walked through the streets of her hometown. Her long dark hair whipped around her face as she crossed the main avenue heading towards the park. Her long, smooth and graceful gait turned heads and most turned away as soon as they caught sight of her tri-colored eyes. Lavender, turquoise and gold they drew as much attention as the gun strapped to her thigh.

Night had fallen hours ago and Blair still searched out her prey. He saw her before she saw him. He tackled her into an alley and slugged her in the face. Gah that hurt. Straightening from her slumped position on the wall she looked into his eyes and he staggered back.

"Demon slayer." He whispered and began to walk backwards towards an open door at the end of the alley.

"Yes, I'm a demon slayer and I don't take kindly to a demon like yourself touching my face." She said as she walked towards him slowly with a smile on her face.

He shrieked before running down the alley. Blair scoffed and whipped out her gun. With a steady hand she took aim and fired. One shot and his head exploded, his body burst into flames seconds later. When would they learn that running away never worked? Especially when the slayer had a gun. Shaking her head she holstered her gun and began walking out of the alley wiping the butt of her leather pants that had touched the slimy alley wall.

Blair stopped in her tracks as she heard rustling in the trash cans to her right. Slowly her gaze traveled the small alley. Nowhere to run if it was bigger than a demon. In these alleys you never knew what might pop out at you. Suddenly she was thrown up against the alley wall. Blair tried to fight but her hands met nothing but air as she was lifted of her feet by her neck. Her vision began to grey and she knew she was close to fainting. If she fainted what would happen to her?

Her body made the decision for her when black dots began to cover her vision and suddenly she was in darkness.


Gabriel Laurens walked into the alley that led towards his house that he shared with his pack. Barely paying attention to where he was going he tripped over something hard enough that it had him falling straight to his face. Slowly he got up to his feet and looked around for what had made him trip when he saw black leather boots. His eyes traveled up the tight leather pants that molded to an amazing body. A silky red shirt covered some of the biggest breasts he had ever seen.

Taking a deep breath he looked her over. She was unconscious and hurt, judging from all the blood. Getting to his feet he thought about what to do about her. She wasn't exactly normal from what he could smell in her blood. Sighing he shrugged and picked her up. Maybe one of the guys at the house knew what to do. Taking off at a run, he started down the alley when he heard the most frightening thing of all. Her heartbeat matched his own. His mate was in his arms.

Looking down at her in shocked amazement that he had found the one person he had been searching for his whole life in an alley. As he ran he swore to himself someone would pay for what happened to her.


Blair opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling. Light poured in through a large window. The red curtains fluttered in the wind. Turning her head she took in the rest of the room. There was a dresser with a mirror, a nightstand and a lamp. Blair frowned, how had she gotten here and where the hell was her cell phone, her gun and house keys? She thought just as the door opened.

As the door slammed into the wall Blair didn't even flinch she was to mesmerized with the man that stood in the opening. He had dark hair, so dark it was nearly blue in the sunlight. His eyes a mossy green. He was ripped, his black t-shirt bulged in all the right places. He wore leather pants that bulged in a very telling way.

"Where am I?" Blair asked him getting up off the bed, now that she was standing she noticed how much taller he was compared to her.

"Still in the city." He replied with a smile making his face twenty times more attractive.

"The time?" She asked a bit irritated that she had to ask him that.

"A bit after ten." He said staring at her openly.

"In the morning?! That can't be? How did I get here?" Blair began to rant as she paced back and forth in the small room, "I have to get out of here." She said and headed towards the door.

"Hey calm down!" He said grabbing her arms forcing her to look up at him, "You're fine, I found you in an alley off of the main street. You were pretty beat up so I brought you back to my place." He said slowly watching as the panic he had seen spring into her eyes when he'd told her the time receded.

"What's your name?" Blair whispered looking into his mesmerizing green eyes.

"My name's Gabriel. How about yours?" Gabriel asked with an encouraging smile on his lips.

"My name's Blair." She replied pulling on her hands when his tightened around hers.

"You're Blair the Slayer? No way!" He exclaimed looking into her eyes as if that would confirm the truth of his claim.

Blair narrowed her gaze on him. What could he possibly know about her, "What if I am?" She asked him when his hold on her wrists loosened.

"Nothing. I was just curious." He replied with a shrug, "I bet you're hungry." He said and began to walk back out of the room before turning to look at her when he noticed she wasn't following him, "Well, come on." He said and kept walking out of the room.

Blair followed after him slowly, looking around every corner and peeking into each room they passed. Nobody seemed to be home other than him. Blair frowned after him, "What made you bring me here instead of calling the police or an ambulance?" She asked curiously as he led her down a flight of stairs that led into a large kitchen.

The room was bright with all the light that streamed in and there at the kitchen table sat three other men. All three looked over at Blair at the same time, "Finally she's awake." One of them said as he stood and walked over to her. He was just as tall as Gabriel, his hair was a muddy brown, and his eyes were a light hazel. He smiled down at Blair as he extended a hand in greeting, "Hi my name's Micheal."

"Hello" I said shaking his hand, "My name's Blair." and got the same exact reaction from him and the other men as Gabriels'.

"No way!" All three exclaimed, "Gabriel you saved a slayer." They were all clearly impressed with his heroics and it made Blair frown. They acted like dogs taking their cue from their... Alpha.

Blair immediately straightened her spine as she realized she was in dangerous territory. She was inside a wolves den.

Chapter 2

Blair mentally kicked herself in the ass. How hadn't she noticed the scent of them as soon as she had opened her eyes? Slowly she looked at Gabriel, he was the Alpha. Micheal was his second, that much she could tell, "So do you guys have a dog?" she asked nonchalantly as the scent of wolf permeated the room.

"Uh, no?" Micheal replied hesitantly and glanced at Gabriel over her shoulder.

"Oh come on. Cut the crap, I already know you're wolves." Blair said with a glare as she looked them over. They all seemed shocked that she had figured out what they were so fast.

"What about you? You're not a normal Slayer." Gabriel said with a glare of his own.

"We have never scented anything as sweet as you." One of the guys still sitting at the kitchen table said with a mischievous grin.

"Well that's comforting." Blair replied sarcastically as she glanced around the kitchen impatiently.

"Well anyways seeing as my Alpha is too preoccupied with making a complete ass of himself I will introduce myself. My name's Bradley or Brad, either one is fine." He said his baby blue eyes twinkling softly.

"I'm Nick." The guy sitting next to Brad said with a small wave. He looked exactly like Bradley in every way except for his eyes which were a dark brown.

Blair stared at the four men gathered in the kitchen. They really were the hottest thing on the face of the planet. They were extremely more attractive than some of the gods she'd met while she had been living in her mothers temple in Egypt, "Have any of you met your queen?" She asked them looking at Gabriel with narrowed eyes. She still didn't trust them completely.

"I have, once." Micheal said with a half smile as Blair turned to look at him with wide eyes.

"Did you also know that she is queen of the Vampyres as well?" Blair asked them curiously wanting to know how much they knew about their queen.

"Everyone knows that within the packs. We're not ashamed of sharing our queen." Nick said with a shrug, "Besides us wolves stopped fighting with the vampyres, they weren't worth the bloodshed."

"Well, its been nice meeting you and thanks for rescuing me and all but I really should get going." Blair said as she glanced around for the front door.

"Sorry Blair but you can't leave. Every rogue in the city knows who you're with, they know we don't take kindly to women being beaten. Especially in our alley." Gabriel said with so much determination that Blair was taken aback by the way his eyes dilated and became even brighter.

"Well I'm very flattered but I have to leave." Blair said as she glanced outside taking in the crowded street below. Demons would be pouring out of the wood works.

"Too bad." Micheal said with a shrug as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

Blair couldn't believe what was happening. They weren't going to let her leave, "How about one of you guys leaves with me?" She suggested looking back at them hopefully.

"Fine, but you're to come right back here." Gabriel said before stomping

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