» Romance » The Maid, Athene Minerva [read 50 shades of grey .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Maid, Athene Minerva [read 50 shades of grey .TXT] 📗». Author Athene Minerva

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Surprises? Surprises !Surprises ?!

And there she was , sitting  on the couch watching TV while sipping red wine . Her name is Leyla and she is 20 years old.  She has a co-worker , whose name is Luca Alfonsi , who is the family-chef . She works as a maid for 3 families , family Miller , family Brown and family Williams . Right now she is working for the Millers and she is watching over their only daughter , Sarah Miller , who's 17 turning 18 soon .

Leyla allowed herself to relax a little bit because she just finished all of her chores and her co-worker left . She thought that it'd be a good idea to drink red wine and watch TV to take her mind off of everything . She would feel much more comfortable if she could take off her maid-uniform , that sits too tight on her . She would have done that but she has to watch over Sarah Miller , who's been listening to 'Sleepover' by Hayley Kiyoko very loudly for the past 15 minutes and that's when Leyla has had enough . While walking up the stairs to the teenager's room , she prepared in her head what she's going to tell her . ' Keep the music down , I can't watch TV !!!! ' , Leyla yelled .  ' Whatever , it's not like you  get to tell me  what to do . You're only the help . Oh and besides , Mom and Dad won't be too happy to find out that it's  you  and not Luca who's been drinking their expensive wine . ' , Sarah said with an evil smirk on her face. Before Leyla could say anything to defend herself , the teen added : ' Don't you have chores to do or something ?! '

Leyla sighed before she rolled her eyes and said : ' If you don't tell your parents , I'll give you a sip of this Chateau Margeaux . '  Sarah  rolls her eyes before she agrees . After her first sip , she wanted more so she and the maid went to the kitchen and Leyla got the teen a cup and poored her some wine in . The 17-year-old changed her mind about going back to her room and spontaniously decided to sit next to Leyla on the couch .

Sarah broke the silence by complimenting Leyla's uniform . The 20-year-old maid smiled , thanked the girl and then complimented her back by saying that she has beautiful eyes . As time flies by , the compliments lead to flirting . Soon enough , they start making out .Leyla kept telling herself : ' She's just drunk , she doesn't have the same feelings for you as you have for her '.  When Sarah started kissing Leyla on the neck , all  of her doubts just faded away . She couldn't help herself anymore at this point . Leyla has been attrackted to Sarah since the first day she met her - the day the Millers hired her as a maid . Leyla and Sarah were making love on the couch when all of a sudden the Millers came home earlier than expected.
Sarah's parents open the front door and stand in the livnig room with their mouths wide open . Mr Miller was a little bit too happy about what he's staring at right now and Mrs Miller couldn't be bothered at this point , so she passes out . Despite all of the awkwardness , Leyla couldn't suppress her climax afterall ...

After some time passed by , Mrs Miller decided to rise back from the dead to say : ' Sarah Fucking Miller ! What in the name of all penises are you doing ?! Stand up and get dressed ! '   Sarah and Leyla just couldn't move because of the embarrassment they are feeling in this moment .   A few seconds later , Leyla gathered all of her clothing , covers most of her body with it and goes to the bathroom , leaving Sarah laughing until she cried and the Sharmutas still in shock , well kind of ...  After Leyla came back from the toilet , the Sharmuta family was staring at her , Sarah was grinning and seemed stoned . Leyla managed to get dressed in the bathroom but Sarah was still naked . Leyla told her to get dressed too , while grinning .

Mr Miller still didn't move from his spot or even say anything . At this point his boner just vanished but nobody noticed , lol .. As both young women laughed their asses off , old Mrs Miller asks : ' Have you been drinking ? '   No answer , so she asks again . Still , no answer . The middle-aged woman goes to the small table in front of the couch and sniffs the wine glass as well as the cup next to it . ' That's our Chateau Margaux !!! Who opened this ?! ' , she yells furiously .

Leyla didn't feel like paying attention to the old lady and got Sarah a blanket to cover her naked body . Mrs Miller got even angrier and started accusing Leyla by saying : ' It was you ! I knew it !! '  Before she could continue , Leyla interrupted her and said ' You know that your boobs are getting saggier by every passing ? Jesus Christ , wear a braaa !!! '  The racist old lady continued by saying : ' I knew that we shouldn't have trusted you !  How could you ?? We payed thousends of Dollars for this !!! '   When all Leyla did was look this woaman in the eyes and said : ' Soo ??? ' , her boss has had enough and kicked her out .  While all of this is happening , Mr Miller is looking at the floor and just can't stop grinning .  ' And what the hell are you so happy about ?! ' , his wife yelled at him . No answer.

Mrs Miller gave her husband an angry look and mumbled 'idiot' in his direction and then she started cleaning the mess her daughter and the maid created . After she's done , she turns to her daughter to tell her the following : ' It's 11 pm , you have school tomorrow . Get dressed and go to sleep .We'll talk about this later . '  The next day Sarah wakes up hungover , obviously and her mom is still mad , duuh . Sarah's dad has no idea what he's doing in life , he just woke up one day and found himself rich , cause miracles happen . Mr Miller also believes that money grows on trees so he dug a hole in the backyard , put a 100-Dollar-note and put the dirt back on it . He waters it every day , hoping that one day a big tree grows , which has 100-Dollar-notes on the branches in stead of the usual leafes . He says that he is an investor . He thinks he is smart. His wife believes otherwise . She thinks that he is a patato-head , but whatever .

Mrs Miller was still furious so she decides to call one of her rich friends to bitch about her current situation . Her oh so rich friend , Mrs Miller picks up the phone and says : ' Hello Daaaahlinnggg , I'm sorry I can't talk right now , the new maid just arrived . Mwah , mwah . Ciaaaaooo . ' and hung up on Mrs Miller . While sitting on the couch and crying about how she couldn't bitch about the maid that apparently got her daughter Sarah pregnant  , she looks in the direction of the backyard and notices her husband talking to the hill , underneath which he put the 100-Dollar-note.

Mrs Miller beleives that the maid's vagina is so saggy that it looks like a miserable penis . While going through her fact-based thoughts ( cause she only states the facts , duuuuh )  , she noticed that she's hungry , so she made herself a sandwich.



 Twitter: Athene_Minerva_

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The other family


After getting kicked out of the Millers house , Leyla found herself standing at the portch of the family Brown . After ringing the bell once , Mrs Brown opened the door , greeting the 20-year-old with an ' Oh , helloooooooo Dahliiiinnngggg' and gave the maid a kiss on each cheek . When Leyla was asked to enter , she sat on the couch and was offered a glass of water by the houseowner . Leyla couldn't keep help herslef from grinning . She wasn't used to getting treated well by her bosses . Mrs Brown broke the silence with a sincere smile on her face , saying : ' So , you're our new maid . Welcome .'

Leyla didn't know what to say so she smiled even more . After a few seconds she asked : ' What do you want me to start with ? ' Mrs Brown laughed a little and said : ' Sweetheart , you look exhausted . Lay down in your room for an hour or two and I'll tell you what to do . ' Leyla couldn't believe what she just heard and just felt like crying tears of joy . In the end Leyla said : 'Thank you very much , I promise you , you won't regret hiring me , I promise .' She was so happy that she was jumping up and down while shaking Mrs Brown's hand to thank her .

One and a half hours later , the newly hired maid wakes up to Mrs Brown talking on the phone  . Leyla was a little anxious so she sat on the bed , overhearing her boss say ' Sarah and her did what ? Oh , and the champane too ? ' . Leyla had the sneaky suspition that Mrs Miller was on the other end of the phone , telling her new boss about happened last night . To her surprise Mrs Brown continued to say : ' Well , you should have thought this through . You leave your expensive wine in an unlocked cabinet and let two attractive women alone at your home . What else did you think would happen ? Oh and at least they didn't drink the whole bottle , so be thankful , you greedy old bitch ' .

Leyla couldn't help herself but laugh a little when she heard that . She felt like someone was standing up for her .. She felt like someone is supporting her and she's just not used to that .. After she heard her boss hang up , she walks down the stairs to the kitchen , where Mrs Brown is standing and just hugged her . As genuine as Mrs Brown is , she told the 20-year-old the following :' You don't need to thank me , Leyla . You

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