» Romance » Crimson Moon, Leah Crowe [popular novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Crimson Moon, Leah Crowe [popular novels .txt] 📗». Author Leah Crowe

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It was a cold and dreary day as Beth stepped out of her car and into Brooklyn Cemetery. As she reached her mother’s grave, a single tear slid down her face. Feeling as though she could never be happy again, she sat down beside the grave, her mind filled with what had happened the past year. The New Year was a happy one for the Tidwells, symbolizing a bright future for the couple and their daughter. Then, Beth’s mother was diagnosed with a rare lung disease. Shortly after, she died. Beth, having just turned sixteen, missed her mother terribly. She had planned a huge Sweet 16 bash, but canceled it; she didn't want to celebrate anything since she wasn't in the mood. How could she get through the rest of High School and College? She loved her father, but he just didn’t understand her the way her mother did. He had his job to worry about and they didn’t see each other much. A freezing wind whipped past her and she snuggled closer into her coat. It wasn’t snowing and hadn’t for some time, which was odd since it was January. Thinking for the coming months brought more tears. March was her mother’s birthday. What was she going to do? She suddenly burst out in sobs. Everything was moving too fast. Her mother couldn’t be dead! She just couldn’t! Because crying, she didn’t notice a boy about her age come up and stand close in front of her. He stood, watching her as the sobs racked her body. Taking deep breaths, she finally calmed herself enough to look up and see him standing there. The first thing she noticed was that he was incredibly handsome. He had dark eyes that seemed to look through her soul and he had black curly hair. He was rather pale but looked very strong, muscles popping out of his black shirt. “I’m sorry to disturb you.” He said. She wasn't sure how to respond “No it’s alright I was just leaving.” Then she looked at the grave stone one last time then stood up. “I know how you feel…” He said, eying the grave. Beth looked at him curiously “What do you mean?” He cleared his throat, “The grave stone, the person you grieve over was your mother, right?”
“Yes, that right. I really miss her a lot. Is there somebody here who you used to know?” She asked him. “Uh…my father, he died a long time ago.”
“Oh I’m so sorry.” Beth whispered, “My name is Elizabeth, but you can just call me Beth.” She said.
“I’m…Phillip.” He said turning towards her. Beth glanced down at her watch. “Oh I need to go. I’m sorry to hear about your father.” She said as she walked out of the cemetery. As she hopped in her car, and drove off she could feel his eyes on her neck. Phillip, not the strangest man I’ve met, but he’s still very strange.
As she arrived home, her dad called out to her to come inside. Walking the steps to the door, she thought of Phillip once again. I wonder if I can see him again. “What took you so long to get home, sugar?” her dad called to her.
“I was just…doing stuff. Why do you have to know, dad?” she called back. Throwing her backpack and purse on the ground, she walked into the dining room, her stomach growling. Her father was there, scooping half-burned macaroni onto some plates. “Can we please go out tonight? I can’t eat another one of your ‘home meals’!” she wined. “Hon, daddy doesn’t want to go out tonight because he is very tired from work.” He replied. Beth scowled under her breath. He always treated her like a child! She didn’t say anything throughout the meal. “So sweetie, how’s school going?” her father asked, looking for something to break the silence. “It was good." She said, scooping up her bowl then carried it to the kitchen.
“Do your homework! You want to get a scholarship and get a good job, don’t you?!” he called. “Whatever.” She mumbled. Her dad really annoyed her the way he talked nonstop about jobs and school. It seemed as if he didn’t care about her or mom or really anything. Beth slowly walked up the stairs to her bedroom. She grabbed the books she needed out of her backpack and spread them out on her bed. As she started her homework, she couldn’t stop thinking of Phillip. He was handsome but strange. Something was odd about him. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Suddenly this guy pops up and knew something about her mother. Putting away her books, she yawned, suddenly tired. Still in her clothes, Beth snuggled under her polka-dot covers and turned out the light. That night she dreamt that her mother was still alive.

The next morning, Beth awoke to her alarm beeping, signaling that she was once again late for school. Ever since her mom died, she just didn’t care. She was too busy dreaming about what would have happened if her mother had lived. Slowly, she slid out of her covers, not wanting to leave the warmth. Hopping on the cold floor, she reached for something out of her closet, anything. What she pulled out was a black shirt. It suits me. She thought to herself. Once dressed and ready, she snuck down the stairs to her car. “Wait one minute!” Her father called, “Remember to do your best at school today! Collage is right around the corner!” Beth rolled her eyes. She picked up her stuff then went outside, it was snowing. She started her car and sped off. Looking out the window, she saw that the weather forecast of the previous evening was correct. Sometime during the night, a blanket of snow had covered everything and it hasn’t stopped yet. When she reached the school, the bell rang, sounding that she was late for first period. The halls were empty as she walked down to her locker. Suddenly, behind her, a noise like a locker being slammed shut came to her ears. She turned around to see Phillip. He looked calm, and then he spotted her staring at him. “Hello Phillip! I didn’t know you went to school here.” Beth said.
“I just transferred. My family moved a week ago so now I’m uh…enrolled for Virginia High.” He said with a hint of uncertainty. “Ok well do you want me to show you around?” She asked, “Here let me see your schedule.” She said taking a piece of paper out of his hands. Studying it for a second, she nodded then looked up. “It seems you and I share first period so right this way.” She said, leading him to the right room. “Let me just stop by my locker and put these books away.” Slamming her books into her locker, she led him up the hall to room 22A. Opening the door, Beth walked in and everyone turned to look, including the teacher. “Miss Tidwell, you are late for class is this becoming a habit?” The teacher said.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Zambony.” Beth muttered. Phillip butted in, “She was just showing me around. It’s my fault we’re late. I’m new here.” He said with a hall pass in his hand. “Well Mr. uh…Sedah.” The teacher said, eying Phillip’s name tag, “You are fine but I’m afraid Miss Tidwell will have to go to the office.” Suddenly, another hall pass flew out of his hand. “Oh I’m sorry Mr. Zambony. I forgot that I was holding Beth’s hall pass for her while she was tying her shoes.” Phillip said, winking. “Take a seat, you two.” The teacher said. As class began, Beth eyed Phillip. She never had a hall pass. She whispered to him behind the teacher’s back. “Thanks back there.” “No problem.” Phillip replied. She slipped a note into his hands. Meet me by the door after class. I’ll show you around the school during study hall.

As Beth turned to face the lesson, she felt something touch her foot. Looking down, she saw a slip of paper. Who’s the new guy? He’s hot. ~<3~

Tiffany She looked over at Tiffany. She was staring into a compact mirror, applying lip gloss. Beth rolled her eyes. It was just like Tiffany to say that about Phillip. Beth turned towards him. He was staring at her; he looked like he was trying to figure out something but she wasn’t sure why. It made her blush and turn away. Finally, when what seemed like a lifetime the class was finally was over and the bell rang. She grabbed her bags and stood by the door. Phillip was already there. When Tiffany passed, she smiled at Phillip, who turned away. Beth tried not to laugh as Tiffany walked into the wall on her way out of the classroom. Both Phillip and Beth walked out of the room together. Beth gave him the names of the classes as they passed strangers down the hall. Together they talked and laughed until it was almost time for the Second Period. “You know, you’re the first person to make me happy since...” Beth trailed off, looking at Phillip. He just looked straight ahead. “I’ve seen a lot of deaths in my life, none I would want to repeat. But now it seems that I’ve become used to it.” Suddenly, the bell rang. Beth pointed to the door he should go to for his next class. “See yeah.” She said. He smiled and walked into class.

It was lunchtime when Beth spotted Phillip in the lunch line. She wanted to go up to him and talk, but she was to shy. So instead she turned around and was about to walk the other way when she heard his voice, “Hey Beth, Come on up here and you can stand in line with me,” she breathed in then turned around and walked up to stand by him in the lunch line. “So… uh how is your first day going?” She said, hoping it didn’t sound too lame. “It’s been alright. What about you… I mean how is your school day going so far?”
“Fine, but its school… so I guess I can’t wait until the day is over.”
“Yeah, same here… So what are you doing after school today?”
“Oh… Uh, I’m… I mean… I am doing nothing," Beth looked down and blushed; his question had caught her off guard. When she looked up, she met his eyes. They looked dark red. But that’s impossible, right? He can’t have red eyes, could he?
“Great! Because I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and we could do homework together. What do you say?”
“Alright, sounds like fun. We could head back to my place,” The words slipped her lips before she could think it over. But it was all said and done. "Alright how about you meet me out back after school and I'll drive you home." Phillip was looking right at her. Beth nodded and grabbed some food off the table without thinking. As she walked up to the cash register to pay for her lunch she suddenly felt cold. Turning around, she was sure she saw something hanging around Phillip like a black vapor. He looked almost possessed. Then it passed. Suddenly, a clap of thunder shook the room and the lights flickered. Squeals filled the room where the girls were sitting. The lunch lady stamped her foot in impatience and people in the line looked annoyed. Quickly,

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