» Romance » A Love From A Friendship, Smartcookie [a court of thorns and roses ebook free .TXT] 📗

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The Love from a Friendship

I am Jade and I’m just an ordinary town person of the kingdom. I have a best friend named Jake he has brown hair and brown eyes and I have black hair and blue eyes. Mom- Jade come on were going to the market. Okay. Mom- so what do you want to buy for your birthday. Jade- A blue and a red hair bow. Mom- that’s not really what you want. Sure it is. Jade- the truth is my mother works really hard and it’s been three years since my dad has died and she has been working really hard so I don’t want to make her buy me anything expensive. Mom- Hi Bill. Bill sales man- hi Karin, so what are you and your daughter up to today. “ Oh nothing just shopping for some food.” Okay well Good luck. “ Thanks Bill.” Royal announcers- everyone the Prince is coming so don’t crowd. Crowd- the prince he’s so popular and really cute. Mom- the prince, Huh “ haven’t seen him in a while.” Prince- Hey jade. Hey Jake. Jade- so what have you been up to. Nothing just looking for a birthday present. Jake- Your birthday’s coming up. “ I’m so sorry I’ve been really busy.” Jade- It’s okay. Mom- come jade you can talk later we have to get some food okay. Okay. Jade- Bye Jake. Next Day. Mom- Jade I have some bad news. Jade- what’s that. Mom- I have to go out of town for a while for work. But. I’m sorry we really need the money. Mom- I have arranged for you to stay at Jakes until I get back. “ You will show respect and be on you best behavior. Jade- what about my birthday. Mom- it’ll be okay when I get back we’ll celebrate your birthday, even if it is after it happens. Mom- You’ll be 14 right Jade- okay. We’ll tomorrow I’ll drop you off at the palace. Next morning. Knock, Knock. Guard- well if it isn’t the little lady jade and her mother you are sure early. Mom- Yes, I have to be on my way. Guard- Okay everyone is still sleeping so I’ll just escort her to her room. Mom- Tell the King thank you so much. Guard- Okay, Bye. Jade- Bye mom. “Bye”. Okay this way Jade. “This is where you will be staying okay. Okay. “You can take a nap when you awake come down stairs and eat. Jade- Okay. Guard- Prince, Jade is here she is asleep in her room right now. “ I see. Maid- Okay come and eat breakfast Prince Jake. “Okay.” Jade- Huh, I smell something good I guess breakfast is ready I better get downstairs. “Wait let me brush my hair and put on my purple dress.” Jade- Everything is so elegant, as a child I only came here on the weekends and spent the night. Jake was always looking out for me since he was two years older than me and still is. Prince- Welcome Jade come and sit by me. Okay. Prince- I’m sorry your mom can’t celebrate your birthday with you. Jade- It’s okay. “ Okay I starving so what do you have to eat. Jake- well we have fried octopus, caviar, and pickled eggs. Also Flavored juices. Jade- Huh. Jake- I’m just kidding maid could you cook some bacon, pancakes, eggs, and bring some orange juice. “ Sure thing”. Jade- mm this food is delicious. “ hey why are you looking at me like that Jake. Jake- Oh it’s just I haven’t seen you and a while and your cute when you eat,.. Like always. Jade- um thank you. Jake- I’ll go to my room I want to relax for a while. Jade- Okay. Maid- oh are you done Jade. Yes Ma’ma. Jade- Um I’m going to see what Jake is up to. Maid- Okay. Knock, Knock. Jade- can I come in. Jake- Sure. A movies playing. Jade- is that a video when we were kids. Jake- Yeah. Jake “ gets up and walks my way. Jake- do you still know how to dance. Jade- Yes. Jake- Okay then. He grabs my arms and takes me around the room. Just like old times. Jade- Yeah. “Jake-Blows air on my neck.” Jade- Huh. Jade- what was that for? Jake-nothing in particular. Jake- So your birthday is tomorrow right. Jade- Yeah, “why”. Jake- just wanted to know. King (Jake’s dad)- Jake! Where is jade? Jake- Oh I guess my father wants to see you. Jake- come on. Jade- Okay. King- hey jade. Jade- Hi sir. King- its been a long time. Jade- yeah. King- how old are you? Jade I’m 13 I’ll be 14. King- oh so you’ll be 14, because your birthday is tomorrow. Jade- yep. King- oh well I better go “ Maid take Jade to the store to get a dress and some other things to match the dress okay. Jade why do I need a dress you’ll see tomorrow. Maid- Jake are you coming to. Jake- sure. Maid- okay then let’s go. Maid- were here, let’s go in. Maid- Mrs. Jane! Jane- yes. Maid-Were looking for a dress for this young lady. Jane- this way. Jade- okay. Jane- okay try this dress it will match your eyes it’s blue. Maid- oh it looks go on you. Jane- go outside and walk around okay. Jade- okay. Jade- Jake do you think it looks good. Jake- yes. Maid- okay let’s buy it. Jane- okay this way. Maid- were home! King- okay, you should all get some sleep. Jade- goodnight Jake. Jake- goodnight. Jade- it’s kind of scary since it’s not morning time. Creek. Jake- who’s there? Um it’s me jade, I got scared and wanted to know if I could sleep in your room. Jake- sure. Jake- here you can sleep on my bed, I’ll sleep on the floor, Okay. Jade- thank you. Morning time. Jake- oh she’s still sleeping, just like old times. Jake- she’s so cute, no I can’t she’s my friend and she would hate me forever. Jade- Huh Jake what’s wrong? Jake- nothing let’s go down stairs and eat. Jade- okay. Jake- oh yeah happy birthday. Jade- thank you. Jake- okay let’s go eat. Jade- okay. Maid- so what do you have planned tonight oh nothing I wanted to go see an old friend his name is David, I met him before I met Jake, I just didn’t talk to him when we were kids because I was always with Jake. Maid- Okay. King- what time will you be back. Jade- Um about 6:00. Why? King- oh no reason. Jade-okay I better get going bye. Jake- do you think she’s going to be okay, I mean we don’t even know the guy. King-why are you so worried, she can take care of herself. Jake- Yeah. Jade- hey David. Hey. David- so what do you want to do? Um let’s go to the garden. David- Okay. 5 hours later. Jade- Oh I got to go home. David- okay see you another time. Jade- Oh no I’m late! Jade- sorry every one. Surprise. Jade- Wow what’s all this. Jake- It’s your party we invited all these people to help you celebrate. Jade- wow thanks everyone. Jake- you should go get dressed then come back down for dancing. Jade- dancing. Jake- yep, so hurry up. Jade- okay. 10 minutes later. Maid- Welcoming Ms. Jade! Crowd- Wow! Jade- thank you. Girls- hey prince do you want to dance with me! No me! No me! Jake- no I’m saving this dance for the birthday girl. Girls-Ugh. Jade- what me. Jake- yeah come over here. Jade- there’s a lot of people here, I don’t think I can do this. Jake- don’t worry just look at me and don’t think about anyone else but me. Okay. Jake- Now then let’s dance. Music playing. Jake- just follow me okay. Jade- yeah. Jade- wow he can dance so good, just like old times and he looks more grown up then he use to and I still look like a little kid. Jake- what’s wrong. Jade- oh nothing. Jade- His eyes are so pretty and he is just so nice. Jake- okay the dance is over, now let’s open the presents. Jade- huh jake didn’t get me anything, well I can’t expect much because they through me this pary. Five hours later. Maid- the party’s over, bye everyone. King and maid- I’m going to sleep. Jake- goodnight dad. Jade- I’m going to sleep to. Jake-wait. Jade-what oh I’ll be okay tonight I don’t have to sleep with you again. Jake- No, I got you a present. Jade- a present, no I can’t accept it you already through me the party. Jake- stop being so modest and accept it. Jade- it’s a singing jewelry box, wait how did you know I wanted this. Jake- A persons got to know what their best friend likes right. Jade- right thank you, goodnight. Jake- wait. Jade- what now I’m really tired. Jake- but that’s not your last birthday present. Jade- it isn’t, then he grabs me arm and pulls me close and kisses me. Next morning. Jade- What happened last night all I remember was getting that present and then the kiss! Jade- I feel so embarrassed what if he was just teasing me. Ah chow! Jade- oh no am I sick but how, oh yeah the garden was out in the cold air yesterday. Ah chow! Maid- jade are you okay. Yeah just coming down with a little fever, I think I’ll stay in my room for the day. Maid- Okay. Jake- hey, where’s Jade. Maid- Oh she has a fever she’ll be in her room for the rest of the day, are you going to check on her. Jake- yeah. Knock, Knock. Jake- can I come in. Jade- oh no it’s him what if he brings up the kiss. Jake- can I come in. Jade- U-Uh sure. Jake- hey I heard you were sick. Jade- yeah. Jake- why do you look so nervous, Oh it was the kiss wasn’t it I didn’t want this to happen. Jade- what to happen. Jake- oh nothing. Jade- you know I not that angry about the kiss it was okay that you did that besides I liked it. Jake- you did? Smiles. Jade- Yeah! Jake- okay then I’ll bring some food up later, hope you get better. Jade- yeah. Jake- Ah chow. Jade- oh no. Jake- now I think I’m sick, Ha, Ha. Jade- I’m so sorry. Jake- it’s okay. Maid- two people sick I wonder how that happened you didn’t go with her yesterday, did you two kiss. Maid- oh no, no they would’ve never kissed but how, oh never mind that just get relaxed in here and go to sleep, Both of you! Jade and Jake- Yes ma. Jake- what to do what to do. Jade- Um we could go to sleep like she said. Jake- yeah but I’m not sleepy and I just want to talk to you. Jade- okay. Jake- Who is David? Jade- just an old friend like I said. Jake- did you like the kiss. Jade- I know you were just teasing me. Jake- okay let’s go to sleep. Jade- Okay. Maid- wake up! “ Oh their sleeping I guess I should just let them sleep till morning time. Next Day. Jade- ugh I’m up, where’s Jake. Jade- Jake! Jake! Jade- oh there he is. Jake- good morning Jade. Good morning. Jake- so got any plans today no just going to wait around the palace and go outside and look around. Guard- Jade you have a letter from your mother. Jade- Okay. Letter- “ Dear Jade, I

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