» Romance » Loud Noises Scare the Big Animals, seastarpwn [best novels ever .txt] 📗

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We were born into the secret world of Pandora. A world that exists around humans, but was not often glimpsed by the human eye. Home to many different races to the unknown. We hide under the magic protection of Pandora, keeping our races a secret to humans. Long have we done so, and will continue to do so.
But a war is being stirred up between the HS and the AS. Faces are forced to choose sides. Many lives lost on both sides, and Earth becomes a battle ground.
Chapter 1

Astra and I were always running through the sprinklers and playing cops and robbers. I was always the robber when we played our games. Her white ping-tails always slapped me in the face when she spun around, but I didn’t mind I was only six.
“Children!” Our grandpa called us from his rocking chair. His going old white hair shined anytime light hit it. Our grandpa would always tell us stories about vampires and werewolves. The stories amazed me when I was young. Grandpa would tell us the stories with so much passion and emotion; I could imagine the ogre warriors and fairies marching towards the castle to slay the mighty beast. Grandfather often told us that we would be in our own story when we grew up and from that moment on I chose to believe him.
A loud noise in front of me brought me out of my flashback. “Nova, were you even listening?” Mr. Brunswick yelled at me.
“Yes Charlie, I was.”
“What was the last thing I said, Nova?” His voice squeaked anytime he got pissed, and let me say he was pissed.
“If I remember correctly the last thing you said besides, ‘what was the last thing I said,’ it would have to be,” I got from my seat and walk in front of my desk. I put my hands on my hips and knitted my brows together, just like what Mr. Brunswick does, and yelled, “Nova, were you even listening?”
I sat back down in my desk, “Yes Charlie, I was.”
I sweetly smiled at Charlie. He didn’t even bother to reply because he knew I had won this fight, but he threw dirty looks at some of the students behind me that were laughing. I turned around to see if Astra was one of the people who laughed, but before I could look Charlie coughed and glared at me. I turned back around and pouted, “You may begin.”
“Thank you Nova.” He turned back around and started the lesson about… something. I didn’t really pay attention; I stared out the window and watched birds fly by. I really wish I was out there. Maybe I can bite Charlie’s head off. I snickered softly and looked at the board. There were shapes all across the white board and numbers for their angles or something. I really wasn’t paying attention.
Finally the bell rang fifty-five minutes later and I pushed everything in my backpack and raced to the door. Before I took a step out, Charlie called me to his desk. “I’ll meet you at our next class,” I told Astra and skipped over towards his desk.”Yes Charlie.”
“Sit over there.”
“Yes sir.”
“Nova, you got to stop talking in class. I can’t keep letting you off the hook because of…. Who you are.”
“I now that sir and I don’t expect you too.”
“I like you Nova, I really do.”
“Aw, I like you too.”
He finally broke into a smile, “Get to class.” I jump out of my seat and ran towards the door.
“Bye Charlie,” I yelled over my shoulder. By this rate I will be late for class.
Ring. Ring. Ring
I ran around a corner and ran straight into someone. They were like a brick, a solid force. Causing me to drop my things.
“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” I started picking up my things. The person kneeled down next to me and helped pick up my papers. “Thanks,” I muttered.
“No problem.” His voice ran through my body. I slowly look up at met with the greenest eyes I have ever seen. I was staring at him and I didn’t realize it, and that I had my mouth open. He laughed and placed papers into my hands.
“Umm,” I didn’t know what to say so I rushed past him, bumping my shoulder into him. I looked back and sighed. I’m so stupid. I closed my mouth and rushed to my next class.
Chapter 2

Nova was acting like her usual self. Always spacing out. But I couldn’t really blame her for that. She had been through a lot. We both had. And the people here didn’t really help. Take that back, people like Mr. Brunswick helped us. But other people here didn’t care for us to much.
I was in biology, getting ready to dissect a rat. I had my apron tied on when Nova walked in. She sat next to me all pink faced. “So dear cousin, why are you all flustered?”
“I just ran into Alexzander.” Was all she said.
“Do I need to go all tiger on him?” I asked jokingly.
“No. I’m fine. He didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Good. Because I’d be more than willing to kick his prep ass.”
Nova just laughed and tied the on her apron.
So we began to work on the rat. Not letting the world around us interrupt our work.
I didn’t even notice when the kids around us got rowdy.
It was bound to happen sooner or later while dissecting rats.
One moment I looking at the stomach contents of our rat, and the next moment I feel something wet land against my shoulder.
I look at and a see the guts of a rat. I picked it up in my forefingers, and turned around. I saw Alexzander and Collin laughing hard. “So you preps thought it would be funny to mess with us.”
Collin stopped mildly. “Astra we would never do that. Where just trying to learn more about animals. You should know plenty about being an animal.”
His comment made me angry. I wanted nothing more than to turn into a tiger and rip out his throat. But that wouldn’t do. So I just flicked the guts at him. They landed right in his mouth. “You’re wrong about that. I don’t know much about animals. But I do know plenty about a-“Nova put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.
“Astra that person isn’t worth you wasting your breath over. They’re going to get the payback they deserve in due time.”
“True. They just better hope not to mess with me.”
For the rest of class we worked on our projects without any interruptions.
When the bell rang I couldn’t get out of that class any faster.
Chapter 3

Astra seemed like she couldn’t get out of the classroom fast enough, but I didn’t blame her though. Alexzander and Collin get on her nerves very easily; to me I think they are funny. Astra and I walked the hallways towards athletics, trying not to run into the preps.
Every single one of them rich and snotty. Of course most of them are in our athletics. Which I don’t understand because they can afford personal trainers at home. Astra and I have money from our dead grandfather, but we don’t buy name brand clothes or fake body parts. We could, but we aren’t those kinds of girls.
We like being an outcast, or at least I do. Most of our friends are outcast with us. Some are vampires, werewolves, fairies, and mummies pretty much any mythical creature you can name and that’s what makes us outcast. It’s hard sometimes, but it helps knowing you can kill everyone in the classroom if you want.
“So I was thinking we could go practice soccer today, after school,” I told Astra, “You know with soccer try-outs coming and everything.”
“Hm, that’s fine. I just wish I could take a nap beforehand.”
I softly snickered, “But you already fell asleep in fourth period.”
“I’m like a tiger, you can’t blame me if I use my energy in bursts.”
“Alright, but I you want to be out on the field by five.” I pushed open the door to the locker room, and went straight towards my locker. I had drawn in sharpie a unicorn on my locker thinking ‘fuck off’. I opened my locker and started changing. Since soccer try-outs were starting in a few days, we had to learn new kicks and positions on the field.
I put on my soccer jersey, number 13, and my short shorts the coaches make us where. I tied my hair and looked down at our school colors, blue and silver. The jerseys were completely blue with our number in silver on the front and our last names on the back. Astra and I already had a spot on the team. So that is why we had on jerseys and some didn’t. I still went to try-outs to scope out the competition and to help others who didn’t have a chance. Just to be nice and to get points from coach.
I quickly put on my sneakers and ran out to the field. Some of the guys were already out, including Collin and Alexzander, but I was the first girl.
“What’s up Coach,” I said running up to her.
“So what is our warm-up today?”
“To run ten laps around the track.”
“But the guys are on it.”
“Isn’t there a school-“I started to joke.
“Shut up and run, Nova.”
“Geesh, can’t catch a joke once in a while,” I yelled over my shoulder. I started for the track. In no time Astra caught up to me on my fifth lap.
“What lap are you on?” Astra asked.
“I’m on my fourth, let me catch up to you.” She ran ahead while I kept running my steady pace. I could have run faster, but I don’t want suspicion to rise. But Astra doesn’t worry as much as I do.
In no time Astra caught up to me and we ran our last couple of laps together. Every time I pass the coach; I would give her a high five or punch in the arm. She doesn’t mind much because when I finish my laps she just punches me really hard, for a human.
“Coach were done,” I said running up next to her.
“There are girls that are just now getting out of the changing room, just go sit on the benches.”
“Yes, mam.” I saluted her and walked off, but she stuck out her foot and tripped me. I almost fell on my face till Astra caught me. “That hurt coach,” I put my hand on my heart, “just remember this, because now, I won’t ever give you a hug on last day of school. Yeah, I went there.”
Astra and I walked away and sat on a bench. “Oh she’ll pay,” I muttered under my breath.
But because of AS’s strong sense of hearing, Astra heard me, “Don’t do something stupid.”
“When do I ever do that?”
“All the time.”
Chapter 4

In truth Nova should have been more worried about me. Of the two of us I was the one more likely to do something public.
So we sat here on the benches watching the girls flirt with the guys. It was pathetic the extent some of these girls went through to get noticed by the guys. If they would only be themselves, that would do the trick.
Then there were our fairy friends. Yes they did have wings, and yes they were

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