» Romance » Love you Muchly, j j [10 best books of all time TXT] 📗

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Chapter 1 - Coming through

Background voice:


Its about to be midnight. Chirstmas month. A season for love and giving and happiness. welcoming snow in New Jersy town, crowds and people packed. Its always been the work business career city. Cassie was observing all this gloomingly sitting on a bench in the city bus terminal waiting for the bus that will drop her in a place where she will find her true love. OOOOOPPPSS i told you in  advance. she dint know that yet. To more precise she herself is not clear which place she is going to drop off.

Come on lets take a closer look at her.  Oh god not again. She is again wearing this low life pathetic jean and long jacket and this miserable colored scarf which is not ever close to match her sapphire eyes fixed in that wonderful round shaped face, perfectly lined lips, light shaded skin, and the wonderful black silky long hair, which makes most people think that she is a mexican or asian. Definitely she is 26 dont worry. Just she is a tad out of shape bcoz of her current worries. 

But still dont you think she has a beautiful personality. I surely do.

OH OH OH here come the bus. Come on Cassie this is your ticket to happiness. hop in...


Cassie P.O.V


Phone rings. The phone displays the name Alan. She does not pick it up. It goes to Voice mail. "Hey Cassie. Alan here. We need to talk. Lets give it a proper closure. Call me back when you receive this."

Come on Alan dont do this to me. All you want is a proper Closure. That is all. After 2 years of relationship , all you need is just a proper closure. what kind of idiot i am. am not going to take this anymore. Saying this i decided to throw my sim and hopped in the bus not really knowing where it was going.

The driver pushes a ticket and then i take a closer look it says Middletown. For a moment i was taken aback. Ok i just take it as all for good and took up the seat beside an old lady. 


"Middle town.. Come on everyone.. this is the last stop ... hop off" hearing this voice of bus operator i tried to open the eyes. Small wonderful town. But never thought i would be here. I pushed myself up and made my way to the door out. Looking around filled with first snow, the town was warm to welcome. The same warmth as i ever felt when i came here to visit my grand pa in my childhood. 

I pulled my trolley aside and started to walk slowly as i was wearing a totally wrong boots to walk on the ice. i realise now am starving. search for the cafe starts.  i roll my eyes and wow there i found the cafe board which reads fresh hot pan cakes. As i was about the cross the road to get over to the cafe , i hear a horn and turn side to see a small volkswagen sliiping its way in ice. before it could hit me, i could feel someone pullin me over and i bumped over the person with a hard hit of my head. I look over the person rubbing my head and i realise i was so close to his chest as i could hear the heart beat. i lifted my head to look all i could see was a handsome oval face,clean shaved pinkish cheeks with mesmerizing black eyes and perfect hair. 

"Watch out lady!!... Are you alright!!!" he was absolutely looking through my eyes and waiting for my reply.


I collected back myself and said "UM.. Yeah yeah... am fine.. Thanks" 


"good then.. Stay Alert.. " then moved to the car driver cautiously and sternly.


"hey. the ICEEEE.... drive slowwwwww... people here .. not a highway....!!" 


The car driver apologized and took away slowly. This handsome guy walking towards me...


He: "Are you new here.. ??" 

Me: "Yes... i just came.. like now.. and am from...."

He: "From New Jersy .. yeah i got it"

Me: Puzzled

       What howwwww

He: This morning bus is the first bus to town and it is always from New Jersy.

     (gives a warm smile but to me i feel more sarcasm)

Me: oh okayyy.. thanks a lot 

He: Am Jake

Me: Am Cassie. Thanks again.

Jake: so anything i can help with. as you seem so new to the town.

Me in my mind ( i really want the help but definitely not from you.. i really cant take more sarcasm. definite not from handsome man between age 28-30)

Me: Nope i can handle it. 

Saying so i walk away but again trip off a little bit and turn back to see him again giving that mocking little smile over my tripping.


i really want to show what i am. before that i could really use some coffee to my stomach.


I go inside and there i see a wonderful lady, blonde around 30. She came over and gave a smile and said "Am shelly. How can i delight you today"

Me: Can i have some pan cakes with maple syrup. and a cream latte please.

Shelly: sure dear.. 


I take up a small table by the window. Getting rid off my jacket and scarf. I just look through and think where will i stay. what should i do now. I just got fired. I came out of the city and here in this small town what should i do. But definitely am not going back to that busy dizzy world of work and career alone. 


Just comes in my pan cakes. Shelly shoves it on the table elegantly. "Here you go dear"

"Thanks shelly!!!"


She takes the next seat and sits as there were only few customers. "So dear.. Whats your name.. where are you to?.."

 Me: "UM.. " stuffing some pan cake in my mmouth i start "Cassie.. Cassie Nightingale.." "To be honest.. i really dont know shelly"

Shelly: "Wait.. you said Nightingale.. rite??!!"

Me: "Ye.e.ees.s.s.s i am... thats my middle name.. as far as i remember.."

Shelly: "so your grandpa .. Mr Ben radford if am not wrong..."

Me: "Y..E..A..H.. he is.. wait.. i dont get it"

Shelly: "Dint you read the name of this cafe outside??!!!"

Me: "Am sorry sheely.. i was hungry and all i could read is PAN CAKES"

Shelly: "This is the Nightingale Cafe.. Ben owned it.. he told everyone in this town that he named this cafe and his grand daughter after his wife NIGHTINGALE"

Me: "Ohhh good .. ummm .. ha.. "(Scoff)(Chuckle).. "Thats amazing"

Shelly: " yeah.. thats surprising and am really happy to meet you.. come over.. let me give you a hug"


We both hugged.. it was so nice to have it.. after my depression. i have never experienced such a warmth in days.


Shelly: "Where are you planning to stay"

Me: Gave her the confused look

Shelly:" Got it.. so you are coming with me.. anyways i just broke with my boy friend.. so it would be great if i had a company.. and more over i cant let Ben's granddaughter... my ex boss's grand daughter... "


I just could not think more.. small town .. makes you always feel home.. 

I just said ok.. without over thinking...







Chapter 2 - Clumsy thoughts

Cassie's P.O.V


Shelly took me out and a drove me to the small villa which had the name Nightingale's nest. before she could say i understood it was grandpa's.

I was hesitant to step out. But i did step out. 

"Shelly .. i dont know ..if i can really use... but.. "

"Dont worry Cassie... its alright... you grandpa sold only the cafe.. not this..its just undermaintained.. but am sure you can make it .. much more better... anyway am not going to let you stay alone there.. so for now till this is fixed we both will be staying here .."

she showed a small house just the opposite direction.


"I will detial you everything once i make it back from cafe tonight. Okay...!!" 

She led me inside. "Take a shower. Get yourself relaxed!!"


She moves out closing the door behind her. I just turn around and take a look. Everything was super fine well placed. 


I pushed myself on the couch and and i never know when i felt asleep.



BG voice: 


What you see today is not Cassie. She was different. In that city of career she was a raising star of redecoration, renovation with innovation. lets take a peek before she arrived here.

Those were the days where Cassie had beleived in fairy tale endings and her ambitious dreams.


Flasback (FB):

Cassie speaking in the background with a presentation displaying various buildings:


"Tallest buildings, various opportunities, money and luxury. These are the simplest definitions for cities. Anywhere you go you always need space for accomodation, to whatever we need. Home to villas, office rooms to big firms, shops to malls. everything is found worth only when there is proper space. We are here to give you the best innovative redecoration within your budget." With these lines the presentation ends and i come to spot light.

Every body applauded. I could see client satisfaction and my boss's convincing smile about our win.


As everybody move out, i was sure that this project for villa redecoration which will be  a turning point in my career is already in my hands. After the congratulations, I turned to take all my paper works and leave the conference room. 

"Congratulations. It was  good" not so familiar but deep base voice behind me.

I turned to look and was awestuck. Its Alan diaz. OMG. The architectural head of "Dream home constructions". Its one of the top ten architectural firms in NJ. He is just not the powerful one but good looking chap, with round face, brownish hair and a clean shaved, wearing a tux that fits him like a glove.

"Thanks. " 

"So what are you doing this evening? Its Friday .. Any Plans?" he asked me without any hesitation.

"I dont think i have one" i said with the same confidence.

"So dinner or late nite dessert ?" he questioned again.

"Sure. Pick me at 8 from 36 walter street" saying so i kept walking towards the exit.

from behind me i could really sense his smile in the corner of his lips becoz i too did it.



@ 8 The door bell rang and i took a peek. It was him. He was on the dot. That was impressive. 

As i Opened the door,  he said "The first thing that would impress a girl is that you dont keep her waiting for you, and i never want a beautiful smart girl like you to be kept waiting for dinner." helding out the flowers he got for me.

"Thats very thoughtful. Thanks . Flowers are wonderful and pleasing" i replied back .

"shall we.. behind you.." he said showing out the way to the car.

"Sure" i swapped out as he followed me.

"I have never seen such a confident women on her first date" He exclaimed as he opened the car door.

I just gave  a smile and took the seat. He came around to drive the car. I know, not showing the surprize or not even giving a compliment about his luxury car, or his high end costly fashion sense

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