» Romance » Dark Tears, Brandon Jacobs [reading like a writer .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Tears, Brandon Jacobs [reading like a writer .TXT] 📗». Author Brandon Jacobs


“Friends come and go but enemies are forever”





















































Chapt 1 Remember me?


Thunder roaring behind the closed door is all she hears while waiting impaitiently. As the clock strikes 11pm she wonders if he is thinking of her. “Snap out it” she tell herself. Julie knows about Kelly and her boyfriend Jason. Dating Jason for 11 months she wants more than just a peck and run. Kelly Preslow is a spoilt daddys girl that knows no bounds as she gets all she wants. She never accepts ‘NO’ as an answer. Julie knows this as she and Kelly grew up as neighbours till Kelly’s parents moved upstate. Tears of sadness tore them apart and miles ripped them apart. Life flows as years add up. Kelly now CEO in her father’s company. Julie waiting tables at a local resturant day in day out.


Julie could not believe in love but all changed the day she saw him. Dark trimmed hair, dark shades, and a leather jacket and helmet under his arm is what froze her day. Jason, Jason Strider I will have a lemon flavoured mineral drink she heard him talking to Sandra her fellow waitress. Julie never liked bikers but this hunk caught her heart. As his hazel eyes gaze up he sees Julie. Julie’s face glows with a smile.


But that was then now all has changed Kelly has Jason trapped in her manipulative world. All Julie can hope for is let Jason go as the saying goes “If you love someone you got to let them go, if they come back its for keeps.”


“The hell with that. Julie says, “I cannot have him neither can she.”


A dark night is all Julie has she walks right up to the shiny CBR 1000rr. Julie bites her lip as she holds a plier in her hand. Something her mom told her long ago is all that saved the CBR 1000RR that night.


Another day busy as usual Julie now keeps to herself and lives life the way she wants. To hell with what others think, that is the root of all  hinderness in life. Life has a  way of popping your bubble of joy, she sees Jason and Kelly sitting at a table. Sandra looks at Julie while takking an order of a customer. She points as to direct Julie to their table. Julie rolls her eyes as she has no choice but to go face the music.


Kelly looking at the menu, " I will have the fruit salad and fruit juice, please." Jason looking at the menu, I will have the cheese burger and Coke, please." Julie is surpriced that none of them looked at her. "Coming right up" she says as she notes and walks off to the kitchen.

"You can cut the tension with a knife" says Sandra with one eyebrow raised. "Yeah, welcome to my world' says Julie giving her the order note.



Chapt 2 Confrontation

"I cannot help but think what excatly is it that Kelly wants to prove  with all she is doing."  thought Julie laying down staring at the ceiling. She dials her phone and sees the name pop-up..KELLY. Finger hovering over the "RED DIAL' "To dial or not to dial."




Publication Date: 07-07-2018

All Rights Reserved

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