» Romance » Falling in love with Justin Bieber, Anonymous Indian [great novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Falling in love with Justin Bieber, Anonymous Indian [great novels .txt] 📗». Author Anonymous Indian

Author, prologue and copyrights

About the Author

I’m not going to write much about myself and waste your time.


Copyright for everything is ME ; )




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Anu is a 21 year old girl living in Bengaluru, one of the IT cities of India (like California in the USA).


She is very popular among her friends, had a few relationships but is still a VIRGIN!!!


Currently she is completing her Engineering Degree at IISc, the most prestigious college in South India.


She is not very rich. Hers is a middle-class family and she stays in a room near her college with her best friend Preetham who is also in the same class as hers. Also she is a huge fan of 23 year-old Justin Bieber, to tell she has a crush on him since like forever!


This book filled with romance and drama is one of its kind.

Keep reading to get to know what happens when she attends a Bieber concert.
































Publication Date: 07-16-2020

All Rights Reserved

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