» Romance » The Dream, LA Writer [philippa perry book TXT] 📗

Book online «The Dream, LA Writer [philippa perry book TXT] 📗». Author LA Writer

The Dream

I can’t explain why suddenly dreamt of you or what was the meaning behind all of this. What I can explain, that seeing you within my dream last night made me feel good — almost as good as how it feels when you’re out late at the bar with friends having some drinks or the enjoyment that your pet might bring you, maybe even the happiness and relief you feel when you finally buy yourself something materialistic you’ve wanted for a really long time. The point is I enjoyed seeing you last night but, why did seeing you make me feel good? Why did seeing your face, that may not even be your face anymore, bring me a small amount of happiness? I can openly say I do not miss you nor do I still think of you or that I still care about you. Well, of course I still care about you but, not in the way I use to. I care about you in the way that I hope you’re doing more than well and that your life has begun to flourish into everything you’ve ever wished it would. I genuinely care for your well-being and hope you are happy in whatever situation you’re currently in. Perhaps, the reason I felt so happy to see you was because even in the short time we spent together, you were always such a mystery to me. Everything I knew about you was only such a small fraction of everything there was to know about you. Meeting you again last night was something something that I had only ever dreamed of since the last time we spent time together. Why am I dwelling on feelings that were from high school? Well I guess it’s mainly because I want to make sense of this. I want to understand why there is an emotional connection that I still have towards you. It may not be close to a two-way connection but, I want to know why I kept you close to my heart and why I look for a piece of your personality within all the women that I came after you.

“I was on my way to a club with a close friend. He was meeting
A girl that he had been talking to for quite some time. We arrived
At the club to find out the girl he was meeting was your best friend.
I was in shock and thought there was no way you could be near
There you were in the flesh for the first time in years.
I was over dressed and you were under dressed but,
none of that mattered.
Your smile was the same always, perfect.
It knew how to light the entire room that you were in.
I smiled back and in my mind I couldn’t believe that it was actually you.
The night was amazing. We caught up and sat at the bar for what like only minutes but, was hours. The bartender told us it was closing time so I looked over towards him and I give him a tip. I looked back over to you and you were nowhere to be found.
Only to be woken up by the sun with the realization, that it was just a



Publication Date: 06-01-2020

All Rights Reserved

I found love in you. It tore me apart. I thought I have healed but I was very wrong. I know it has been quite some time but, I need to know if you still remember me?

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