» Romance » Bloody Love, Bridget Konneh [best ebook reader under 100 .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Love, Bridget Konneh [best ebook reader under 100 .txt] 📗». Author Bridget Konneh

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Chapter one

I stuck my head out the window and let the strong wind glide through my hair.Never have I loved nature this much.Maybe it's because where I come from nature is having a tree in your backyard and going to see birds at the zoo.

But here,nature was complete with forests,waterfalls,and birds singing right outside your window,early morning.Too bad I was never going to enjoy any of that.Because where I was going,nature was a whole two miles away.Or so I think.

"We're here." We all piled out of the limo.My mom,the limo driver and me.I stared up at the gigantic mansion I was now supposed to call a school.It was dark brown with forest green vines dancing up the walls.Rectangular windows lined up in rows and rows from top to bottom.This was the type of place that would look scary at night.

"You are going to have so much fun here." My mom squeezed my shoulder and I looked at her with bewilderment.
"Fun? Mom,look at the place.How is that FUN?" She slowly shook her head and sighed.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover,Clara.You can judge,after you see the inside."

Don't judge a book by it's cover.I can't tell you how may times I've heard that.But I can tell you that everyone who has said that has been right.Right now,though,I'm convinced my mom is just plain crazy.

A tall lady with blond hair,high up on abun,walked out of the building.Guessing from all the phone calls,I think she's Ms.Pinnerty.Two girls walked behind her,one smiling,the other looking like she'd rather be anywhere else but here.

"Clara,nice to finally meet you." she shook my hand and I smiled at her.then her eyes moved over to my mom.
"Hello.I'm clara's mother.Sorry I can't stay,I sort of have a flight to catch."
"I understand." My mom hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Don't forget to write or call." Then she got inside the limo and I watched her drive out the old gates.Away from Argrave Arcademy.Away from me.

"Shall we go inside?" I snapped back to reality and turned to the three people staring at me.
"Yeah." We picked up my suitcases and walked inside the school.It didn't exactly look fun but it was better than the outside.The walls were dangerously white and pictures were hung up on the walls.There were also books stuffed tightly inside of bookshelves.

"This will be your room.and here's your key." Ms.Pinnerty gave me a small light brown key.
"These two ladies are Maibel and Olive.If you have any questions or need anything,you can ask them." then she smiled and left leaving me alone with Maibel and Olive.They sat my bags down on my bed but didn't leave.

"You can call me Mai.Only Pinnerty calls me Maibel." Mai rolled her eyes playfully.I had a feeling she was the nice one of her and Olive.
"And this little ray of sunshine is Liv." Liv smiled but it wasn't very nice and it quickly disapeared.

"So why are you here?"
"What do you mean?" Mai sat on the small space left on my bed.
"I mean why would you want to come to a boarding school while your mom is flying around somewhere?"

"She wants me to be around more kids.And her idea of that is boarding school." Mai nodded and smiled.
"Well,if you need us,we'll be in our rooms.I'm in 110 and Liv's right next door to you.See you later Clara." I waved and watched them walk out the door.

I was busy looking around the room when Mai poked her head back in.
"Almost forgot.Welcome To Argrave.You my friend,are in for a treat."

Chapter Two

Before I came here to Montana, I had a great life. Going to school, hanging out with my friends. My boyfriend. But my parents got a job that involves them traveling around the world year round. They didn't want me to be sitting in our house all alone, doing nothing.So they decided to send me to boarding school.

They let me choose which one ofcoure, and they said that when the school year was over, they'd spend a whole year with me,anywhere I wanted. I'm thinking maybe Paris.(As If)

"Where is that shoe?" I moved some clothes around looking for my left shoe .Yesterday, I didn't have time to fully unpack. I just put up some posters and unpacked half my suitcase. Which explains why there are clothes all over the floor. I can't even find my phone or my laptop. Someone knocked at the door.

"Hold on." I yelled over to them. I made my way across the room, stepping over suitcases, t-shirts, skirts, you name it.
"Oh, hey Mai." Mai walked inside my room closing the door behind her.
"Wow. Not even a full day here and your room is messier than mine."
"I was trying to clean yesterday but then I couldn't find my laptop, so I had to do this."

"I don't see a laptop."
"yeah, I didn't find it yet." I spotted the missing shoe over by the corner then went to pick it up.
"I bought you a bagel." Mai handed me a bagel and right then I could have kissed her.
"Thanks.. You're allowed to eat in your rooms?" She sat down on the bed and picked up one of my shirts.
"You're allowed to eat anywhere as long as you're not late to class." I put on the shoe and sat down at my small desk.

"wait a minute." I opened the bottom drawer of my desk and pulled out the silver laptop.
"I knew it was here somewhere." I opened it and there was one email from Toby.

'I miss u already, Angel. Counting the days until you come back. Love, Toby.' I sent him an email.

'How can I forget you, Toby. Missing u 2 up here in Montana. Love, Angel.'

"Who is that?" Mai asked and I shut the laptop.
"His name is Toby. He's my boyfriend."
"And he calls you Angel?"
"It's a nickname they gave me. He's not the only one that calls me that." Mai nodded and went back to looking at my clothes.

"We should probably go now. There's a lot more people you should meet."
"Are any of them like Liv? because I don't think she likes me very much."
"Liv doesn't like anyone. So don't start feeling special or anything."

I feel so much better now. Mai took my hand and pulled me out of my room. The halls were now filled with people. Friends walking arm in arm to class. People talking on the phone. Some kids were even sitting on the stairs, doing what I think was homework.
"And this is only just a slow day." My eyes went wide at Mai. Slow day?
I'd like to see what a fast day looks like.

Chapter Three

Being the new girl has it's advantages. For instance, while everyone else is learning about things we will never use in the real world, I'm learning how people here do things,'Argrave style'. Which means all I have to do today is watch and listen.No work, no talking, nothing.

My first class, I had with Liv. She doesn't talk much. Or at least she doesn't talk to me. My second one, I'm all alone and my third one was with Liv and Mai. Finally, lunch.
"Aren't you hungry?" I sat down next to Mai who was so far the only at the table. she said the seats were reserved for specific people.

"I-uh ,ate already." she said.
"Really, when?" I didn't get to hear her answer because right then, Liv sat down at the table and a boy sat beside her. He was the definition of hot. He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Toby is nothing compared to him. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. Toby was my boyfriend.

"Clara, this is Ethan." I smiled then stared down at my food.
"Hey." Don't these people eat. I was the only one here with a plate of food.
"Where's James?" Mai asked.
"Somewhere, I guess. I don't know." So there was one more person in this group. Can't wait to meet him.

After lunch, it was my free period. There's not really much you can do here.That James guy hadn't shown up to lunch and it had me guessing what he looked like. Was he as hot as Ethan? Was he hotter? My brain's all messed up and it won't stop until I see him.

I was walking to my room singing quietly to myself when I dropped my key. I bent down to pick it up but bumped my head into someone's else's. It hurt like crazy.
"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Light British accent, light brown hair, hazel eyes ,the body of a god. This guy was the whole reason the word hot was invented.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He handed me my key and I felt dizzy just for blinking. He has a hard head, literally.
"Are you sure? I could get you some ice or something"
"No, really, I'm fine." I tried walking away but almost fell to the floor. Hazel eyes caught me just in time.

"You are not okay." So that's how I ended up in his room five minutes later with a bag of ice on my head. His room didn't have anything up on the wall. It was messy though. Way messier than mine. And I'm not just talking clothes. I mean, papers ,books, cd's. This was a Clara nightmare.

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