» Romance » thought it all, ME [top 10 best books of all time txt] 📗
  • Author: ME

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My name is Stacy, I lived with my step mother and her 2 daughter over 4 months then my father came home. April 5 he came home,“Father your home thank god.” I ran jumped into his arms I was the first one to see him, “and in one piece I see.” I looked right into his eyes saw him start to cry.
“Wow Stacy you look so old what are you 23 it been long.” Hold me as close as he can.
“Dad it been 4 months not year I’m only 19 just like I was when u left.”i said with a smart face at the end.
“Why don’t you come with me to see the king to give him the updates and to tell him my home safe?” he said looking in my eyes
“Yes I’ll love to go thanks.” Just then as soon as he step foot in the house Danielle and Stephanie came running up to him.
“We want to go to if Stacy gets to go.” begging him because they wanted to go see the prince thats all.
“No girls I only take Stacy. Now Stacy go get ready will leave as soon as I get changed.” he said and he walkis up the stairs.
“Yes sir.” I love call him sir sometimes sir dad when were not around the twins or step mother and on my way to get changed the only thing I could say was, "HA I WON HA I WON LA LA LA.” I walked down to the steps and my dad was not there, “Dad I’m ready to go.”i yealled up to him.
“Ok let’s go, Do u want to walk, bike, horse, or car?”
“Lets take the horse they never let me touch them at all only feed them.” I said with beggin eyes,
“Ok but I get lucky.” he laughed a little.
“Oh ok I’ll take Lu Lu.”
We road off to the castle we walked in and I accidentally ran into the prince and we both fell I was not with my dad he went ahead so I can look at the pictures. “I’m so sorry prince Jasper.”
“No it’s…….. It’s…..” I giggle as he sat there a started at me. “It’s beautiful.” Getting to his feet.
“What’s beautiful.” I said as he helped me to my feet.
“You’re beautiful, what’s your name?” he bow and kissed my hand that he still had.
I curtsy, “I’m Stacy Cullen to see the king your father of the updated of the war and of my dad’s safe rent home.”
He looked at me stunned, “your father is General Cullen.”
“Yes that’s my dad.” Rocking or my feet.
“Wow after all these year we meet again.”
“A….again what are u talking about.” I stated to back away.
“No no stay don’t leave I’ll tell you,” I nodded and he went on. “On my first birthday is when you were born right your birthday is April 20, 1990?”
“Yes that’s my birthday.”
“Ok well you were born on my birthday I know your mother.” I flinched when he said that. “sorry…..but your mother and father was at my 1st birthday party and your mother went in to labor with you and when they said you were born we were in the waiting room cause we drove your mother there and they couldn’t make up what to call u and when I went in there the first thing popped in my head is how beautiful you were and I said Stacy so your mother thought that was a cute name and kept it.”
“Oh so you knew my mother.”
“Yes so was a really nice lady and you look like her to.” I feel to the floor and started to cry.
“Stacy its ok I didn’t mean to upset you.” Just then my dad came in the room.
“Stacy what’s wrong are you ok.”
“Sir she ok I was telling her about the first time me and her meet.”
“Jasper you’re a good kid. Come on Stephanie let’s get going.”
“Sir if u don’t mine can she stay I’ll bring her back myself I’ll like to get to know her more.”
“Ok have her back by 10:30.” He picked me up kissed my head. ‘I’ll be waiting for you to get home ok.”
“I love you dad.”
“I love you to princess.”
I heard jasper say, “yea I hope you’ll be call her princess Stacy soon.” I giggled at the thought. “So miss Stacy will you care to go with me on a ride.”
“I’ll like that.” We got on our horse and road off we stop on a hill. He helped me off my horse and we sat down on a blanket he took off his horse.
“Stacy I know that I don’t know you but when I first saw you I fell in love and I didn’t love anyone else I waited for you I know you had to come here soon. I..well i kinda well i love you.” i was scared when he said that.
“Well I……I…… I got to go.” I ran and got on my horse and before he got to his I was off I ran to my house.
My dad was waiting for me like he said he would “Stacy your home early.”
“Yea I’m tried so I think I’ll get some sleep.”
“Ok honey I’ll be up in a little ok.” I fell asleep before he came up.
April 13 a week before mine and now that I know jasper birthday. I got mail from him. “Ahhhhhhh he’s having a birthday party and I’m a guest of honor so cool.”
“What is it princess?” my dad said walking in the room.
“Jasper invited everyone to a party on our birthday and I’m a guest of honor and there note here.”
“What does it say?” he said walking to me.
“It says. Dear Stacy Cullen, I hope you can come I need you to come an hour before I have 2 very special gifts and one is for the party. Love forever Jasper.Daddy please can I go you’ll all be there.” i looked at he with begging eyes.
“Yea princess if that’s what you want.”
So as that week pasted it was fun all I did was go to were jasper told me he loved me and one day he meet me there. “I know it’s a good place to run away here to.”
“I’m not running away well not really. It’s just tomorrow I’m going to be 20 never had a boyfriend or had a first kissed.” i stopped think of what he said then he said.
“Stacy I told you that I fell for you when I first saw you and didn’t go with anyone else or had my first kissed.” He came sat next to me and held my hand and I felt something so I kissed him it was amazing. “Wow.” We both said.
“Um well I have to go it’s a big day I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Ok yea see you tomorrow.” He kissed me again.
I went home right up stairs closed my door and fell to the floor. “Oh my god that was amazing I can’t believe I did that.” I laid on my bed and fell asleep think about tomorrow.
The next day I left to go to jasper when I got there he was outside and again he kissed me again i almost fell. “Come on Stacy let me take to your gift close your eyes.” We walked into a big room,"Open your eyes." There was a big teal ball gown in the middle of the room.
“Oh my gosh I love it.” i said looking at him.
“Go ahead and look and also this is Lisa and Maggie they’ll help you with anything you need and they do your hair."i waved hi and look at the dress then i heard jasper clap his hands."I’ll let you go get ready. Remember lady’s it’s a special day for her I’ll be back in a half a hour ok.” He left and they got right to work when they were done I felt so special and looked so good.
Jasper knocked on the door. “Can I come in?”
“Yes prince jasper.” One of the helpers said opening the door I turned and he just could not take his eyes off of me.
“So Prince Jasper how do I look.” He ran picked me up and spun me around I laughed.
"You look amazing as always.”
“Thank you I love it.”
“Ok here before the party I’ll show you what you have to do and then I’ll go get dressed myself.” He asked for my hand and we walked. “Ok Nick here will call your name as Ms. Stacy Cullen and open the door." then he showed me were to stop, he ran to the other side. “ then they call me as Prince Jasper open the door, together on the same step on different sides will walk down meet here I’ll bow you’ll curtsy,” we did that together. “Then you’ll wrap your hand in like this,” he took my hand and showed me. “ walk down the steps and meet everyone those table are one for mine gifts and others are yours table. I’ll sit here and you sit here I’ll say something’s then well eat and before that dance and even after dance and talk is that all ok.”
“yes door open wait for you walked down meet you walk more two table mine, yours I sit here you there dance and talk eat you say something before then we dance and talk more then leave ok got it.”
“You’re so cute when you have to remember things.” I giggled. He left to go get changed I got called back to my room and they fixed me hair put me in heels and made sure I could walk and go down and upstairs in them.
Finally it’s time for the party I walked to the door were I was let out to the party breathed in a coupled of time then I heard nick say, “LADY AND GENTELMEN PRESENTING MS. STACY CULLEN.” He opened the light hit my face I saw a piece of tape on the floor it said “stop here.”
I heard a differnet guy’s voice, “ALSO PRESENTING PRINCE JASPER.” I saw people turn their head then look right back at me. I walked down to meet jasper we meet bow like I was told walked down the steps and meet my dad there.
“ wow now you look like my little princess happy birthday.”
“Thank you dad I feel like a princess.” I dance with my dad first then jasper asked me to dance and other people I dance with.
Then jasper went on stage and said, “LADY AND GENTELMEN CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE I WILL LIKE YOU ALL TO TAKE YOUR SEATS BUT I WOULD LIKE STACY TO PLEASE JOIN ME UP HERE TO GET HER SECOND GIFT FROM ME.” Every one sat down and I went up on stage and he started talking again but acts like he was talking to me and not everyone who came. “NOW STACY I KNOW WE ONLY MEETED 21 DAYS AGO TO YOUR FATHER SAFE RENT HOME BUT I KNEW YOU MY WHOLE LIFE AND IT WAS 20 YEARS AGO

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