» Romance » midnight hour, K S [best ereader manga .txt] 📗

Book online «midnight hour, K S [best ereader manga .txt] 📗». Author K S

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chapter one

Crash, I heard from down stairs. Why now, I thought to myself in pain.

“MICHEAL,” my mother screamed followed by yet another crash. Tossing in my bed I folded the pillow to cover both of my ears, not wanting to hear my enemy parents fighting.

“LYN, I TOLD YOU ONCE,” my father screamed but I tried my best not to listen any further. Getting up from my bed I picked up my backpack for school and my extra bag for soccer practice and the game tomorrow. Not worrying about changing out of my navy pajamas I stalked out of my room and down the stairs.

“MICHEAL HOW COULD YOU SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER,” my mother yelled making me flinch.

“SHE IS NOT, AND YOU EVEN AGREED SHE IS HORRIBLE,” my father continued to screamed, and then a very loud crash echoed my home. Glass came flying by the stairs and I whimpered, why do they always have to fight, just why. Avoiding any glass I tiptoed to the door and walked outside barefoot. Walking on the cold pavement I walked down the street to my best friend’s house. Knocking on her door, I took a step back and waited. The door creaked open and Jasmine’s mother stepped into view.

“Charlotte,” she gasped as looked down, confusion washed over me and I looked down. My foot was bleeding,I might’ve stepped on a piece of glass. I shrugged and shook it off.

“I’m fine, can I sleep over,” I asked quietly, and then Ms. Smith stepped out of the way and I walked into their home which is almost my home.

“Hey Char,” I heard jasper call from the couch. I smirked a little and hopped onto the couch and watched TV with him. SPONGEBOB, I thought/yelled happily.

“Where is everyone,” I asked softly fidgeting with my fingers.

“Jasmine you’re so annoying,” an unfamiliar voice said angrily. I tilted my head and looked over at Jasper.

“Well, for one everyone is upstairs, and two that is our alpha, he hasn’t been around.” I nodded in understandment. I know about werewolves, my best friend is a werewolf, but sadly (I don’t know how it's sad) I am not a werewolf. I looked at to the screen and watched as SpongeBob did his ‘bring it around town dance.’ I laughed silently and Jasper looked scuffed.

“It’s sad what makes you laugh,” he mused, and I laughed at that slightly louder than before.

“CHAR,” Jasmine screamed from upstairs then I heard loud pounding of the stairs. Rolling my eyes I looked at Jasmine rushing down the stairs flying at me. She picked me up from the couch and hugged me tightly. I gasped for air and she released me, then recognition washed over her and she went back to hugging me.

“Their fighting again,” she whispered sadly. Trying to smile, I nodded and sat back down on the couch and all of the other pack members filled into the living room. I scooted over on the couch and Xavier and Cindy hopped onto it. I looked down at my foot and realized it was still bleeding slightly. Standing up I walked over to the kitchen where all the adults were. Mrs. Smith looked at me and walked over to her cabinet and took out a band-aid. I swear she reads minds or something. Rushing over to me she hugged me and handed me the band-aid.

“I’m fine,” I reassured softly. All of the adults looked at me with shock and I had a weird feeling.

“She isn’t like the others, that’s for sure,” a man Ms. Smith’s age stated. I titled my head and Mrs. Smith laughed.

“She isn’t she is mature, but most mature 18 year olds are mature for a bad reason, they are torture in some way,” Mrs. Smith reasoned. I bit my lip and harsh realization hit me, torture.

“I’m not tortured, I’m not mature either I just have a funny way of showing my childish side,” I told them and walked out into the living room. On the couch Sunny took my spot and I gasped.

“SUNNY, you stole my god damn spot HOW RUDE,” I yelled at her then walked around to the front of the couch and sat on her. Crossing my arms on my chest I puffed air.

“Okay, get off me and you can have the god damn seat,” she murmured to which I stood up triumphally. When she never got up I frowned and sat on Jasper’s lap.

“Why is everyone up at 2:00am,” the same unfamiliar voice said groggily. Getting up from Jasper’s lap I walked over to Jasmine with a questioning look. Sitting on the floor I placed the band-aid on my foot, and then looked up to see everyone starring at me.

“Why are you bleeding,” Sunny questioned skeptically, and Jasmine had the same ‘I’ll figure you out’ look plastered on her face.

“I’ll answer you if you answer me,” I told Jasmine and she sighed slumping to the floor.

“He’s my cousin the Alpha,” she answered me but I already knew. I nodded and started playing with the carpet.

“I can’t wait for the soccer game tomorrow,” I proclaimed, with a bright smile that reached my eyes. Jasmine was a sucker for seeing me happy and smiled fist pumping me and she forgot about the cut. I sighed in relief then felt a powerful glare on my back. I shifted and Jasmine noticed.

“She isn’t in our pack,” Jasmine’s cousin/alpha pointed out.

“Nope, she isn’t” Jasmine replied in a ‘duh’ tone. I stifled a laugh but it escaped and everyone looked towards me.

“What,” I asked softly not hiding my smile. Standing up from the floor I walked over to the chair and sat in it. Sitting with my feet under my butt I leaned onto the arm of the chair and played with the hem.

“Char, you have an intention span of a 2 year old when you aren’t playing soccer or when you’re doing track,” Drake exclaimed and I looked up at him and stuck out my tongue. I looked back down I made circles into the fabric, and I waited till someone talked. I heard a crash from the kitchen and a flashback from before I came here flashed into my brain and I felt my lip quiver. Noticing that I sobered up and looked away from everyone.

“Drake, did you leave the glass on the edge of the table,” Mrs. Smith scrambled, and then I felt a pair of eyes on me.

“What did you guys do,” she accused. I looked over to her and shook my head with a fake smile.

“Absolutely nothing,” I told her and looked at my clean nails. How are my nails so clean, I asked myself starring at them intensely?

“I think she is psycho,” I heard the alpha mutter and I felt it sting in my heart.

“Why would you say that,” I talked up and saw everyone on the couch jump. Jasmine looked at me confused. Shaking my head I switched my body position so my feet were hanging over the edge and my head on resting on the other arm.

“I’m going to bed,” I said I proclaimed tiredly then closed my eyes and heard a group of laugher.

chapter two

Waking up my neck ached, sitting up in the chair I rubbed the back of my neck and nodded towards Jasper. Is it me or does it seem like he lives in the living room.

“Do you live on that couch,” I wondered and he laughed, rolling my eyes I rubbed them and yawned. Walking up the stairs, I stopped at the second floor then turned around and walked back down stairs. Sitting next to Jasper on the couch I thought back to where Jasmine’s room was.

“Where’s Jasmine’s room,” I asked Jasper confused, his laugher echoed the room then he grabbed my hand leading me to Jasmine’s room. We stopped in front of a pink door and I groaned.

“Pink,” I exclaimed grossed out. He nodded and I opened her door. Walking into her room I saw her snoring, and then she woke up. Rolling my eyes I sat on the edge of her bed.

“Morning Char,” Jasmine said to me not even tired. I arched my eyebrow and she hopped up from her laying position and sat next to me completely perked up.

“How are you like this in the morning,” I asked her and a yawn followed my question. Grabbing my wrist she pulled me into her closet and began searching through a ton of clothes. Blinking I waited and she walked over to me with her hands behind her back and a large smirk. This isn’t good, I thought to myself. Sighing I held out my hand and she placed the clothes in them and pushed me out of her closet.

“Lord,” I murmured softly. Looking up from the ground I saw a guy my age, he was hot! He has black midnight hair that contrasts with his tan skin, and grey eyes to wrap it all up. I’m a sucker for grey eyes, I thought to myself quickly looking away. Shaking it off I walked into Jasmine’s bathroom and locked the door. Looking down at the clothes I groaned. It’s not clothes, it’s a dress.

“Jasmine,” I yelled walking out of the bathroom ignoring the sexy alpha guy. Jasmine popped out of the closet with a smirk.

“I’m not giving you anything else,” she taunted.

“Sunny,” I screaming throwing the dress at Jasmine starting to walk out of her room, but she pulled me back.

“You honestly think Sunny has anything besides dresses,” Jasmine questioned me with the ‘nope’ look that I always got from her. Groaning I stepped back into the room and heard a chuckle from the corner of the room. Rolling my eyes I walked into her closet and roamed through her stuff. Pink, pink, pink, pink, and I don’t know maybe pink.

“Is there anything not freaking pink,” I asked softly starring at a pink wall. My eyes burn from all this pinkness. Closing my eyes I made my way out of the closet and slowly opened my eyes. Sighing in relief I thanked the lord.

“No pink, thank heavens,” I voiced my thoughts, and Jasmine looked offended. Mr. sexy laughed and I shot him a glare, but he didn’t get it and continued to laugh. Slowly I walked back into the closet and found colors, not pink, and ran to them. Taking

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