» Romance » THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL, DANEA [free novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL, DANEA [free novels .TXT] 📗». Author DANEA

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Chapter One

I walked outside to my bus. Today was my first day at my new school, I new things would be different. I got on the bus. As I walked down the alse people put purses and other things on the seat so I wouldn't sit down. Then I saw an empty seat and sat down. As the bus moved the window was opened and my hair flew back and forth as I could smell the fall and spring air as the leaves fell upon the ground. We had arrived at the school. I got off the bus and into the office.
Me: Umm hi I'm the new student Jessica
Lady: Well yes here is your lock and if you get lost ask a student
Me: Thanks
I walked to the 3rd floor were my locker was held. I put my code in and it opened. I gathered my things and walked to my class. As I walked through the door I saw kids sitting on desks, talking and throwing paper balls at one another and of course theres a high school hottie sitting on her quater back football player boyfriend lap. I took a seat at the back then a girl walked up to me.
Kelly: Hi I'm kelly you must be the new girl
Me: Yeah if thats what you want to call me
Kelly: So why you sitting in the back
Girl: Because thats were all the lames sits
Me and Kelly looked at each other.
Kelly: Don't mind her shes just mad someone wants to talk to you
Girl: Oh shutup
Me: Well it was nice meeting you
Girl: Your lamer than I thought
Everybody laughed. Then the teacher walked in.
Teacher: Good morning class today we have a new student, please come up. Everybdoy turned there eyes on me as I walked up to the front of the class.
Me: Hi I'm Jessica the new girl
Girl: Tell us something we don't know
Teacher: Ok ok now be nice
Me: Well I moved here all the way from Brentwood
As I spoke I herd people laughing and making fun of what I was wearing
Girl: Did someone tell you that its 2012 not the 70's
Everybody was laughing and booing me. I ran out the class. If nobody liked me what was the point. I ran in the bathroom as tears came running out my eyes like a river going head speed. I didn't want to finish the rest of the day but I new I had to.

Chapter two

Mom: Hey honey how was school
Me: Why would you even ask
Mom: What, did something happen
Me: Yes everything
Mom: Well whats wrong
Me: We moved here!
I walked up the steps and into my room and I laid on my bed.
The bell had rung and I wasn't in the class.But I new I had to go in there. I took a deep breath and walked in the class.
Teacher: Well Miss.Jessica why are you late?
Me: Sorry I got lost
Everybody started laughing but the truth is I just didn't feel like comming today. I took a seat as the teacher wrote my first tardy down, To be honest I didn't care if I had 30 tardies. Then that same girl who called me lame came up to me.
Girl: Look sorry this is my orginal seat so I'm going to need you to move
Me: Well all these seats in here you couldn't care for one day right
Girl: Get out of my seat before I rip your brains out
Her foot ball player quater back boyfriend started laughing and so did his friends. I got up and walked to the back of the room were I saw a boy with a rat in his pocket. I was so uncomfortable the whole day. I was glad when the day was over. I had forgot my books in biology class and I had to go get them. I grabbed them and ran outside but I was to late, I had missed my bus. I started to walk. Then I saw the girl and her quater back boyfriend driving crazy down the street. I tried to move out the way but I was to late, Then SPLASH!!!! all water came up on me, I was really soaked. As they drove off I saw them laughing and I ran home and opened the door.
Mom: What in the world
Me: Don't even ask
I ran up the steps to take a shower so I could get out of these wet clothes. After I was done taking my warm shower I went to sleep.

Chapter Three

I was glad today was a half a day because I don't think I would have survived the whole day at school. I actually liked walking but I new better not to walk when it was raining. Then I saw the quater back driving as he beeped at me. I didn't know what for. Then his car stoped and he got out of the car.
Boy: Let me give you a hand
I looked confused
Me: No I'm good
Boy: Look I want to apologize about what happened yesterday
Me: Oh its ok
Boy: No It's not and I want to make it up to you
Me: What for
Boy: Look I know you think I'm nuts right
Me: No
He looked at me
Me: Ok just a little bit
He laughed and walked closer to me.
Boy: Look it's not like I'm going to kidnapp you or anything
Me: Well I would hope not
Boy: Look my name is James
Me: Yeah your girlfriend is Mya
James: Yeah shes a good one
Me: If you say so
James: Look shes not so bad
Me: She told me she was going to rip my brians out
James: She was just talking
Me: Well she didn't seem like it to me
James: Look get in
Me: Why do you want me to get in so bad
James: Because I feel bad
Me: You should
He laughed.
Me: Ok ok I will
I got in and he closed my door and drove off to my house.
Me: Thanks for the lift
James: No probs now you be careful
I closed the door and walked in my house. James was not bad after all.

Chapter Four

I walked to Science class and took a seat.
Teacher: OK class today we are going to disect a frog
Me: Yes!!!!!
Everybody looked at me as if I was nuts or something
Teacher: I'm glad someone likes it, now I will be picking your partners
I didn't listen to nothing else I just waited to my turn came up.
Teacher: Ok Jessica you are with mya
I looked as if there was a mistake she walked up to me
Me: Umm is there a way I could work by myself
Teacher: No this is a group project
I walked back to my seat
Mya: Look I herd James gave you a ride home yesterday
Me: Yeah
Mya: Look I don't know what your trying to pull but its not working
Me: Umm you got it all wrong
She stoped me
Mya: Look I'm always right I never make mistakes
I new this class was going to be a long day.
Finally school was over. I walked home and poped opened a tv dinner. I looked on the frig and saw a note. It read
Sorry mommy working late tonight hugs and kisses
I threw the note away and took the tv dinner out. Then the doorbell rung. I opened the door and it was James.
Me: Umm can I help you
James: Look I don't know what is wrong with you but I give you a ride and now your telling everyone we go out
Me: Wait wait wait look I don't know what your talking about,now don't give me that attiude
James: So you telling me you didn't tell anyone
Me: No I didn't mya came up to me today and was saying I'm trying to pull something now you can go and leave me alone
I slammed the door on his face and went back to my tv dinner. I see what kind of person he is. Then the door rung again.
Me: Look what do you want
James: look I'm sorry
Me: Ok goodbye
James: Look why are you always in a hurry
Me: why are you always a jerk
We looked at each other
James: Look I'm not mya so please stop it
Me: What are you talking about?
James: Look I say sorry and here you go calling me a jerk
Me: Ok I get it your sorry what else do you want me to do
James: Nothing
Me: Look lower your voice
James: Look fine I will just leave
Me: Ok than
He walked off. As I was about to close the door he came back and kissed me.
Me: what was that
James: Look I'm sorry
Me: Did I miss something
James: Look every since that day you walked

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