» Romance » Jack And His Baby Girl Jill, Abby Cochran [diy ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Jack And His Baby Girl Jill, Abby Cochran [diy ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Abby Cochran

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How It All Went Down

Jack wanted what every teen boy wants from his high school years. That was to get girls, party, drink, and possibly go to college and make something of themselves. Jack was no different other then he was slightly more attractive then the next guy. Jack stood at 6’4, bright gray eyes, strong muscular body that girls seemed to swoon over, and tan skin that never faded along with strong features, thanks to his mothers side being Native American. His home life wasn't anything to brag about. His parents were never home and when they were his was constantly left with marks made by there hands against his bronze skin.

His life was going pretty damn good, he was with one of the hottest girls in his school, Katy, and was invited to all the right parties. He was popular and the star on his schools soccer team. Everything was looking good till that fateful day when Jack went over to Katy house expecting to have some fun since her parents were on some cruise trip for a week. What he wasn't expecting was Katy to be waiting just inside the door tapping her expensive heels against the marble floor looking very much like a pissed off teacup Chihuahua. When he was with arms reach Katy slapped the used pregnancy test against its muscular chest cover by only a white wife beater. Looks down in shock Jack realized what had assaulted his chest. Katy blink once before barreling into a rant about him having to pay up for the abortion right this minute.

“NO!!” was the first word Jack uttered since looking down at the little pink plus
sign that was looking up at him mockingly. For the next hour he begged and pleaded with her to let him keep the baby. He would do everything for the baby without her. She finally agreed to this since there was a month before graduation then she planned to take a year off of school before heading to college.

Telling his parents was another story and they promptly kicked his out the house with everything he could grab in 20 minutes and put into his beautiful classic 76 mustang that he had been working of for the past three years. Jack stood looking up at the stares knowing that life would never be easy from here on out but, at the same time he knew that his child would also be the best thing to ever happen to him.

My Life Has Changed

Waking me from an uneventful three hours of sleep was the angelic like giggles coming from the crib beside me. In a attempt to get a couple more seconds of sleep I keep my eyes shut tight as I kick the covers off. Sighing in defeat I swing my body around to sit up on the edge of the bed only to realize is was already on the bed before I came crashing down hard as my ass, then on my hands and knees I crawl over to the crib moaning dramatically. Jillie’s giggles kicked up ten fold as she watched me dramatically fake my death. Eventually I crawled up the side of the crib smiling down at my little girl. She was a spitting image of me; the only thing she got from her mother was forest green eyes. Scooping her up into my arms I hold her at my side resting her diaper bum against my hip.

Only clad in my boxers and her in her diaper, we walk out into the rest of are tiny cramped apartment playing the random noises games with each other. I bounce my hip with Jill on it as I reach into the fridge to grab her bottle from the fridge. Just as I was resurfacing from the fridge Jilly made a cry of joy and was lift from my arms. Whipping around turning into protect father mode I look for the person who dared to touch my baby girl. Finding the “criminal” who stole my baby, I immediately relax and shake my head at Andrew, also one of many roommate in our small two-bedroom apartment. We had two other male roommates and Nikki who is a on/off again roommate since she need to help out her mom and her baby sister every once is a while.

“Heyyyy what’s going on dude?” I smile over my shoulder at him while putting the bottle in the microwave wave because I know that if I don't get this bottle in Jills mouth soon she will have a complete baby melt down.
“Well you see I was having this hot dream about that girl I told you about, well anyways I was just about to get it on when all of a sudden she started giggle like this familiar baby girl that I share a apartment with.” He playfully punching my back with his signature smirk on his face “So now I’m hear stealing your lady away!” he playfully yells then starts to make sloppy wet kissy noises on her little cheek.

“What the H E L L is going on out here!!!” Tom yelled slamming the door of the second bedroom door grumbling his way into the kitchen/living room/dinning room area making a bee line for the coffee maker. Andrew sitting a now frowning sniffling Jill in her play pen softly laying on her back just as I came around the small island that separates the kitchen from everything else. Scooping the now sobbing and squirming Jill into my arms I put the bottle to her mouth, humming and swaying I rock back and forth as she greedily sucks down her formula.

As Jill sucks on her bottle with her gorgeous forest green eyes boring into my gray eyes I can’t help but smile a happy smile that is filled with pure joy. Realizing that the rest of our “family” is gathered into the crowded room shouting their complaints and spelling out curse words instead of actually saying them in a way of protecting my little girl’s ears from their inappropriate terms, I look up from the baby in my arms to join in on the conversations going on.

“Alright so which one of Jill’s Uncles” I stop looking around the room spotting Nikki stretching for her morning run “Or aunt is going to watch her for me while I go to class today? I’ll be gone for three hours or so that’s how long one of you is going to need to take a shift babysitting.” I say walking back out to the kitchen to drop off the bottle and grab the burping rag that has elephants all over it. I gently rest my little baby over my shoulder patting her back bouncing a little bit trying to get her to burp.

“I’m out of reach this time man; I got work from 7am to 5pm I think, sorry I can’t help today.” Andrew says as he heads back to the bedroom for his work clothes. Ok so he’s out so that leaves three more people to count on.

“Bro don’t look at me I was working the dead man shift at my job and my girl is P I S S E D at me for not coming over last night, so now I got to drag my sorry butt over there to make her happy.” Tom shrugs while yanking on some sweats while heading to the door. Shit now I’m down to Nikki and Chase to help me out.

“Oh come on guys help me out! This is my first day of college! And Chase stop drooling.” I smirk as I see chase drooling over Nikki’s ass, which was high in the air as she bends forward to stretch her long toned legs.

“Oh shut your trap! You know me and Jilly Billy are going to do the bonding today” Nikki smiles at me from between her legs and then gives a slow wink to Chase. I swear I could hear Chase gulp all the way from where he stood to where I was in the kitchen. “BUT! You better be back A.S.A.P because my class starts 30minutes after yours finishes AND I get to take you bike to the club this Friday.” Nikki gives me her wicked smile as she stands up with hands on her hips.

I look as if I’m contemplating the idea but we all know what I’m about to say. I mean what choice do I have the girls using the fact that I need a babysitting against me!

“Fine, Fine you got it but you can be a evil little B I T C H when u wanna be chika.” I smirk over at her, playfully racking my eyes up her Latin body and out the corner over my eye is see Chase giving me a death stare.

“What you doing today Chase?” I ask as me and Jill who is now making cooing noises while sucking on my bare shoulder.

“I got class today too…Crap! I’m running late!! Oh shit, oh shit!!!” he runs past us into the room all the guys stay in while me, Jill and Nikki share another room.

“Hey! Watch your language around my child!” I glare at his back as he slams to door to other bedroom but as I make my way to our room I hear a muffled “she’s nine months old how would she be able to understand anything I’m saying jack.”

Ignoring him I lay Jill down and began our morning routine which involved stripping of the dipper, walking over to the only bathroom in the apartment washing her carefully in the tub, going back to the bed room to dress he into her monkey cover outfit, brushing softly at the small amount of hair she has, and then taking her into the living room setting her in her play pen with the baby monitor. After getting her comfortable I go back to our room with the other baby monitor in my other hand. During my shower im able to hear my little girl making cute baby gurgles. While drying off my mind wonders to how much my life has changed in six months which to leaves me to think about if ill ever have more then one night stands with girls I pick up from the club that we all go to when we can afford a real baby sitter for Jill.

Sighing I shake the thought from my head making my way back into our room. Heading to the closet I look at the very little amount of clothes I have to choose from. Suppressing the depressing thoughts in my head about wanting more for my child and myself I choose a plan black T-shirt and some baggy jeans that have both knees

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