» Romance » To Be A Queen, K Lime [great novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «To Be A Queen, K Lime [great novels .TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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Years Gone By

Krissy smiles looking in the mirror. She was awake before either of the boys or the kids and that to her was peaceful. Sadly though, a queen never had too much free time. She takes a shower and walks down the hall to the kids hallway.

She hears noise coming from Daemon's room. The twins were now 17, Alyssa is 15, Dawson is 13, and Dyrek is 4. The kids were well behaved despite two of them being teenage boys. She walks closer hearing another voice. A voice of a female. She knows its only 4:30 so if he was trying anything, he would think he had time. She shifts and immediatly picks up the smells that she knew oh too well. She mentally shouts at the boys and hears Slade asks whats up.

'Get your ass into your son's room right fucking now.'

'What's wrong?' He asks his voice coming stronger.


'Of course.'

She sees Slade padding down the hall towards her and she rubs against him softly before walking further down the hall as she watches Slade go into Daemon's room.

A few moments later she watches a crying female rush out of the room and a shirtless Daemon walks into the hall. He is very agitated and shifts as he walks towards her.

'We weren't doing anything.'

'Which is why i stopped you before you did.'

'Mom honestly.'

'Your mother is right, i was a ho back in school and that never worked well for me when it came to relationships. You can be Mr. Gothic Badass all you want, but not at home, and certainly not in bed with somebody other than your mate.'

'Yeah yeah.'

'Do not yeah yeah me.'


Krissy perks her ears up as she hears a door open down the hall. She turns to see Dyrek walking out of his room. He walks over and leans against her wrapping his small arms around her soft fur. She purrs as he snuggles into her and licks his cheek softly.

"Mommy, what's going on?"

She looks at Slade and shifts kneeling down to pick up Dyrek.

"Nothing sweety. Come on, lets go back to bed."

She looks at Slade who shifts and starts talking to Daemon before walking down the hall with Dyrek. She tucks him into bed and reads him a story and leaves when he falls asleep on her.

She walks out into the hallway and sees Daemon standing there.



"I'm sorry."

"Oh honey, I know you're a teenager and I know how you feel, Slade was just like that when he was younger. He's still like that only not all over the place with random females."

"What about Kris?"

"He not so much. I never told you kids why you all look different, but i guess we better talk about it soon."


"Your brother is starting to get weird and i think it is because of the way your fathers and I are."

"I still don't understand how this works."

"We can talk about it later tonight."

"With who?"

"Your fathers, me, you, Damien, Alyssa, and Dawson. Dyrek is still young enough not to need to talk about it."

"Thanks mom."

"I love you sweety."

"Love you too mom."

She smiles and hugs him as he walks into his room and walks down to finish what she was doing earlier. She talks to one of the cooks and asks them to have breakfast ready at 8 and continues to her study to work a little more. The tensions between the packs were getting worse. There were a few people who were upset with her being the queen but since she was one of the last blood weres, it wasn't enough for them to challenge her.

Kristoff groans and rolls over clutching at the empty bed between him and Slade.

"She's already up."


"I know. Daemon was caught with a female this morning."

"Lovely. At least my son is gay."

"No, you could catch him with a guy."

"It was a joke, you know he isn't gay."

"Yeah i know."

"Krissy wants to talk to the kids about why they look different."

"And she wants to explain to the boys the rules. I'm glad we've got that fear put into Alyssa."

"Yeah. But she is your kid."

"Hey, she could be yours too."

"She's a tiger."

"So is Dawson."

"Dawson is a white tiger."

"So hes half you half me."

"More like 49 you, 49 me, and 2 krissy."

"yeah yeah. I'm going for some coffee want some?"

"I'll get some in a bit, im going to check on Krissy."

"I'm going to take her some coffee. Last i noticed, there was a rogue pack trying to recruit thats got her upset."

"Ooh lovely. I'll see you there then."


Meeting The Rogues

Cassandra looks over at her brother before getting up. Last night had been a full moon and the whole pack felt very confidant. They had gained nearly 12 new members and were going at 350 strong. She knew that it was getting on the queens nerves, but she also knew that as long as they didn't push too much they wouldn't do anything.

Her group was getting really big and now they were a threat to the queen even if it wasn't a big one. She runs her hand through her hair and texts back her cousin before walking into the school building. The ride to school had been lame and quiet since both she and her brother were thinking. The school was mainly werecats now but there were only four blood weres in the high school. The most annoying people on the planet.

She looks over as she sees the nice looking vehicles parked in their normal spots. She roles her eyes and walks down to the cafeteria to see where the group is.

Daemon is sitting in his chair all dark and gothic as usual, Damien is being his usual jock bouncy self, and Alyssa is helping Dawson do his homework.  Her group comes in behind her and she heads to their normal table. Sure she was popular and pretty, but she didn't have the power they had, and that is what she wanted. 

"Hey Cassie what's up?"

"Not too much thinking."



"Care to expand?"

"Not for you."

"Alright then."

"Hey Cassie."

"Hey what's up?"

"Sitting here next to you. What are you doing tonight?"

"Possibly going to the mall. Why?"

"Just wondering. When is your next party?"


"Alrighty. I'm in."

"Alright, let's go to class already. I need to see that new teacher."

"New teacher?"

"Yeah that Kristoff guy."

"Did you meet the new one Mr. S?"

"Oh yeah he is dreamy."

"Do you think we could get them?"

"Chick come on, they are no match for us. We are so good looking they will be putty in our hands."

The girls stand and walk out of the room missing the fact that the royal table is empty.

New Teachers

Daemon is sitting on the desk across from Damien while his dads are talking and helping Alyssa and Dawson.

"Hey dad?" He asks curious.

"What?" Both Kristoff and Slade reply.

"What's for dinner?"

"Why would we know?"

"You guys can mind link with mom without being in were form. Of course you know."

"And why would we tell you?" They ask grinning.

"Cause we need to know."

"Nah. Hey Kris keep helping Dawson out."

"Alright we are almost done here."

"So what do you need Daemon?"

"Nothing i just wanted to know what was for dinner dad. Need to know if i should be late or not."

"Son, be there. That's all I have to say."


"Your mother is extremely stressed please just be good until this rogue situation is under control."

"I can do that."

Cassie stares at the doorway.

"Can i help you?"

"I didn't know you were related."

"These are our dads."

"Excuse me dads?"


"Ha funny nice joke."

Before anybody can say anything else Cassie walks out and leaves the group confused.

"What on earth?" Kristoff asks looking at the boys.

"She's the school slut." Daemon growls irritated.

"I see?"

"She was going to be on you next." Damien laughs dryly.

"Well, i have a wife."

"MY wife." Slade says laughing.

"Our mother!" The kids all say laughing.

"True. True. Fine Our wife."

"Wow. I can share."

"Well, you do share the bed."

"I do."

"Alright dad anyway, i have class so ill be in here after school."

"Love you hun have a good day."

Alyssa hugs her dad and leaves the room while Dawson follows. The twins smirk n shake their heads before sitting in a desk for class to begin.

"Hey Slade?"


"You talked to Krissy since we left?"

"No. You?"

"She wants to meet us for lunch. Do we have the same lunch break?"

"Right after 5th?"


"Then yes."

"Alright. I'm going to my class so i'll meet you here just after 5th."

"See you then, good luck."

"You too."

Kristoff leaves the class and Slade looks at the twins sitting in the back of the class.

"You two better be good in here."

"Or what?"


"It was a joke sheesh."

"Alright then."



"Can we go pick up my basketball stuff today after my practice."

"Yeah of course."


"Because Daemon, I play football and basketball while you are a street brawler."

"Damien. Leave your brother alone. Daemon, be nice."

"It was a joke dad."

"I know. Let's get this show on the road before the bell rings. Oh and before we get this started, don't call me dad in class."

"I'm still calling you dad."

"Me too."

"Alright alright, don't call both Kristoff and I dad."

"But both of you are our dads."

"True. But it's weird."

"I know." Daemon says looking up at his father.

"Can i just call Kristoff dad in school and you Mr. S?"

"Yeah, and i could call him Mr. K and you dad."

"That could work since technically that is how it works."

"Hey dad?"


"What about Alyssa, Dawson, and Dyrek?"

"We will finish this conversation at the family meeting your mother wants."

Lunch Time

"So you want to have this meeting tonight?"


"Do you think they will understand?"

"I hope they do. I know it is complicated but it could be worse."

"How could it be worse Krissy?"

"Well Kristoff look at Dyrek."

"He doesn't have a Were half." Slade says sadly.

"Or maybe it just hasnt come out yet, he's

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