» Romance » WereCats, Octavia Schmude [best ereader for graphic novels TXT] 📗

Book online «WereCats, Octavia Schmude [best ereader for graphic novels TXT] 📗». Author Octavia Schmude

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I'm running as fast as my swollen ankles would carry me,with my sholders hunched, arms wrapped protectively around my bloated belly. I feel the warm tears of desperation slide down my flushed cheeks. Stupid,stupid,stupid I berated myself, I should've seen the signs before that something was wrong, now that I looked back to the times that I had once cherished with a sense of regret. Stuck in my thoughts I didn't notice a man appear thirty yards in front of me, until I ran him over, or rather crashed into him. Letting out a startled scream as I smashed into the hard wall that was his chest. He caught me by the wrists, none to gently I noticed, as his scent invaded my nostrils the feeling of regret filled my very being.

"I'm not going to hurt you", his dark deep voice rumbled from his chest. Looking up to see Jeremia looking down at me with piercing green eyes, his large hands holding my petite wrists. Jeremia is the definition of handsome at six foot four he towered over my five foot three frame. He had muscle, big ones that I could see rippling under his shirt, with shoulder length chesnut hair tied at the nape of neck by a thick leather cord. Full pink lips, a strong jaw, and a straight nose. His gaze assessed my body intently looking for any sign of injury,

"I'm fine", I said responding to his searching gaze, all of a sudden warm liquid pours from in between my legs, just as a foul smell attacks my sensitive nose. Before looking down I already know whats happened but I look down anyways to see a clear liquid stain my dress, my eyes widen in horror. Spewing curse words, Jeremia swings me into his arms and begins running inhumanly fast, once he decided we're at a safe distance he lays me down,on the soft plush grass in a clearing unfamiliar to me.

" Where am I", I ask in wonder, glancing around.

" In my little hiding spot", he replies, tilting his face towards the sky inhaling the breeze that floates past.

'No one is coming it's safe for now, but this complicates things", he said gesturing toward my lower anatomy gently lifting my dress, and sliding my underwear down my chocolate colored legs.

"Okay, you are lucky I have done this before", he said grinning warily. 

" Now when the the contractions hit I want you to push until I say to stop".

"Okay", I replied not knowing what to expect, I mean it's not like I've given birth before but from all those ladies who say it's not that bad, I'm starting to think they were lying because the pain hitting me right now was deplorable. As another contraction hits. Jeremia tells me to push, it goes on like this for a while though I couldn't tell how long because everything blurred together. When it was over and Jeremia was cleaning my baby in a nearby stream I thought, finally, and welcomed the blissfuel darkness of unconsciousness.


Chapter one: New Student

        Today was my first day of the tenth school I've been to in the last sixteen years, I'm not nervous. It's not something I'm proud of I'm just pointing out the fact so that you understand why I'm not nervous, anyways I'm not here to socialize or learn, I'm here to kill.  After all I'm half whitch and half werecat, a werecat is when a human, or not really human, can phase into a type of Pantherinae. Which is all species of any feline, lions, panthers, jaguars, cheetahs, etc. I'm a panther, in case you were wondering, I was prepared to take on anyone. Looking in the floor to cieling mirror I look at my reflection assessing the outfit I'm wearing, dark denim skinny jeans that encase my long slender, smooth mocha colored legs. That end in light brown leather ankle boots, that also go great with my forest green translucent shirt that flows longer in the back, all the way down to the middle of my thigh. My hair is a mass of thin braids that go down to the middle of my back, each braid has jade beads strung on them, which to let you know I do my hair with magick, I mean I have a lot of hair for a black girl I need help braiding it. Heading down stairs I magick some waffles, and dig in. Finishing my breakfast I quickly grab my bag, which is mostly fiiled with weapons, I am a assasin, and head out to my old-fashioned baby blue slugbug, hopping into my car, I put the key in the ignition, pop my sunglasses on, and back out of the driveway, swerving for the tenth time this week around the neighbor's mailbox. I head down the street toward school


Pulling into the school parking lot I search for a space, trying to navigate through the sea of teenage bodies. Finding a spot I quickly pull in, pulling the key out of the ignition I open the driver door, swing my legs over and step out of my car. Pulling my sunglasses on top of my head I take a glance around feeling everyone's eyes on me as I walk around my car to the passenger door and grap my dark brown satchel. Ignoring the curious gazes, I walk towards what I'm guessing is the office. Entering the office I glance around and take a big sniff, smelling paper, ink, and burnt coffee. Turning my gaze back to the desk that dominates the big office, I notice theres no one at the desk, on further inspection I see a sign that reads "went to the printer", sighing I make my way to one of the many uncomfortable looking chairs. Flopping down into one of the chars I sigh, they are indeed uncomfortable.

" Uncomfortable, huh", I jump resisting the urge to hiss,

"whoa, didn't mean ta scare ya"!

I turn my head to see an auburn-haired girl, staring at me with sea green eyes, her full pink lips set in a permanent smirk, that let me know right away that she was trouble. Smiling at her I turn my attention back to staring at the desk, wondering when this girl was going to leave. Most humans are afraid of me, like they sense the predator in me and stay away. Even though I'm not watching her I sense her presence. 

"Whats the matter, cat got your tongue", she says.

If only she knew who she was talking to, she would run screaming and crying. I smiled at the thought of her freaking out.

" No actually, I'm waiting for the secretary to come back to the front desk", I reply, turning my attention to the girl who should be stuttering in fear.

"Well why didn't you say so, I'm student assistant, I can hook you up with whatever you want, so stay on my good side".

I felt anger rise up inside me, this girl knew that I needed help and decided to watch me sit in these uncomfortable chairs, but my anger quickly subsided as I realized I liked this girl, she had spunk.

"Yeah, I'm new and I need my scedule",

" Cool, follow me to my office were amazing things happen". 

" Your kinda wierd" I say,

" Well aren't you observant" she says typing her login into the computer.

" First and last name, please", she says with a mock business voice, making me laugh.

" My name is Tiena-Lee Jones", I reply.

"Okay... your schedule is printing now, oh and my name is Lily. But most people call me Ily, so yeah",  Lily said in a perky tone. Turning away to get my schedule from the the printer her shirt rose revealing her flawless tanned skin except for a little blue blemish. that as I leaned closer I could see was a crescent moon with three stars above it. Hmm... so she's a witch, I wonder if she knows. I pondered as she handed me my schedule, quickly turning away I made my way out the door, to my first period class.


I stood their glaring at the door marked 613, my Algebra class. Taking a deep breathe I stepped forward turning the L-shaped handle, I pushed the door open and stepped into hell. As soon as the door opened every conversation stopped while everyone's eyes turned to me. I met each gaze calmly I wasn't going to let anyone step all over me, and I wanted everyone to know that they couldn't screw with me and get away with it. Dismising the lingering gazes from the guys, I turned my attension to the teacher who had stopped giving some boring lecture, that kids were most likely ignoring. Perferring to talk about what they did last weekend.

" Oh, yes class I forgot to tell you we have a new student joining us today", the teacher says with a bewildered expression I hand him my schedule.

"Good morning miss Jones", he says scanning my schedule.

"You can tell the class a little bit about yourself", he says taking a seat. Turning back to the class I heaved a heavy sigh,

" My name is Tiena-Lee Jones, I'm seventeen turning eighteen in two months."

" can I sit down now", I ask already annoyed with the class's incessent staring. From the frown on his face I had already guessed he wanted me to say more, rolling my eyes I started towards the only empty seat in the back, setting my satchel on the floor I plopped into the chair, and turned my attention to the board. Thats when I felt a familiar tickling in my head, someone was trying to read my mind, glancing around for the guilty person I slammed walls down around my mind. If someone was trying to read my mind they were either a hunter like me or trying to get information, from my mind. touching one of the many rings on my fingers I summoned my Jinn, from which I had stolen from another witch I had recently killed, his name was Dorian and he was kind of like my secretary slash bestfriend.

" Dorian can you scope out the school and report anything suspicious" I communicated telepathically.

" Right away Lee" he replied in a oddly perky tone,

I watched as he drifted through the wall, and my body slowly relaxed. Dorian had been with me for about six months, at first he didn't do anything but after awhile he warmed up to me, and no he does not live in a bottle. Usually they only grant three wishes and leave but the witch I had killed figured out how to trap them. At one point I asked him if I should release him and he said no, because he would be safer with me, and if he were to return to his homeland, he would be punished for revealing secrets, to someone not a Jinn. So he's stuck with me till I die. We've actually become great friends, we like to chat and sometimes I let him take on his physical form so

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