» Romance » No more than perfect, Kaitlynn Fuller [buy e reader TXT] 📗

Book online «No more than perfect, Kaitlynn Fuller [buy e reader TXT] 📗». Author Kaitlynn Fuller

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First day of school

I woke up from peaceful sleep to a loud and annoying sound. I layed in my bed hoping that the sound would just go away. After five minutes had past I figured that the loud sound wasn't going away. I forced myself out of my warm and comfortable bed. I finally turned off the aggravating sound of my alarm. I looked to see what time it was, it was 6:35. I knew I had to start getting ready for my first day at my new school. So I started walking to the bathroom before something stopped me.

There was knocking at my door, right as I was about to open the door. My mom opened the slowly peaking her head in. "Hi sweety I was just seeing if you was up and getting ready." She said in a sweet but gentle voice. "Yes I am up, I was just about to start getting ready." I sounded groggy when I spoke. I clear my throat and waited for her response. "Oh okay dear, well I am cooking breakfast for you and your brother. It will be done in 30 minutes." She said and walked out of my room closing the door behind her. 



  I walked into my bathroom turning the water for the shower on hot. I stripped out of my pajamas, and folded them and set them on the counter. I hopped into the shower, the water was just perfect. I let the warm soothing water flow down my back into the drain. I grabbed my shampoo and started to lather it into my hair. I washed the shamooo out of my hair, now it was time for the conditioner. I grabbed my body soap and began to wash my body. The light smell of cherry blossom filled my nose. I loved my body soap it smelt to good. When all the soap was off my body, I turned the water off and grabbed the towel wrapping it around my body. I wrapped another towel around my head so my hair wouldn't drip on my dry body. I walked into my walk in closet it was huge it had everything from shirts, pants, dresses, and skirts. I also had a ton of shoes there was every color shoe that you could think of. I didn't know exactly what I wanted to wear. I decided to wear my favorite pair of pants. They had slits going across them. I grabbed a white tank top with my red letterman jacket and red converse. I blowed dryed my hair real quick and plugged my curling iron in the wall. I decided I would put on a little bit of make up. I really dont wear it because I already have a barbie doll complection. I applied mascara and some eyeliner. I was beginning to work on my hair it didn't take long as I thought. I was looking in the mirror examining myself. I had long blonde hair with piercing blue eyes. I was petite and had curves I loved the way I looked. I was done so I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. My mouth began to water at the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs. It looked delicious, I sat at the table as my mom brought my food I told thank you and begin eating. When I was finished eating I put my plate in the sink and walked to my room for the last time to brush my teeth. 

I grabbed my bookbag and was about to walk out the door when my mom called my name "Elizabeth!" She yelled. "Can you please take your brother to school?" She asked politely. "Ugh! Are you serious I have less than 30 mintues to get to school!" I said fusterated "please take him." She knew I was getting mad she could tell it in my voice. "Fine! Come one you brat, lets go!" I yelled at him and I was out the door before my mom ask me any other favors. I got into my car it was a blue Volkswagen Beetle. My dad got it for me when I turned 16 right before he died. I sat in my car as thoughts was swirling my mind of my dad. The car door slammed shut, bringing me back to the real world. "Are we going to go now?" Eric asked with an attitude. "Whose driving? Me. So shut up before I make you walk to school." I replied in a rude tone.


 I dropped him off and speed off to hurry to get to my school. I only had 20 mintues to get there and it was a almost 15 minute drive. I pulled into the student parking lot. I had found a parking spot and turned off the engine. I sat in the car worrying about if I was going to make new friends or not. I got out of my car and started walking to the school. I found the office easily, "Hi my name is Elizabeth McDaniel im a new student here." The lady behind the desk didn't look old. She look like she was in her 30's she had hazel eyes with short black hair. She was wearing a dark purple ruffled shirt which was pretty. She looked at me handing out a few sheets of papers. "This is your class schedule, this one is all of the rules which you need to read and the last one is your map." She said in a calming caring voice. The school was huge I think I need more than a map to get around. More like a gps probably. I giggled to myself I told her thank you and made my way to first period. I looked down at my schedule that the young lady gave me. It said that my first period was economics with Mr. Harper. I thought to myself wondering if he would be nice or a mean teacher. I reached my first class finally, it seemed like it took forever. I walked into the classroom and it was almost empty. The teacher wasn't even in there yet. Was I even in the right place I thought to myself. The bell rung and the classroom filled up with teenagers. 

 A small girl a little bit bigger than me sat beside me. She has bright green eyes and long straight brown hair. She was wearing black mini shorts and a bright blue tank top with a blue areopostal jacket and blue flats. She looked at me and smiled I returned a warm smile. "Aren't you that new girl!" She said with excitment. "Yes I am" I said with a confused look on my face. "Hi my name is Megan." She said more calm than before. "My name is Eliz..." before I could finish she interrupted "I know who you are" she said. I looked at her with the same confused facial expressions that I had ever since we begin to talk. "You are Elizabeth right?" She asked the look on her face was hoping i was. I nodded yes and she squeal and before I knew it I was being hugged by her. 

 "Don't freak her out Megan" an unknown male voice called behind me. She let go and I turned to see who the voice was. It came from a guy a very hot guy. He was so hot he had long shaggy dirty blonde hair. His eyes were a dark blue as I made my way down his face his I found his lips. Oh my god I wanted to kiss them. They was a light pink they looked so soft, so kissable. He was wearing a shirt that showed all of his muscle from his arms to his abs. He chuckled bringing myself to reality. I found out that he was laughing at me because I was drooling. Oh great! Perfect way to make a first impression. I wiped the drool away and just smile. He looked at me for a second and then he finally said something. "My name is Zachary but most people just call me Zack." He said it so soothing it made me want to melt into a puddle right in my chair. What was he doing to me? I never felt this way, it was unusual. I barely even know this person so why did I have this feeling. It didnt make any sense to me but I didnt care. "Hi Zack" I finally replied, he smiled and it was so white and perfect. Megan interrupted my thoughts when she asked where did I move from. I looked away from Zack back at megans porcelain doll face she was looking at me waiting for me to reply. "Miami, Florida" I told her trying to slow down my heart from looking at Zack for the first time. "Why did you move up here to Chicago?" She asked confused "Because when my dad died he left my mom a house up here. He was a very good brain surgeon." I said hardly finishing my sentence. My eyes started to water at the thought of my dad. I held them back and just turned to face the board where Mr . Harper was boring the whole class about economics.

  We had 30 mins left in the class still megan nor Zack say anything else it was silent between us. I was thinking about what megan said. She told me that she already knew who I was. How? I wasnt really popular, I was back in Miami but that's over a thousand miles away from here. It didnt make no sense to me. I opened my mouth to ask her about how she knew me. As soon I was about to say something the bell rang and she was out the door before I could say wait. "Dont worry about Megan she gets excited about meeting new people." Zack whisper at my ear behind sending shivers down my spine. I turned around to see his face so close that I could feel his breath on my face. All I really could think is Thank God I went back to my room to brush my teeth. I stepped back and turned around grabbed my stuff and shot out of the room like a speeding bullet.  

  My second and third periods went by slow but its okay because they was my two favorite subject. English and science I had a high grade in both classes when I lived in Miami. As I walked to my fourth period I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see who it was I didn't recognized him but I was nee here so I didn't recognize anyone except Megan and Zack but that's the only people. "Hi there sexy, you must be new to this school." He said with a wicked smile on his face. "Umm... yea can I help you?" I said with a attitude and after a few minutes past he stood shocked to what i just said. I could hear his friends whispering and giggling like a buch of school girls. I begin to turn and walk away when I felt a warm strong hand wrap around my wrist. "In a matter of fact yes I do." He said so confident I could hear the evil in his voice I didnt wont to find out what he wanted. I snatch my hand from his strong grip. "Do you know who I am!" He said in a louder tone "Look I honestly dont give a damn who you right now I am trying to get to class and your holding me back." I stood there for a few seconds looking at him with anger in my eyes. "Now if you mind I

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