» Romance » You Don't Have to Worry About Me, Kelly81415 [reading in the dark TXT] 📗

Book online «You Don't Have to Worry About Me, Kelly81415 [reading in the dark TXT] 📗». Author Kelly81415

My alarm clock woke me up playing a sad song called "Alyssa Lies". I didn't turn it off until the song ended and I was dressed. "If only life were that simple if only I would die." I mutter. "Get down here bitch!" ma'am screamed. I walk down avoiding eye contact. "Look here." she demands. I shut my eyes and lift my head bracing myself for the hit that was sure to come. She slapped me hard across my face and pushed me toward the counter causing my head to hit it. I felt the tears try to escape and I clenched my eyes shut harder. "You're fucking late for school!" she sneers. "Be home on time if you want any dinner." she growls. "Yes ma'am." I answer picking my lunch up and running to try to make it to school on time. My feet ached a little as I passed the twelveth block,and I cursed myself for being so weak. I keep running and slow down when I hear a scream. I stop completely when I see the child responsible for the scream through the window across from where I had stopped. I saw a male fist pound into his tiny face. Not him to. The boy couldn't be older than five! I ran to the door and opened and I heard the child begging him to stop. I ran into the home and placed myself infront of the child acting as a shield. The man kept punching at me and causing me to fall to the floor. After about twenty minutse the man left and I dragged the child outside. "You poor thing are you okay?" I coo. "He hits me. Why did you let him hit you for me?" he whimpers. "My parents hit me too and your to young to be hurt I had to help." I whisper wishing someone had helped me all those times. "Shh we're going to get you some help." I whisper. I was unaware that another person had walked to the door of the house and was watching us. "What about my brother?" he asks sniffiling. "We can help him too." I assure patting the child's back. I hear leaves crunching and look up terrified. "Let go of my brother Ilsa." a guy demands. I see a tennage guy standing in front of me. Why did he look so familiar? "How do you know my name?" I ask. "I'm in your class?" he answers. "I've never noticed you." I reply. "Look just go and don't tell anyone what you saw." he instructs lowering his voice to a whisper. "Why you should get help." I argue. "You don't know what it's like! Just go." he growls pulling his brother away from me. "You think I don't know what it's like! My mother abuses me. My dad molests me!" I growl. He places a hand on my arm and I flinch. "I had no idea." he whispers. "I should go." I sigh. He let's go of me reluctantly. "See you later in school then Ilsa." he whispers softly. I nod and continue on to school. After about twenty minutes I reach the school barely making it in time. I see the guy from earlier in his seat for the first time. He glances at me and I sit down in my usual seat in the back. "Children we have a guest speaker today she wants to talk to all you about abuse." our teacher informs. I look down afraid. "Ilsa is there something wrong?" she asks. " stomach is just upset." I lie glancing up. "Would you like to go to the nurse?" she asks. I nod. "Daniel would you take her?" she asks. The guy nods and gets up. "Thanks." he whispers when we leave the room. "It was pure luck she chose you." I answer walking away. "Does your stomach really hurt?" he asks. "No but my head does." I answer shrugging. "Let me see." he demands picking up on my meaning. "No it's fine." I argue running towards the bathroom. He chases me and pushes me against the wall. "God damn it Ilsa let me see!" he growls. "Quit!" I beg. "I I I'm sorry I didn't mean too." he whispers walking away from me slowly. "It's not your fault it's just how you were raised." I shrug walking to the nurse again. "Please let me see I'm so sorry." he begs gently grabbing my arm. "It's fine." I whisper. "Please I just want to make sure your okay." he murmmurs walking a little closer to me since I stopped walking. "Where does it hurt?" he asks gently. "Here." I answer pointing towards the middle of my head. He gently presses his fingers onto the spot and widens his eyes when he pulls it back. I saw blood on his fingers and I freak out. "I can't let the nurse see this." I whimper. "Shh I know let me....think." he answers pacing back and forth. "Your coming to my group." he decides pulling me out the door. "What are you talking about?" I question. "I'm.... in a group that is just of kids that are abused in different ways they can help." he explains leading me away from the school. "No." I argue softly following him to who knows where. "I promise it'll be okay." he murrmers so low I can barely hear and it makes me wonder if he was talking to me or trying to assure himself. "Sammie." he calls when we were inside the woods of the park. A tennage girl walks from behind a tree looking bored. "She's gone away Daniel." she informs sadly. "When? How?" he asks pain in his voice. "A few days ago and she had an 'accident'." she answers softly. Daniel gets an angry look on his face and he punches a nearby tree. "Ouch." he mutters. "Daniel we can't keep using all our supplies on your anger problems." she sighs walking off. "It's nothing to worry about just a broken hand at the most." he assures shaking his hand. "Here I'll fix it." I offer reaching for his hand. He looks back at me startled as if he forgot I was there. He reluctantly places his hand in mine and waits. I forecully press hard on his knuckles breaking them back. An expression of relief crosses his face and he leads me deeper in the forest. "Carly who all's here right now?" he asks. I notice a few seconds later that I was still holding onto his hand and release it. He frowns and places his hand in mine again. I just keep walking not in the mood to argue. "Um a few of the guys,Cindy,the twins,and we exported Calvin yesterday." she answers reading a clipboard. "Are you supposed to be in charge now?" he asks. "Umm no but I figured I should since Sammie's gone." she answers timidly. "Well that makes sense." he deicides. "Ilsa this is Abby and her twin Grayson." he informs pointing toward two weak looking children. "Hi." Grayson manages. "Zeke,Troy,Tristan,Keith,and Darian." he adds pointing at a group of guys. "Hey I'm Cindy." a girl greets raising her hand. "I'm Ilsa." I answer. "Okay well I didn't really bring her here to introduce everyone I brought here because her head's bleeding." Daniel sighs. "Is she?" I think Keith asks. "Yes." Daniel answers sadly. "Come here." Zeke instructs. I drop Daniel's hand and obediently walk over. "Don't hurt her." Troy murmurs. He pulls me down next to him and taps my head. "Mmm it's pretty bad." he decides. "Not really I've had worse." I sigh. "Why are you all here?" I ask. "We're here to help and to get the ones to need it out." Troy answers. "Well I don't need help." I argue. "Daniel thinks you did he should know." Cindy assures. "He needs help not me they might kill him." I mutter. "I'm fine really just fix it!" Daniel growls. "Fine I don't even give a damn get yourself killed." I snap walking away. About three minutes later I realize my mistake and return. "Someone needs to show me how to get out of here and not Daniel." I sigh. "


Text: Kelly81415
Publication Date: 02-26-2012

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