» Romance » I See You When I See You, Leezy Mike [books you need to read txt] 📗

Book online «I See You When I See You, Leezy Mike [books you need to read txt] 📗». Author Leezy Mike

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Justin Morgan. One name that I hate above all others. He's an undisputable number one jerk in high school. Rich, spoiled, playboy and 100% asshole. And the fact that he picks on me all the time. Yeah...the plain, boring and nerdy me. Lindsay Mason. I'm not the typical nerd he's used to. Apart from being a nerd, I'm also a tomboy. I'm a little rough but I never wear a boy's clothes or pretend to be one. And for the record, I'm not a lesbian either. I love sports, especially hockey. You guess it. It's the kind of hockey we play on the field with heavy wooden sticks and a small round ball. It's a rough sport for a small person like me but I like the adrenaline that's pumping through my body when I'm on the field with my heavy hockey stick. The jerseys...well...kind of sexy. The players require to wear really short skirts that whatever we're doing on the field, we flash our underwears around. The other girls look great wearing the jerseys except me. I'm a small girl and flatchested. Even my butt is small. Every time I wear the jersey, I look like a little girl trying to play dress up. It's pure torture. And I'm not small for no reason. My dad beats me up since I'm seven. Sometimes I wonder if his beatings can really stop me from growing. God, I sure hope not. Then one day, I fought him back with my hockey stick. I just got home from my hockey practice when I caught him beating the shit out of my mom. Nevertheless, he was bleeding and screaming like a crazed banshee when the cops arrived to haul him away. I was fifteen. Now two years later, my mom and I settled in a new house, in the same city and I have a new dad. His name is Paul Hanson and I respect him. He's a good man and treats my mom like a queen. He's been courting her over a year when she finally agreed to marry him three months ago. He always comes to see me play and cheered me like a real dad and I'm glad mom married him.

"Yo Lesby! What's up?" I groan. I swear to God, I really hate this guy. I imagine myself hitting his head with my hockey stick. "Nuh don't have your hockey stick today." What?! He knows what I'm thinking? Good grief. He's creepy. "I know. People give me that look all the time," he says. "But you're no mystery. You're an open book, Lesby." I grind my teeth. "Stop calling me that, Snorty!" I yell. I call him that because he snorts every time he laughs. Seriously, how can the gorgeous girls in this school fell for someone who sounds like a pig? Urgh...the way he laughs really disgust me up to the point I almost throw up imagining him snorting away with his piggy friends in the mud. Don't get me wrong. He's actually a good looking guy. Okay, scratch that. He's really handsome with shaggy brown hair and brown eyes that look too pretty on his face. He has long eyelashes that curl slightly at the end. I wish I have eyelashes like his. My eyelashes are short and I hate the fact it make me look like a real boy. He's tall although not too tall and he plays baseball. "A little edgy today, are we?" he asks smugly. I huff in response. "Lesby..." I glare at him. "My name's Lindsay you jerk and I'm not a lesbian," I hiss. He shrugs and mouthed, "Whatever." I can imagine steam coming out of my ears. Asshole!

I stomp up the stairs. That jerk! I swear to God I'll wring his neck one day. "Little missy, you know I wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior," I heard Paul says softly at the foot of the stairs. Slowly, I turn around. "Sorry," I mumble. "Come on down so we can talk about it." I sigh as I walk down the stairs. He's sitting on the couch, waiting patiently for me to join him. I sit down and let out another sigh. This is what I like about Paul. Whenever I have problems, he's always willing to listen and gives advices. "Let me guess. Justin Morgan," he says with a smile. I frown. Paul and Justin's dad, Jonah Morgan are business partners. They grew up together and are best of friends. About fifteen years ago, they set up a business together and called it Hanson & Morgan Landscaping. When they first started, it's just the two of them. Now, they have over one hundred employees and doing very well. 

"He's a world class jerk!" I retort. Paul smiles. "Boys are like that, Linds. Just ignore him. He'll be bored one day," he says. I snort. Urgh...I'm beginning to sound like Snorty, except I'm not laughing. "As if," I heard myself say. "He picks on me every day and I doubt he'll ever stop making my life a living hell." Paul squeezes my hand. Suddenly he looks thoughtful. "I know I shouldn't say this to you but I want you to know that Justin really likes you." What?! My jaw drop and hit the floor. Snorty likes me? What a sick joke! "Ha...ha...ha...very funny, dad," I say. He sighs and shakes his head gently. "Suit yourself, little missy." Yes, I call Paul dad. He's a great dad despite the fact he never marries before. He's funny too but when he says Justin likes me, it isn't funny at all. It's disgusting. I will never fell for a jerk like Justin Morgan. Period.

I sit fuming all through History class. Oh yeah...History is my latest interest. It's an interesting subject. Plus, the teacher is hot too. I will sit happily listening to the handsome Mr. Dylan Carter if not for the fact Justin Morgan is sitting just two rows away. Urgh...what the hell is he doing in here anyway? History is definitely not for people like him. He caught me staring at him and grins widely. Ewww...Snorty is grinning at me. How disgusting! I stick out my tongue and look away. Jerk!

We're in the middle of discussing Henry VIII and his six wives when Justin says that Henry's fifth wife, Kathryn Howard deserved the punishment she received for sleeping with another man. "Oh yeah? What about the fact he changed wives like he changed his shirt?" I challenge him. He smiles. "Well...he's only a man after all and he had needs. Three of his wives were whores," he replies. I huff. "To me, Henry VIII was a desperate man who falls in love too easily and then dumped his wife when he sets eyes on another." He smirks. "Don't worry, Twigs. Even if you live during that era, he wouldn't notices you," he says with a grin. So, he's calling me Twigs now huh? I'll show him. I stand up and balled my fists. He's going to get a black eye today. Mr. Carter steps in between us before I can swing a fist directly at Justin's face. "That's enough you two. Discussion ends now," he says with a shake of his head. I stomp back toward my desk and sit down. That arrogant asshole!

"You almost give Justin a black eye," my best friend, Lily Chen remarks. "He'd better watch that God damned mouth of his next time," I grumble before chewing my sandwich. My friend giggles. "Boy, I sure hope Mr. Carter didn't intervene just now. It would be awesome to see you knock him out," she says. I smile. Justin Morgan maybe taller and bigger than me, but I'm not afraid to smack his jaw with my fist. "Hey Twigs!" I heard the familiar disgusting voice says. I jerk my head up. Justin is standing in front of me with a stupid grin on his face. "Uh oh..." Lily says. I stand up to face him. He keeps on grinning and apparently doesn't notice I balled my fists. In split second, my right fist connects with his face. He staggers backwards and lands on his butt on the floor. His eyes wide and he looks surprise. "I've wanted to do that for days," I say and smile when I see blood trickle down from his nose. I know my action will land me in the principal's office but I don't give a damn. He asks for it.

I sit outside the principal's office, waiting for dad to come out. When he finally emerges, he doesn't look happy. "I hope this is the first and last time, little missy," he remarks. "I'm sorry, dad. I just can't take it anymore," I murmur. He sighs and hugs me. "I know Justin can be a jerk sometimes but please try to control your temper. You know your mom will be disappointed when she finds out about it later." I gasp out loudly. "Oh no, please don't tell her! I promise I won't fight with Justin anymore. Please," I beg. Dad shakes his head. "You know too well I never hide anything from your mom. Just tell her you're sorry about what you did and promise her you won't do it again." I nod numbly. "Yes dad."

Dinner is a quiet affair. I stare at my plate and toying with my food. I know mom is upset with me. She hasn't say a word to me since I got home from school. I look at dad. He shrugs and I sigh heavily. Here goes nothing. "I'm sorry, mom," I begin. "Sorry? What's got into you, Linds? Do you have to punch Jonah's son?" she almost shouts. I flinch. "Honey, calm down. There's no need to shout at her. It's not entirely her fault," dad says softly. "How can you say that Paul? Punching another kid is a wrong thing to do. What will Jonah says?" mom's voice becomes slightly high pitched than a few minutes ago. "Jonah knows and he understands. You know our daughter wouldn't do or say anything unless somebody provokes her. Justin is wrong too. He provoked Linds and that's why she punched him. Don't be too hard on the little missy." After dinner, I go to my room and turn off the light. I lie down on the bed and stare at the ceiling. Mom is still upset with me despite dad's effort to lighten her mood. I sigh. Okay, I won't punch Justin again no matter how angry I feel. I'll be a good girl from now on.




I ignore Justin whenever possible. I don't want to run into him because I'm afraid I will punch him again if I did. Mom and I aren't speaking. Clearly she's still upset with me. Every time I come home from school, I will lock myself in my room and do my schoolwork or listening to my favorite songs. When boredom takes over, I will turn on my laptop. "So how's your mom?" Lily asks as I lie down on

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