Β» Romance Β» Wonderland, Delaney Curd [rocket ebook reader TXT] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Wonderland, Delaney Curd [rocket ebook reader TXT] πŸ“—Β». Author Delaney Curd

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Chapter 1: My Love

Chapter 2: Speaking the Truth

Here it is, Friday, the end of the week, when I decided that Alliah and I would tell my parents, and everybody else about us. I was awake before my alarm went off, just laying in bed thinking about how everybody would react. After my alarm went off, I jumped up, running to my closet. I grabbed a dark purple dress that comes just barely above my knees, and is tight in all the right places. I go to my bathroom, hang the dress on the back of the door, jump in the shower, and rush through it, just wanting to get to school and see Alliah. I grab my purple sparkly platform heels. I grab my purse, and practically run out of the house, not wanting to see my parents right away. I dig my keys out of my purse, and jump into my car racing over to Alliah's house.
When I get to Alliah's house, I walk in the door, and see her mom in the kitchen. I walk in and lean on the bar, watching Amy make coffee. "You want a cup?"
"No thanks, my stomach's flipping and flopping to much." She smiles at me, a reassuring smile.
"Everything is going to work out perfectly, I promise. Alliah is upstairs if you want to tell her to hurry up." She says, knowing I'm anxious to see Alliah. I smile and run up the stairs. I don't worry about knocking, and just walk in. Alliah is still in the bathroom doing her hair, so I go lay on the bed waiting for her. When she walks out of the bathroom, and sees me laying on the bed, she jumped three feet into the air.
"God Gabby! Make some noise when you come in next time! You just scared the shit out of me!" I could barely hear her over my laughing, but the look on her face told me she thought it was funny too.
"Get dressed! I'm not going to be late for you!" She rushed around, and pulled on a pair of gray cheetah print skinny jeans, and an off the shoulder Asking Alexandria shirt. I smile at her, and she finally looks at what I'm wearing.
"You're wearing the dress I gave you last year!" She comes over to me, turning me around this way and that
"I was wondering when you would notice. Do you like?"
"Like? I love it! You look amazing! We had better go. I don't think I can miss anymore days, and if we stay in my room with you in that dress, I promise you we will miss school." We walk out of the house talking about whether Ms. Schroeder and Mr. Martin were really doing it in the janitors closet everyday during 5th Hour.
When we got to the school parking lot, I circled around trying to find the best place. Alliah pointed out the only parking place left, in the very back of the lot. When we get out, I grab Alliah's hand, intertwining our fingers. Everybody was outside in front of the school, soaking up some of the last few days of sun. The second we touch the grass of the front school yard, all the conversations stopped, and everybody watched us. I heard a few people whisper "lesbians", some said "dykes", and others said "nasty lesbian sluts". We just kept walking, keeping our heads up high, just looking straight ahead, letting everything roll off our backs.
"Isn't this amazing Gabby? Just being able to be ourselves, and quit hiding from everybody? I'm really glad you agreed to this." She was smiling like a four year old who had just been handed a free trip to Disney World.
"You're right, it is amazing, I feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders, and I'm not hiding behind a mask anymore. I love it!" Then I was smiling like a fool. A few of our friends waved at us, the ones who knew about us, the others stared at us just like the others, some wouldn't even look at us.
At the end of the school day, we made one more final show for everybody. We walked out in front of the school, and started kissing, making sure that everybody and their parents saw it. Afterwards, we went to Alliah's house, picked up her parents, and drove to my house.
We walked into the house, and I had Amy, Dan, and Alliah sit on the couch, while I went and got my mom and dad. When we were all in the same room, I sat on the couch beside Alliah.
"Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you both, and I need you both to listen to everything I have to say before you say anything."
"Okay. What is this about? Are you in some kind of trouble at school?" My mother asks.
"No Mom, I'm fine at school, everything is okay. But I've been hiding something from you. Alliah and I have been hiding something from you." I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm about to do. "Mom, Dad, I'm gay. I have been gay for a long time, and I am in love with Alliah. We've been hiding our relationship from you for two years. And I'm done hiding from you and everybody else. I'm GAY!" I get all of this out in a rush, my voice getting louder on the last part. I'm feeling happy about what I said, when I see my parents faces.
My father jumped up, and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet, throwing me against a wall, screaming at me, "You're not gay! You can't be gay! You are NOT my daughter, you are a disgusting piece of shit! Pack your shit, and get out of my house, your mother and I never want to see you again." He throws me into the wall one more time, then pushes me up the stairs. I trip over the first few, falling on my face, but I jump up scrambling up the stairs, I hear somebody behind me, and it makes me run faster, afraid that my father is following me, ready to dish out more punishment.
I slam my bedroom door, sliding down it, crying. Somebody knocks on my door, making me jump. "Who-- Who is it?" I stand up, running my hands across my face to get rid of the tears.
"It's Alliah, honey let me in." I open the door letting her in, and she pulls me to her, hugging me. "Pack your things baby, you're going to come live with us, my parents are already working it out with yours. We can't leave you to be beaten every time you come home. I'm not going to watch you get killed." She lets go of me, rushing around my room, pulling clothes and shoes out of my closet. I reach under my bed, grabbing a suitcase and start putting the clothes into it. After that suitcase is bulging, I grab another, throwing shoes into it, then a smaller bag to put nick knacks in, like books and my jewelry box, things I'd absolutely need. I run into the bathroom, grabbing my makeup, and hair things, then throw them in the bag, zipping it up, grabbing it, and one of the other bags, pulling them down the stairs. Alliah is right behind me pulling the third one. I grab my keys off the table, and run out the door. I unlock the trunk, shoving the bags inside, and jumping in the drivers side, waiting for Amy and Dan. Alliah gets in the passenger side, and we sit there and wait, not talking, not even looking at each other.
They walk out of the house, Amy carrying my purse. They get in the back, and Amy hands my purse up to me. "Saw this on the kitchen table, and thought you might want it." I smile at her in the rear view, and start the car. "We've worked everything out with your parents, you never have to see them again, and no matter what happens between you and Alliah you will always have a place in our house."
"Thanks so much, and I promise I'll get a job, to help with the bills and things like that." After I saw this, Dan scoffs at me. "What? I'm serious, I want to help out since you're taking me in."
"No, you don't have to do that, we have everything settled, and your parents are also going to give us child support for keeping you. It's all going to be underground, so we don't have to do any paper work, or worry about court. Trust me, we've got everything handled, we just want you and Alliah to enjoy your child hood, not worry about whether or not the bills are going to get paid."
"Are you sure, because I could-"
"No! Don't even think about it Gabby, we are going to take care of you." Dan says somewhat laughing.
"Gabby baby, I don't think you're going to win with them. Just give up." I pull into their, no our, driveway, shutting off the car.
"Well, Gabby, you should go in and get settled in and unpacked. We'll start dinner." We all get out of the car, Amy and Dan going into the house, Alliah and I going to the trunk, getting my bags, and taking them into the house. Halfway through unpacking my things, everything finally hit me. I'm living here. I don't ever have to see my parents again. I never have to hide who I am. Everyone knows about Alliah and I. I looked at Alliah, and started busting up laughing, doubling over holding my stomach. Alliah looks at me like I've gone mental.
"It's... Just..." I give up trying to tell her until my fit of laughter calms itself, and I can catch my breath. "It's just because, well I just realized what's going on, what's going to happen. I'm never going to have to see my parents again, I don't have to hide, everything can just be normal."
She walks over to me, and kisses me, softly at first, then she deepens it. She backs me into a wall, and we're still kissing when we hear the door open. She pulls back from me. "Can't we EVER get any privacy in this house?" She screams, then turns around to see her brother standing there. "Adam! I thought you were staying at Grandpa's for the weekend." She tilts her head to the side just a little, meaning 'you're going to tell me the whole story whether you like it or not.' Adam smiles, knowing exactly what the look means.
"That was the plan, until I asked if Eben could stay with us. Well, actually maybe the plan went south when Grandpa

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