» Romance » ~For the Better~, Alesia Lopez [best book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «~For the Better~, Alesia Lopez [best book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Alesia Lopez

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Chapter 1


A piece of gum, a dollar bill and my notes from history class.Thats all I had in my pocket when security patted me down. Theres no need for this, my dad should be home not behind bars, he shouldn't have done it; pulled out a gun threatened and shot. Even if it seemed like a good idea at the time, money can't change the law and now he's in jail for murder because weather he wants to admit it or  not he still took a life.

Even though dads behind bars he wont be able to escape his problems. He's just making them even more of a reality for mom. Forcing her to work two full time jobs, and raise us three on her own. Monica, is my thirteen year old little sister who thinks she knows everything, but then again what thirteen year old girl doesn't. Although Trey, my fifteen year old brother, acts like he's so tough it's just a front. Ever since dad went to jail two years ago he's been spending less and less time at the house and more time with thugs.

Seventeen is the age everything is supposed to happen, its your make-it or break-it moment. It's the last year before your an adult your supposed to be figuring out what you want to be and who you want to be like. Lately everyone at school has been on a college frenzy, you know trying to get scholarships to colleges. Everyone's been trying to get all the scholarships they can to make school cheap, except Jamieka  Thomson who has enough money to buy the college.

Ohh  Jamieka, Miss.Perfect, she rules the school and all of Brooklyn, I swear if Miss.America were a teenager her name would be Jamieka. 

It's almost likes life's not fair because as soon as I go through security the woman behind the counter tells me that it's the inmates lunch hour. How ironic! The one time I come here on my own to talk to this low life that is my father he's too busy having recess to talk to me about bills. I hate that mom shut me out like this, she shut everyone out. She is like a robot who wakes up in the morning goes to work then to her other job and comes home. It's been like this for two years now. The same monochromatic life in which is just different shades of the same feeling... Emptiness... Just feeling alone even when people are around arms wide open she's just empty inside. Everyday I try to talk to her and I just get the  same brown face, glassy eyed stare. Every time I look her in the eyes it's like seeing my life replayed with a billion different possibilities. All of them with a happy ending almost mocking me.

My life wasn't always like is, it used to be good. The expression "the grass is greener on the other side" is very wrong because in reality, it's not. You see we used to live upstate in the rich neighborhoods but then mom lost her job and we lost our "picket fence" . After that our  life became a downward spiral, Monica had to switch to public school and Trey had to suffer from being bullied from his old friends, he never deserved it... none of us ever did.

The bench that I'm sitting on is kind of sticky. Maybe there's gum under the seat? I'm not sure what it is but just investigating the stickiness almost made me late for the last bus that goes for the night. Bus 4 pulled up in the nasty gutters covered in litter. Brooklyn is a big city but once you get away from the bright lights, the place underneath is disgusting. 

As I boarded the bus the dim green lights flickered and then I noticed that the bus is empty, except for the last seat way in the back. Jamieka Thomson was sitting there. Dressed in a pink fluffy and furry coat and bright  white earmuffs around her neck with tight black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a swooping neckline. Gorgeous was the first word that came to mind. With milk chocolate skin and dark chocolate brown glossy eyes she looked liked snow angel. 

Before I knew it I was walking up to sit near her. She looked up for writing in her little black checkered notebook. 

"Hi" her silky voice said with almost a musical ring to it.
"Will Jones right?" 

"Right" I replied thinking about how it is to be talking to her right now.

"Aren't you the guy who runs the study group for Mrs.David's history class?"  she put her note book away and was to looking me in the eyes.

"Thats me." she was making me nervous, nothing ever makes me nervous just her stare with such innocent and beautiful questioning brown eyes made me melt.

"Nice. Um. Actually I was thinking of joining. Macy thinks that I should get out there more. You know help the people." Oh, Macy her best friend, also the girl I took to the winter formal two years ago was a complete knockout, she made Jamieka look like a shy little girl, while she was the outgoing playboy bunny. Totally gorgeous but shallower than a kitty pool. 

"You can if you want to. I mean it's pretty fun if your interested."

That made her smile... Her smile, her warm smile that always spreads across her face slowly starting with her eyes.

"You know what, I would love that." Did you hear that?? she said she would love it! 

"Really?." Was this chick serious?

" Yeah, really, I was just thinking Brooklyn is such a beautiful city. I'm thinking about trading in my stupid pink  Camaro and just taking the bus everywhere." She always seems to surprises me.

"The bus can be a very dangerous place especially the city route." After I said this I was thinking of how easy it is to talk to her it's like she gets me.

"Yeah your right, I don't know." 

"Well, I ride the bus I could just go with you to some places like to school and back or something."

"I wouldn't mind that at all in fact that's a great idea."

"Excuse me for asking also no offense it's just that you don't really seem like the type of person to ride the bus especially this late so, What makes you want to ride the bus?"

"I actually don't mind you asking and it is really nice to be talking to someone who can't finish my sentences. And actually my parents who drove me to this extent. You know all I ever hear when I'm at home is fighting, just loud arguments full of hate. Sorry. You probably don't get it, whatever."

"No, no I get it haha believe me I get it. You know not everyone has thousands at their fingertips." 

"I'm sorry." This was the most  sincere I've ever heard her sound.

"No it's not you it's me."

"Ha! Your funny Will." Not really but if she wants to think that I'm not gonna stop her. God wasn't she cute. But there are always somethings, in this world that you can't have and she is one of them.

"Your  funny, Jamieka." It felt weird to say her name, it felt... right, like she was mine and I was the only person that can have her.

"Anyways, Why are you on the bus?"

"You don't wanna know."

"No I want to know." The way she said this made me know that she is genuinely curious about why I'm here. Not just asking to fill the void. This makes me like her even more.

"I was visiting my dad but he wasn't home."

"Oh cool, where in Brooklyn does he live maybe I've been over there."

"Um, no... actually he's in jail."

Right then I watched a huge wave of empathy wash over her face.

"Oh... I'm so sorry really I didn't mean it like, I had no idea, really, I didn't mean to-

"Save it, seriously it's fine."

"No, no its not." And with that she got up, walked over and sat next to me. She hugged me, and not just any hug, it was the  kind of hug that you feel in your heart not just your arms.

Chapter 2


Will is strong. And I don't mean burly I mean strong as in he has been through alot and on a first glance you wouldn't think so. Will has muscle, he is just not buff. I think our hug would have lasted longer if the bus driver hadn't screamed "LAST STOP!!" . When she said this I felt him loosen up his forearms, which were rested on my hips. Since he did this it basically implied that I should let go of his waist but, honestly at this very moment I don't wanna let go, it is as if he is the only thing in this world keeping me sane. 

So here I am Jamieka Thomson standing here on Bus 4 in these dim green lights  holding on to what seems like my troubled soldier. Even though I just met Will, well not just met Will. This is the first time I met Wills heart. I think I want to be with him.

"Thanks for that." he said in his warm voice. His dark brown eyes sparkling in the low light. Then he smiled!! He actually smiled at me! I can't believe this, Will Jones smiling because of me! And his smile is beautiful, his perfect white teeth. Oh god I just want to kiss him right now, but I obviously can't.

"I needed it too, so your welcome." then I smiled back at him. I don't know where this is gonna lead us but I can't wait to find out.

"Actually it's my stop, well our stop now." his voice just left me in a trance, I was hypnotized on his every word. It might sound cheesy but, he's my prince charming. 

"Oh! Right." Since we were already standing he let me go first.

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