» Romance » Miracles happen., Annabelle [free novel reading sites .txt] 📗

Book online «Miracles happen., Annabelle [free novel reading sites .txt] 📗». Author Annabelle

chapter one.

Sliding on my sunglasses I walk into the school’s office and rung the bell.

“Hello,” a lady said her voice was soft and airy, I presume she is skinny and fragile.

“I’m the new student, may I have my schedule,” I asked her and waited till I felt movement come towards me and I grabbed the paper from her. I smiled my thank you and walked out of the front office. On the phone they said I had math for first period in room 12a, so continued down the hall and turned like they said while telling me directions. Opening the door to my homeroom, I wondered what it looked like, I could tell there was 34 students in the class and 40 seats but I couldn’t figure out what else there was. Feeling the movement of the ground I noted that there was someone in front of me so I held out my schedule.

“Good morning class this is our new student,” a deep male’s voice introduced me. I silently stood there then noticed something; he was waving me to sit down.

“I’m Blind sir, I’m sorry but where do I sit, and please do not treat me different,” I whispered silently in his hearing range but no one else’s.

“The front row by the window,” he stated and I followed the way walking into something and felt my sun glasses drop. My heart sank and so did I to pick them up but I retracted my hand so a foot wouldn’t stomp on it, but it did in fact stomp on my glasses. Sighing I put my hand over my eyes and continued to my seat. The teacher continued his teaching and I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Are you crying,” a girl asked harshly, I could tell that she was a stuck up cheerleader. Wishing I could roll my eyes I didn’t turn around and continued to take notes on what the teacher was staying. I wasn’t sure what my handwriting looked like but it was close to cursive. The bell rang and I stood up and almost tripped over a foot but I dodged it. Walking over to the teacher I frowned and turned in my notes like he asked.

“High schooler’s are very rude,” I told him sadly then turned around walking towards the door to the hall way. Even though I could not see them I felt many bodies around me but not physically touching them. Walking into a locker I assumed was mine, I heard a group of laugher. Slightly sighing I played with the lock until it unlocked and opened my looker putting away anything I need to and got out a new pair of sunglasses. Sliding them on I closed my locker and locked it. Slapping a hand away from my sun glasses, I yearned to see the face of the fool who killed my last pair.

“Please do not touch my sun glasses,” I hissed to whoever was in front of me. Ignoring him I stalked away to my next class art. Walking into the classroom I felt a hand lead me somewhere then I was pushed into a seat.

“There you go honey that’s your seat, if you like you do not have to participate,” a sweet women’s voice told me.

“Hello, Ms. Natorla, that’s nice, but I would like to paint with the rest of the class.” I could tell she was shocked by the feeling around me. She walked away and then came back with something in her hands. I held out my hands and she placed them in my palms and I felt a paint brush and paint, also water.

“Thank you,” I told her as all the other students piled into the room.

“Hey, sunglass girl sorry for breaking your other pair, I’m Aiden,” a male’s voice sung in my ears and then I heard footsteps walk away. Biting my lip I couldn't help but wonder what he looked like.

chapter two

The rest of the day went on by and no one noticed the new girl with sunglasses and I was happy with that. Walking towards my home I grabbed into my bag and fished out my keys. Ready to put them into the key slot I heard the door open and I extracted my hand from where it was.

“Oh hey sunglass girl I didn’t know you knew Sally Parks,” Aiden said with no emotion in his voice so I couldn’t tell what he was doing.

“Why,” I asked quietly and that same shock feeling came around me.

“Well her daughter is blind, did you see her around school,” he asked and I flinched at the word see. Then I felt another presence at the door.

“Oh Aiden, you meet my daughter Cecilia,” my mothers soft dulcet voice stated to Aiden and the shock feeling came back. I am really starting to hate the way it leaves a sting.


Publication Date: 11-30-2011

All Rights Reserved

to blind people, they need to be given credit for living as along as they have with this, people are very judgmental and it's horrible.

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