» Romance » Next To You, Eva Linnea [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Next To You, Eva Linnea [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Eva Linnea

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Chapter One:

"Are you being serious right now?!" I screamed in there faces. My own actual... scratch that, my fake parents are being unbelievably ignorent. I felt like I was about to explode with anger. "So you mean to tell me, that I'm not your actual daughter, and you took me from my real parents, AND that your were-wolfs?!" I was furious, and they knew that.

"Uh, yes dear", my fake mother said hesitently. They actually expect me to believe that? What kind of idiot do they think I am!

"Fuck you!" I yelled and flipped them off and stormed upstairs. I opened and slammed my bedroom door shut. I grabbed my biggest back pack and threw it on my bed. I searched my room for some important things I needed to survive out in the wild. I finally remembered where the stuff I needed was. I reached under my bed and felt around. My hand touched something plastic with a handle. I grabbed the handle and pulled it towards me. A big plastic box came out filled with the survival equitment I needed. I opened it and grabbed the guns, pants, shirts, shoes, money(1000 dollars that I was planning to save for college), and water bottles and a phone charger. I stuffed my phone and money seperately into different pockets of my jeans and put all the remaining stuff in the bag and hauled it out the window. I heard screaming downstairs. I felt a sudden urge to go down there and see whats going on but as I was about to open my bedroom door, I smelled blood.

Ever since I was little I had really good sences like hearing something of three miles away even if it was a cricket chirping, or seeing really small things like dust particals, and smelling things that aren't very stronge like blood in this case. I was a fast child and I still am fast. It's like an inhuman speed, too. My fake mother used to take me to the doctars to see what what wrong with me even though I could tell she already knew.

 I heard whispering outside my bedroom door. I backed up with panic because I could tell it wasn't any of my fake parents. My bag was already outside on the ground below my window so all I had to do was jump. I senced only one person at the door. Who was he talking to though? I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door and flinched.

"Sebrinnnna..." a manly voice said. "I know your in there", I tensed. I could tell he wasn't a good person so I did what I was planning to do all along...JUMP! I dove out the window stealthly. I landed perfectly on my feet without getting even a scratch. Just as I took a step I heard something behind me. I turned cautiously. It was a man about in his late 20's and he was looking at me with lust. Like EW I'm only 17 you old man! Ok maybe he wasn't old but still. "Well, well, well..." he said sexily. I shook my head mentally. What am I thinking! Am I loosing my mind?! I think so. He stepped forward, automatically I took a step back.

"Oh come on babe, I know you want this", he said while pointing to his body. His voice matched the voice that was talking to me through my bedroom door earlier. I was thinking of a plan. Oh my gosh I know what to do.

"Oh yes your right." I responded. "I want it so much!" I started fluently walking up to him and I made sure I was swaying my hips extra but not enough no make it look fake or slutty. I took a gaze at his neatly sculputered face. He looked pleased with himself for 'seducing' me. I was right infront of him. I flipped my hair to make him want me more. It's  working, thats for sure. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rubbed my body against his. At my touch he shivered. I tryed to hold back my smirk as much as possible. I pulled him down to my face until our noses were about to touch. He looked like a little boy just got a toy truck for Christmas. I rolled my eyes mentally for how stupid he was. He seemed to be liking this a little to much. But I had to do what I planned or who knows what he might do to me. With that, I smashed our lips together. He moaned. I bit his lower lip asking for entrance but he wouldn't let me in. 'Oh shiz my plan is failing!!' He grabbed my ass and I gasped. He slid his tongue in my mouth and explored it. Oh ok I guess my plan wasn't failing after all. Just a few more minutes to make him want me even more. Good thing it's pitch black outside so no one could see us. The sun went down an hour ago, I can only think it was about 8 P.M.. I tugged on his hair making him moan again. Ok my plan is at the action part! Here goes! I kneed him in the 'where the sun don't shine' part of his body is. He fell to the floor groaning with pain. 'To bad he was a good kisser. Why did it have to end?? Wait what!? Since when did I think this full of himself freak was hot?!' He started getting up until I kicked him in the ribs. I heard a crack, and could't help but kneel down to see if he was alright. I know it's stupid and I should just run but I couldn't help but feel bad. I leaned close to his face. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kick you that hard!" I said worried. I don't know why I was worried! Oh this is so confusing! "Ughhh, it's fine...I guess", he groaned. "Ok I don't know what to do. What should I do? Oh my gosh what should I do?!" I screamed. He flinched back a little from my high pitched voice. "It's fine I called for help", he mumbled hoping I wouldn't hear. I froze. I heard a snap, and my eyes flew toward the little sound. 6 men around age 20's surrounded me and the man on the ground. They all growled at me except one who was looking at me like I was his mate my fake parents would of said. "Oh shit", I cursed. I kissed the man on the grounds lips, I don't know why so don't ask, and grabbed my bag and ran towards the men. They smirked because I'm guessing they thought that I thought they would move so I could run. But I wasn't thinking that at all. As I was running toward them all. I scanned one last look at each face. I locked eyes with the one that was looking at me like I was the last person on earth earlier. I smiled and ran towards him, not the rest. I slowed down and stopped a foot away from him. He looked shocked. I did something that I suprisingly didn't regret...I leaned for his face and gentaly kissed his pink full lips. It felt so right. But, sadly I had to get going or I would be trapped, so I pulled back and kissed him on the cheek and jumped over him with my inhuman abillities. They all looked at him with a shocked face than at me with a REALLY shocked face. The man that was on the ground has joined them in their little circle while staring at me with awe. But I didn't pay anymore attention and turned my head frontwords, and with that I left...

This is Sebrina Callour

Chapter Two:

 "Oh come on!" I said just realizing I was walking in circle for more than an hour. I felt so lonely. I slowed down my pace because I knew I would just go in a circle again and so I could keep my energy. "I'M SO HUNGRYYYY" I yelled out. I've been feeling a pair of eyes on me since I woke up this morning. I'm very cousious. I'm also pretty sure I slept on a big fat pointy rock last night. Crunch. Oh my gosh what was that! I was to afraid to look behind me. "SCREW SAVING ENERGY!" I screamed and started to sprint. I swear I heard a few chuckles behind me. Oh how I wish somone was with me...well someone already is just I mean someone I know and are friends with. 

HONK!!! HONK!!! Oh what was that? Am I hallucinating?!! Please tell me I'm not! I ran even more than I already was forwards. I aproached a street thats unknown to me. I see cars and I see buildings and I see 3 hot boys walking towards me. Waaaaaait...Oh my gosh! I'm going to get kidnapped! Help! Help! Oh crap I just realized I'm not wearing much clothing! It all got ripped up from when I was in the forest!


NO NO NO! RAPERS! I ran to the left. Then I ran across the street. I looked back to see if they followed me to this side of the street. I didn't see anyone. I started walking well still looking where I last saw them. Wham! I ran into a brick wall! How stupid can I be?! Don't answer that. It's not my fault someone put a damn wall in the middle of the side walk! Wait, no one puts a wall in the middle of a sidewalk.....I slowly started moving my head up. Oh I'm for sure screwed, because right in front of me were the 3 boys that I thought were walking the other way. It's impossible to get here that fast and be in front of me when they were heading the oppisite way! Omigosh! They could be like me!

"Hey, ya need help there?" the guy I ran into asked seducfully.

"No I'm fine you wall", I muttered. He chuckled. I glared at him while standing up. I turned around and started walking to a cafe. Oh dear Lord please do not let them follow me! As I walked into the cafe the bell on the door rang and everyones

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