» Romance » He change mylife for better, Precious Anne Lara [best way to read an ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «He change mylife for better, Precious Anne Lara [best way to read an ebook .txt] 📗». Author Precious Anne Lara



Her hand stopped at a particular book . That is her most memorable book cause aside from herself this book know her deepest secrets in her life . Suddenly her heart felt a twinge .

                Without her own realization she picked up the book and started to flip it’s pages . There’s still the stargazers dry petals that she put their a long time ago . The flower that held sweet and bittersweet memories – the memories when she was 17 years old innocent , naïve , ready to give everything she had for others and when she still doesn’t know the true nature of the world that she suppostedly know by then .

                She sat in the couch near her and she slowly close her eyes . Instantly she saw the face of a certain man . The man she used to loved so much . The man she willingly gave everything she had .

                The man who broke her heart.

                Pain . That is what she felt  when she remember him . Why did she still felt that way after so many years ? For pete’r sake she already had everything .  She coulnd’t ask for more .

                But even he hurt her so badly she can’t hate him that much . Because of him she learned how to loved and mostly  he gave her the most beautiful blessing she ever had .

                That is her  GIAN .




Love is the beginning of everything  ,

Love makes as smile when we’re down  ,

Love gave us hope that we lost a long time ago ,

Love can hurt us without it’s consciousness  , but

Love still deserves second chances .



   Imagine spending almost an hour you surrounded by the most famous jocks and cheerleaders  that used to bullied me before . They now enjoying every minute they spent with their friends . While me I’m all alone in the corner , It’s not like I don’t have any friend well I have , but I don’t know where he is . My name is Gail Mozart 17 years old , it’s now my senior year in high . I spent most of my time when my friend is nowhere to be seen by just reading my favorite book trying to ignore the noise my classmates made .


   Usually I’m sitting in the corner of our room cause no one give a damn of me . There was nothing exemplary about my personality and especially my looks . I’m wearing my white dress , a jacket , my thick eyeglasses and a sandals . Typically nerd type . When I was in my junior year , Ashley the school slut along with her shadows and some of the football team used to bullied me . They always want to see me suffering because of what I am . They’ll just stop if there is a teacher coming our way or  I start to bend on my knees to beg them to stop . They laughed at me and leave one last kick in my stomach .


All of that ended when Liam came in line .


One day when they are in the middle of kicking me in our locker I heard a deep voice commanded them to stop , they immediately stop hurting me and look that his direction . I tried to look at him too but all I can see is blur ‘cause they thrown somewhere my eyeglasses .


“What you guys are doing with her ? “ he asked angrily and came to my way to help me to sit up then started to caressed my check that has now a red mark evidence that they slap me really hard repeatedly .


“Liam we’re not yet done with her so can you –“ Nash can’t afford to continue what he was saying ‘cause Liam punch him in his jaw so hard that Nash to fall on the ground .


“Listen to me you bitches and whores if you try to hurt her or anyone again you will pay for your action’s worst than you ever think that I can do “ he look at each of them “Leave “he shouted and they leave me and Liam instantly .


Liam carried me bridal style and bring me to the hospital ‘cause he said that I need to be check by a professional to see if I have broken ribs or internal bleeding etc.


All of that memory stop when the bell rang as a signal that it’s lunch time .


 Gail wondered why everyone’s looking at her way every time they passed the bench she is now sitting to finishher homework, or maybe it’s just her imagination . There was no reason for them to look at her Right ? So she just shake her head side by side and try to focus to her assignment again.


“Wow you can really solve that math problems that fast ? and you are really brave to sit here alone ha ? “ she look up to see a handsome man smiling boldly while sitting on her opposite side . She suddenly felt uncomfortable . There was something about his playful smile that made her think that he knew something she didn’t . And Gail hated that . Without a word she close her book and stormed away.


“Hey miss wait where are you doing ?”He ask so she looked back to him again to give him piece of mind , but he look passed through her way and wave so she at the direction he was looking at . There was other four guys coming their way . Gosh their all good looking .


  “Who’s that Janus ? your new woman?”one of them ask


  “No” she firmly said


   Gail heard Janus chuckled so she raised an eyebrow at him . “ Very bluntly said . I saw her here doing her assignment .”


   “You know what she’s lucky cause you’re the first one to see her here cause if it’s Julian she’s dead . So miss you better not come back here, it’s dangerous for you “


    She already hated the guts of these arrogant Adonis look a likes . So she faced them again while still walking backwards . Who they think they are to talk to her as if they were superior to her ?


   “Yeah I will never come back ! I don’t want anything to do with –“ she bumped into something or should I say someone . Because of the impact all of her thing is now scattered everywhere incliding her eyeglasses .  She also loose her balance to cause her to fall . But  there are arms saved her from falling .


      “Sorry” she said


      “Watch where you were going?”he said after a minute .


     Gail don’t know what’s the reason why her heart shipped a beat when she heard his deep voice .He bent to pick something from the ground and then hold her hand to give her eyeglasses when she felt electricity coming from his hands.


        “T-Thanks “ she whispered . Gail wear her glasses and blink couple of times . Her eyes met his  , oh my god he had the most expressive eyes she had ever seen. Gail studied his face and started with his eyebrows , his perfect pointed nose , his lips god his lips is so luscious . Something weird happened cause her heart beat faster than before.


             “You okay?”he asked her without looking away from her eyes “here you go” he held her books to her .


“Oh , Julian! Who is she ? Your girlfriend? “someone ask from behind of the man who saved me from falling.


Julian grimaced “She’s not my woman Guel , you know she’s not my type . Ask Janus” he said “Janus how many times do I have to tell you not to bring anyone here? He asked Janus .


She frowned . He doesn’t look scary but he’s arrogant .So what if she’s not his type ?


“ Bastard “  she can’t resist to say it to him . Gail don’t care anymore. But why was her heart still beating fast ? With that arrogant guy? Besides , he’s not my type either ! She had the feeling that she shouldn’t get close to those guys especially Julian.



Publication Date: 12-31-2014

All Rights Reserved

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