» Romance » Spring Break Romance, Cassie Parker [the false prince series txt] 📗

Book online «Spring Break Romance, Cassie Parker [the false prince series txt] 📗». Author Cassie Parker

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Fair Warning

"Hello? Is anybody home inside Gloria's head?", my brother Mike asks when I don't answer his question.
"What?" I have no clue what my brother had been talking about. I look at Mike and he shakes his head.
"You really should pay attention instead of wandering into that imagination of yours."
"I don't wander into my imagination and what in the world were you telling me before I zoned out?"
"I was saying that I have a few friends from college coming over to our house. I don't want you staring after my friends and I don't want you to act any differently than you normally do." He smiles and pats my shoulder.
"You, my brother, want me to act like I always do. Play video games, walk around in clothes that stick to me like glue, and get competitive in sports." I look over at Mike who is still smiling.
"Besides the glue thing, yes." We pulled into our driveway and Mike turned the car off and got out of the car. I followed suit except I opened the back door and grabbed my backpack. I ran to catch up to Mike. "You are one slow chick."
"Am not. I had to get my bag and for your information it is full of books."
"I swear, you have more homework than I do"
"That's because I take difficult classes and I actually study."
"I don't doubt that." Mike opens the door and I walk in past after him.
"We're home Mom!" I run up the stairs to my bedroom after I drop my backpack onto the couch. I strip down to my underwear and bra then grab a pair of short pajama bottoms with a tank top. Like I told my brother, my clothes stick to me like glue. I run down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. I grab a bag of cheetos and sit on the couch. I pull my Calculus book and notebook out of my bag then I open my book to the right page number and get my calculator and pencil from my bag. I start on my Calculus homework.

The Boys are Here (First Day of Spring Break.)

About twenty minutes and five problems into my Calculus homework a group of boys pushes the front door open. They didn't stop when they tried so the three of them flew over the couch. My book flew out of my hands and I ended up under one of the guys. The guys are laughing and the one on top of me pushes himself up and pulls me up. I bend down and pick up my homework and my pencil. My calculator stayed on the couch. Mike stopped laughing when he noticed me. "Well shit."
One of the guys with blonde, shaggy hair and a well defined face looked at me than at Mike. "What? Is she your crazy ex who likes to sneak into your house?" My brother didn't have time to reply. The ex the blonde dude referred to is a girl who my brother dated for two weeks and became obsessed with him.
"Now that is appalling. I'm nothing like that obsessive bitch."
The one who landed on top of me spoke next. He has black hair that was cut to make is angular face and high cheek bones show. His bright blue eyes showed brightly against the color of his hair and looking at him closely proves that he is has muscles. "Then who are you?"
"I'm Mike's little sister Gloria." I sit back down on the couch and grab my book again. "Now I have homework to do. Mike how about taking your two friends to the pool. I'm sure they would like to see it."
This time my brother spoke. "So young and so wise." Mike smiles.
"Seventeen is not that young thank you very much and you are only four years older." I give him my "I won" smile.
"Okay fine but first you really need to do something about your hair." He pulls his friends outside to the pool. After the are outside my mom runs into the living room dressed for work.
"Are you okay here alone with these three?" My mom may trust Mike but not the guys he brought home with him.
"Yes mother. It's spring break and I have homework and studying so I'll be ignoring them."
"Okay." She looks at her watch and grabs her purse."Well I have to go. My plane leaves in thirty minutes. I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Love you."
"Love you too Mom."
"Bye Mike!" My mom yells but both of us can tell the boys are too busy doing cannonballs into the pool. I give my mom a small wave as she walks out the door. I get to work on my Calculus but soon find out I can't concentrate. I put my homework back into my backpack as Mike comes in.
"What? Finished already?"
"Nowhere near it. I can't concentrate in the slightest."
"What?" Mike has a way of not completing thoughts.
"Finally my smart sister has to stop working on homework because she, of all people, can't concentrate." Mike smiles. "So come join me, Mathias, and Mark out in the pool. You seem bored."
"That's a lot of M names and let me put on my bathing suit first." Mike nods and I walk up the stairs to my bedroom. The only bathing suit I have is a bikini that's black with a gold heart in the middle of the top and on the sides of the bottom. I put it on and look in the mirror. My thick, black hair reaches my hips and my hazel eyes don't pop with my hair color. In my brother's ex best friends words, "Body like a supermodel." He liked me a bit too much for my brother's taste. I shove my hair into a ponytail and run down the stairs. I grab my free-read book and walk out to the pool. "So who's who?"
Mike turns around at the same time the other two do. The black headed one introduces himself as Mathias and and the blonde as Mark. The three boys all have bodies that make girls drool and all have different hair and eye colors. Mike, brown hair and green eyes. Mathias, black hair and blue eyes. Mark, blonde hair and brown eyes. I sit down in a lawn chair near the pool. "Okay. Just don't get my book wet. I'd have to kill you."
"So we can get you wet?" Mike has a mischievous grin on his face which means I'm about to be thrown into the pool. I set my book aside.
"Don't even think about it Mike."
"Oh what am I thin kin about?" Mike walks closer and I stand up. "Is my little sis scared of the water?"
"No. I'd rather not have the top of my bikini fly off." Mike turned to see the expressions on Mathias's and Mark's faces. They had blank faces which meant that they were smart.
"It won't and I know that because I've thrown you into the pool."
"Jack ass."
Mike put his hand to his heart. "So hurtful. Why must you hurt me so?" He runs up and puts me over his shoulder. He then throws me into the pool. "Now I've had my revenge." Mike's still smiling so I climb out of the pool.
"Would you like to see my revenge?" My brother walks over to his friends.
"Try me." This is normal for us. We nearly kill each other when it comes to the pool. I walk over to him but stop as all three boys cross their arms over their chest.
"What are you guys; guards?" I walk away and get on the diving board. I dive straight into the pull then the boys all do cannonballs, splashing water into my face, "That was so not fair. " I swim over to my brother and dunk him. Mark and Mathias wrestle us apart even though we are messing around. Mathias has hold of me and Mark has a hold of Mike. My arms are pinned to my side and I'm in water which means I'm stuck. I look up at Mathias, who in turn looks down at me. "Are you always so serious?"
He seemed to think about it for a few seconds. "Yep, well, unless I'm drunk off my ass." Mark and Mike get out of the pool and Mathias lets me go.
"Well Mark and I are going to the bar to get some hot ladies. You coming Mathias?" Mathias shakes his head.
"Nah. I have to get some reading finished."
"Are you sure it isn't because of the hot younger sister," asks Mark.
"Totally sure. I have to get to work on it or I won't finish it and really Mark. I'd watch what you say around the older brother."
"She's right. So serious and fair warning Gloria, Mathias is an ass and has never stayed with a girl longer than two nights." Mike and Mark walk away and in the next couple of minutes the car is started and driven out of the driveway. I pull myself out of the pool followed by Mathias who walks in the house without a word. I walk in after him and walk into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and get in.
When I step out of the shower I realize I forgot to grab my clothes. I wrap a towel around me and walk out the bathroom door. After I close the door and turn around I run right smack into Mathias who jumps backwards clearly startled. He looks at me but turns his head away as quick as he had to find out what hit him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. I forgot my clothes in my bedroom." I look down and notice that he must have had a stack of papers with him when I hit him because there is a bunch on the ground. I lean down on my knees and start to pick it up. Mathias does the same but has a cautious look on his face.
"Sorry for running into you. I mean I didn't mean to do it or anything like that."
"No problem." I laugh and he looks at me then realizes what he said.
"I didn't mean that I didn't mind running into you when you forgot your clothes in your bedroom, well I'm guessing that's where you left them. That also came out wrong."
"You could try that again but I think you'll dig yourself into a deeper hole. I believe that you meant that you weren't worried about me running into you and by your expression when you saw I did..." That's as far as I got. Mark was behind me

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