» Romance » Tourmaline, Cassia Beckett [trending books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Tourmaline, Cassia Beckett [trending books to read txt] 📗». Author Cassia Beckett


Where am I? wo

How am I? wie

Who am I? wer

What am I? was


At some point in our lives we ask ourselves such, do we know the answers?

Well, were about to find out...just don't expect to much.





Chapter One

 Home alone, again.

I am used to this, It's always like this, nothing has ever been different.Clearly not.

Alone, alone, alone.


I was sitting on the fluffy rug below my bed, reading a partially pointless book on, Alge and Worms.

I have discovered that this perticular book makes me feel rather morbid.

I am bored, bored, bored, bored....Riiiiiiing......bored.....riiiiiing....bore...Wait, is that the phone?

Crap, I should'nt have installed the phone so damn far away from my room.

"Coming,coming!" I repeat to myself.

Out of my room, down the hall, and straight across the living area.

I pick up the senseless phone "Hello, Yumika speaking." I breathe.


"Is that your phone-sex voice?" the unknown supplies.

"Tatiana, is that you?" I ask.

"Psh, well obviously it's me, you don't have any other friends!" she yells, exasperated.

"Mhm, so, whats with the phone-sex thing?" I reply, a little annoyed, she lets out an "your so dumb" huff,               but then replies:

"Oh, I was just thinking that, that was the first time I ever thought something was sexy about you, you know 'cause your not." she giggles.

"Did you call me just to make fun of me, or are you really trying to hold some kind of conversation?" I question, trying to get somewhere. Over the phone, I hear keys clinking against each other, a car door opening, rustling, a car door being slammed closed, muffled breathing, a car being started, and then finally she gives me another unwanted comment: "I don't speak sense darling, you should know that by now, anyway I was wondering if you'd maybe, pretty please, could come to this Host club with me, Celine and Sunny? Please?" over the phone her desperation sounds like one of those Chipmunks.

"I don't know Tatiana, I'm already in my Pj's, also, I really don't think your cronies would appreciate my company" Also, I really don't do well with crowds, I keep that to myself though, I can live without her insensitive commentary.

"Puh-lease sweetie, there are some really smokin' hot male hosts at the "Sensual" host club! Plus, those annoyingly pretty female hostesses always reel in a few rich sugar-daddys...come on." she whines enthusiasticaly, I really could care less about any "smokin' hot males" or "rich sugar-daddys", I'm not pretty enough for those kind of things, plus, I haven't even popped my cherry yet, ofcourse Tatiana would'nt understand that, since she is the popular girl at school, and also a selfproclaimed whore.

But instead of saying "no freaking way!" I say:"Okay, where should we meet up?"

"Yay! So, I'm coming to pick you up right now, get all dressed up, even if only a little bit, 'kay?" I sigh, I know it's only a suggestion, but when Tatiana puts it like that, it makes me feel somewhat pressured.

"Bye bye, then." I hang up before I hear her answer.

I lean against the wall for a second or two, contemplaiting what I have just gotten myself into.   






Chapter Two

I have just finished 'getting ready', if that is what you call slipping on a pair of black skinny leggings, to make my legs look even thinner than they already are, I really should eat more, maybe I will finally have some curves to speak about then. 

I've decided to let my ugly (alegedly) 'straw-blonde' hair hang like a dead animal. In my opinion it does'nt make me look any better though, you can still see my freckles, my thin non-curvy frame is also still very visible, and I still have my pale colorless skin.

Really, my only redeeming feature are my emerald eyes, but, even though they are somewhat 'pretty', they are still not the kind of 'pretty' I want to posess. No light, no hope, no love...just the shallow depths of darkness.


I am pulled out of my thoughts by the honking of a car. I advance towards the window, peer through the blinds, I have to look twice before I see the black Mercedes Benz. I continue to look out of the window, lost in my countless fright filled thoughts. Another blare from the horn, then silence reigns, scaring me, taunting me, driving me into a tight uninviting corner. I lean my forehead against the cool glass. What am I doing with my life? Whats my purpose? Am I even human? "How depressing" lonliness snickers in my ear. "What are you doing here?" I sigh, I am used to this. "Nothing really, your still as sad as ever, always dwelling on the things you've lost, just get over it will you?" he chatsies whilst smirking. He always is smirking, at my sorrows anyway, thinks he is so great, the bastard...

I turn around, and face him, he just smirks at me, I let out a sharp intake of breath, "Just admit it, your a lonley bastard." I sneer at him, relieved to have been released from my thoughts, at least for now.

His smirk falters ever so slightly, he quickly regains himself, but still, his usually gracefull posture now stands rigid and tense, he hisses "My name isn't lonely, I am not lonley, I am Orion!".

As always, he stays sensitive towards his true identity, yet he will never forget, he is and forever will be the shadow of lonliness.

"Fine, Orion, can't you bug somebody else today?" I question, already knowing the answer, here comes his sissy act.

He glares at me, then huffs, "Stop pissing me off! You already know your the only person who can see and talk to me! Not that I'm lonely or anything..." he looks away, trying to seem annoyed. "Don't you have to make sure some teenagers slit their wrists or something? Make an old man hang himself after his wife's death? Or make an ignored child into a future rapist? Make somebody join the Yakuza, to make them feel like they belong somewhere? or maybe..." my ranting is cut short by continual knocking on the front door, I'm glad I locked it.

"Nice chat and all, but I think your friend is getting impatient" he  nods towards the door "and also, I've got to get going, need to catch up on some 'work'." and with that he dissapears.





Chapter Three

Right now, I am in Tatiana's car, after trying to calm her pissed off demenor.

Which I didn't complete so succesfully, since she is still glaring at me from the corner of her eye, her cronies, Sunny and Celine, are also giving me dirty looks. This, is going to be a long ride, I think to myself, I can almost hear Orion giggling in the back of my mind. Bet he finds this hilarious.


After sixteen glare filled minutes of silence, we finally arrive at another place I wish I didn't have to be at.

The Sensual Host Club, is basically the place where rich people gather at, expesive wine, expensive services, expensive sex, everything costs you something, right?

We get out of the car, walk across the quiet street, Tatiana stops at the entrance, Sunny and Celine follow so I follow too, the door is opened by a pretty woman with bleached hair, she smiles and welcomes us inside.


First Impressions, well I'm not impressed, everything is dark, dimmed lights, the smell of testostrone and alcohol is in the air, fancy looking decor, and smirking pretty boys. How I wish I had stayed at home.

The woman leads us to an 80's styled dark leather couch, we seat ourselves, almost immidiately a man who I assume is a host, appears and snags himself a seat inbetween Tatiana and Celine, leaving me and Sunny to ourselves.



Publication Date: 06-04-2015

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