» Romance » vampire werewolf love, Mary Wade, Kimberly Olvera [reading the story of the .TXT] 📗

Book online «vampire werewolf love, Mary Wade, Kimberly Olvera [reading the story of the .TXT] 📗». Author Mary Wade, Kimberly Olvera

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     The first day of school she walks in and walks to homeroom and all of a sudden a guy walks next to her and she thinks he's cute but she has a secret she can't tell anyone the secret she has hidden.She drops her book on purpose and he picks it up for her and he hands it to her

"heres ur book my names Preston what's yours?"preston said.

"Kimberly but people call me kim"  kimberly said.

she know she has a secret but she doesn't no he has a secret to. Then they walk to there homerooms together. They both find out  that they both have all of there classes together so they knew they were going to see each other more and both of them like that idea. They decide to sit together in all of there classes and get to no each other.


       In first period they do their class work together and get to no each other more.In second period they do all their work together.She is worrieing about him finding out her secret.In exploratory they have an A day that day and they have art he draws a rose for her and she draws him.Then at lunch they sit together and walk to get there lunch and walk back to the table and they talk the whole time in till the bell rings when the bell rings Kim and Preston walk to enrichment together.They find out they both have the same enrichment so they sit together.Also in enrichment Kims best friend Mary sits with Kim and Preston and Kim introduces Preston and her best friend Mary who also has a secret the same secret as Kim.In homeroom they sat next to eachother and listened to there teacher telling them there locker numbers and they found out there lockers are in the hallway right next to eachother so they walked to their lockers together.


     Then they walked back to homeroom together then they sat down,waited for the bell to ring when the bell rang they went to 6/7th period together,they sat next to eachother,Mary sat with them and they all talked the whole time and got in trouble. Kim,Preston,and Mary got a warning since it was just the first day. Mary,Kim and Preston walk to 8th period together and they sit together and they get an assignment that they have to write a paragraph about what they think the unit is going to be about by just the name of the unit and the teachers the meanest teacher.Then they walk to homeroom together then they walk to their lockers then back to homeroom and wait for the bell to ring.Then the bell rang and Kim and Mary found out Preston is also on there bus so Kim and Mary sits together and Preston sits in the seat next to them.


Then the next day Mary is walking down the hallway and then a guy walks next to her and she thinks he's cute she drops her book on purpose and the guy picks it up and hands it to her saying here my names Quintion whats yours Mary but you can call me marie.Then Mary and Quinton walked to there homerooms together and they found out they had all there clsses together so they knew they were going to be aroud eachother more and they both liked that idea. In first period Mary and Quinton do there work together and get to no each other and Kim and Preston do there work together. Also in first period they all get assigned an assignment they have to write a powerful paragraph about bullying because its english they watch a video about bullying,they have use that for the powerful pragraph and the 2 texts in the packet and it's due 3 days from now. So that would be on friday because they got today,tomorrow,thursday,and friday it's due. The teacher say's that it's a group assignment they decide to do it together so they do some notes in class. The teachers teaching them how to make a powerful paragraph and how to make it strong.


     The whole class only has to do the body paragraph outline then the next day there going to work on the introduction paragraph.

"Can me and quinton be alone so we can talk?"mary asks kim

 "yeah but be careful"kim says and walks away with Preston.

 "How do you like the school so far?"mary asked quentin  

 "I love it the people here are nice and most of the people from my old school are here how about you"quentin said. 

 "I love it the people are nice here and everyone from my old school is here except for a couple people so do you want to be friends?" mary says

"Yeah you seem like a really nice girl" quentin says

"Yeah but i have bad in me to i'm really good sometimes but sometimes i'm really bad"mary says

"Oh i like bad girls" quentin says smiling

 "Lets get back to kim and Preston and get to class before we're late"mary says

"ya so we aren't late and get in trouble"quentin says

Mary and Quinton walked back to Kim and Preston and they all walked to class and as soon as they walked in the bell rung so good thing they got in to the class right away.second period it was science and the teacher was MS.Cuje Mary,Quinton,Kim,and Preston sat at the same table Mary and Quinton sat next to each other and Kim and Preston sat in front of each other. then the teacher had a P.O.D on the bored so they had to take everything off of their desks except for their science notebooks and a pencil and an eraser.they had to write the question down and answer it if you where doing your work you would get a quaperetive coupon from the teacher and at the end of the period someone will come around and collect them and on friday the teacher will pick a few names out of the bin and they will get to pick a prize. after the P.O.D the teacher taught them a little bit about pallegra then the next day the teacher will show them how to do a data graph.then after 2nd period Kim,Preston,Mary,and Quinton walk to exploratory they have a B day that day so they have health with MS.Valtire. in health they all sit together and the teacher tells them the rules and tells them a little about her self.then after health they walk to lunch together and sit at the same table and walk to get there lunch then they walk back and sit down and eat there lunch.


      when their finished eating they throw their lunch away and sit back down and wait for the bell to ring.when the bell rings they walk to enrichment together and sit together in enrichment.also in enrichment the teacher says they are learning about simple machines so she gives them a article and a worksheet for them to do so they do it together.we all walk to homeroom then to our lockers and Quinton finds out that him and mary have their lockers to each other. then they all walk to 6th period together and they all sit together Preston sits next to Kim and Quinton sits next to mary.Mary no's she has a secret but she doesn't no Qunton has a secret to.then they all walk to 8th period together and we have to get into partners so Preston picks Kim and Quinton picks Mary and Preston and Kim get to no each other more and Quinton and Mary do their work together and get to no each other more and more. then they all walk to homeroom together then to their lockers together.


     the third day wensday day of school they all get on the bus and yet again sit where they sat yesterday Quinton with Mary and Preston with Kim. then Kim,Mary,Quinton,and Preston walk into school and to our lockers then to homeroom together.then in first period we have to get a groups and after we get our groups we have to sit some where in the room and wait for instructions Mary and Kim Quintion and Preston. then Kim and Mary hear Quinton and Preston talking about them saying their pretty. then Mary and Kim love to sing and while waiting for instructions  they start singing say something(i'm giving up on you)but not loud enough for every one to her but loud enough for the teacher to hear and for Quinton and Preston to hear.then the boys hear them and say wow your amazing you should be in a concert then the teacher says "very good girls". the teacher gives instructions she says to work on your introduction paragraph for the bully paragraph with your group.Kim and Mary are worrieing about their secret so their sending mind messages to eachother and since Quinton and Preston are in the same pack their worrieing and sending mind messages to each other.


     then they all get to work on the introduction paragraph for the bully paragraph so they can finish the paragraph and finish typeing it by friday.they walk together to exploratory they have an A day that day and they have art Quinton draws a rose bush for Mary and Preston draws the same thing for Kim.then they walk to lunch together and do the samething as yesterday but when Kim and mary were done eating they did a performance they sing say something,stay with me,and sky scraper when they stopped singing everyone in the cafeteria clapped and screamed.then Mary,Quinton,Kim,and Preston are walking to enrichment then this guy named Adam Kim promised her self she wold never talk to again slapped her then she asked mary to hold her stuff and Mary says "yeah sure" then Kim starts chasing Adam then they both get into trouble so Mary,Quntion walk to enrichment together cause Preston was using the bathroom.when Mary and Quinton walk into enrichment Mary brings Kims stuff to the table that they were going to sit at next to Preston and sits her stuff next to Quinton and Preston asks her wheres Kim and Mary says "some guy slapped her and she chased him down the hallway and they both got in trouble" and Preston gets worried.then Mary walks over to the teacher MS.Cuje and tells her that Kim is going to be a little late and the teacher says "OK".


      then a couple minutes later Kim walks in and sits next to Preston and Preston asks looks at her face and see's a little red and ask's her if it hurt.Kim says "yeah but its nothing" then the teacher says to get with your groups and wait for instructions.Kim,Preston,Mary,and Quinton get together and sit somewhere in the room.then the teacher gives instructions to finish the graphic organizer on what they no about engineers.the teacher hands back the graphic organizer and when the teacher walks away Preston keeps asking Kim about the slap and if he can do anything when they where working on the graphic organizer.they all walk to homeroom together after enrichment and to their lockers then back to homeroom.Preston thinks about Kim and how she must feels about her getting slapped and everything and kim is doing the same thing but she's thinking about her and Preston and the secret her and Mary will never tell.


        then Mary sends a mind message

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